feat: use Saloon for iTunes integration

This commit is contained in:
Phan An 2024-03-22 16:22:29 +01:00
parent b0701dae1d
commit a501613052
10 changed files with 76 additions and 357 deletions

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class ViewSongOnITunesController extends Controller
$url = $iTunesService->getTrackUrl($request->q, $album->name, $album->artist->name);
$url = $iTunesService->getTrackUrl($request->q, $album);
abort_unless((bool) $url, Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Koel can't find such a song on iTunes Store.");
return redirect($url);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace App\Http\Integrations\iTunes;
use Saloon\Http\Connector;
use Saloon\Traits\Plugins\AcceptsJson;
class ITunesConnector extends Connector
use AcceptsJson;
public function resolveBaseUrl(): string
return config('koel.itunes.endpoint');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace App\Http\Integrations\iTunes\Requests;
use App\Models\Album;
use App\Models\Artist;
use Saloon\Enums\Method;
use Saloon\Http\Request;
class GetTrackRequest extends Request
protected Method $method = Method::GET;
public function __construct(private string $trackName, private Album $album)
/** @return array<mixed> */
protected function defaultQuery(): array
$term = $this->trackName;
if ($this->album->name !== Album::UNKNOWN_NAME) {
$term .= ' ' . $this->album->name;
if (
$this->album->artist->name !== Artist::UNKNOWN_NAME
&& $this->album->artist->name !== Artist::VARIOUS_NAME
) {
$term .= ' ' . $this->album->artist->name;
return [
'term' => $term,
'media' => 'music',
'entity' => 'song',
'limit' => 1,
public function resolveEndpoint(): string
return '/';

View file

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Services\ApiClients;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise;
class LastfmClient extends ApiClient
protected string $keyParam = 'api_key';
public function post($uri, array $data = [], bool $appendKey = true): mixed
return parent::post($uri, $this->buildAuthCallParams($data), $appendKey);
public function postAsync($uri, array $data = [], bool $appendKey = true): Promise
return parent::postAsync($uri, $this->buildAuthCallParams($data), $appendKey);
* Get Last.fm's session key for the authenticated user using a token.
* @param string $token The token after successfully connecting to Last.fm
* @see http://www.last.fm/api/webauth#4
public function getSessionKey(string $token): ?string
$query = $this->buildAuthCallParams([
'method' => 'auth.getSession',
'token' => $token,
], true);
return attempt(fn () => $this->get("/?$query&format=json", [], false)->session->key);
* Build the parameters to use for _authenticated_ Last.fm API calls.
* Such calls require:
* - The API key (api_key)
* - The API signature (api_sig).
* @see http://www.last.fm/api/webauth#5
* @param array $params The array of parameters
* @param bool $toString Whether to turn the array into a query string
* @return array<mixed>|string
private function buildAuthCallParams(array $params, bool $toString = false): array|string
$params['api_key'] = $this->getKey();
// Generate the API signature.
// @link http://www.last.fm/api/webauth#6
$str = '';
foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
$str .= $name . $value;
$str .= $this->getSecret();
$params['api_sig'] = md5($str);
if (!$toString) {
return $params;
$query = '';
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
$query .= "$key=$value&";
return rtrim($query, '&');
public function getKey(): ?string
return config('koel.lastfm.key');
public function getEndpoint(): ?string
return config('koel.lastfm.endpoint');
public function getSecret(): ?string
return config('koel.lastfm.secret');

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Services\ApiClients;
class LemonSqueezyApiClient extends ApiClient
protected array $headers = [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
public function post($uri, array $data = [], bool $appendKey = true, array $headers = []): mixed
// LemonSquzzey requires the Content-Type header to be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// @see https://docs.lemonsqueezy.com/help/licensing/license-api#requests
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
return parent::post($uri, $data, $appendKey, $headers);
public function getKey(): ?string
return null;
public function getSecret(): ?string
return null;
public function getEndpoint(): ?string
return 'https://api.lemonsqueezy.com/v1/';

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Services\ApiClients;
class YouTubeClient extends ApiClient
public function getKey(): ?string
return config('koel.youtube.key');
public function getSecret(): ?string
return null;
public function getEndpoint(): ?string
return config('koel.youtube.endpoint');

View file

@ -2,45 +2,33 @@
namespace App\Services;
use App\Services\ApiClients\ITunesClient;
use App\Http\Integrations\iTunes\ITunesConnector;
use App\Http\Integrations\iTunes\Requests\GetTrackRequest;
use App\Models\Album;
use Illuminate\Cache\Repository as Cache;
class ITunesService
public function __construct(private ITunesClient $client, private Cache $cache)
public function __construct(private ITunesConnector $connector, private Cache $cache)
* Determines whether to use iTunes services.
public static function used(): bool
return (bool) config('koel.itunes.enabled');
* Search for a track on iTunes Store with the given information and get its URL.
* @param string $term The main query string (should be the track's name)
* @param string $album The album's name, if available
* @param string $artist The artist's name, if available
public function getTrackUrl(string $term, string $album = '', string $artist = ''): ?string
public function getTrackUrl(string $trackName, Album $album): ?string
return attempt(function () use ($term, $album, $artist): ?string {
return $this->cache->remember(
24 * 60 * 7,
function () use ($term, $album, $artist): ?string {
$params = [
'term' => $term . ($album ? " $album" : '') . ($artist ? " $artist" : ''),
'media' => 'music',
'entity' => 'song',
'limit' => 1,
return attempt(function () use ($trackName, $album): ?string {
$request = new GetTrackRequest($trackName, $album);
$hash = md5(serialize($request->query()));
$response = $this->client->get('/', ['query' => $params]);
return $this->cache->remember(
function () use ($request): ?string {
$response = $this->connector->send($request)->object();
if (!$response->resultCount) {
return null;

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
namespace Tests\Unit\Services\ApiClients;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware;
use Mockery;
use Mockery\LegacyMockInterface;
use Mockery\MockInterface;
use Tests\TestCase;
use Tests\Unit\Stubs\ConcreteApiClient;
class ApiClientTest extends TestCase
use WithoutMiddleware;
private Client|LegacyMockInterface|MockInterface $wrapped;
public function setUp(): void
$this->wrapped = Mockery::mock(Client::class);
public function testBuildUri(): void
$api = new ConcreteApiClient($this->wrapped);
self::assertSame('https://foo.com/get/param?key=bar', $api->buildUrl('get/param'));
self::assertSame('https://foo.com/get/param?baz=moo&key=bar', $api->buildUrl('/get/param?baz=moo'));
self::assertSame('https://baz.com/?key=bar', $api->buildUrl('https://baz.com/'));
/** @return array<mixed> */
public function provideRequestData(): array
return [
['get', '{"foo":"bar"}'],
['post', '{"foo":"bar"}'],
['put', '{"foo":"bar"}'],
['delete', '{"foo":"bar"}'],
/** @dataProvider provideRequestData */
public function testRequest(string $method, string $responseBody): void
/** @var Client $client */
$client = Mockery::mock(Client::class, [
$method => new Response(200, [], $responseBody),
$api = new ConcreteApiClient($client);
self::assertSame((array) json_decode($responseBody), (array) $api->$method('/'));

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
namespace Tests\Unit\Services\ApiClients;
use App\Services\ApiClients\LastfmClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleHttpClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Tests\TestCase;
use function Tests\test_path;
class LastfmClientTest extends TestCase
public function testGetSessionKey(): void
$mock = new MockHandler([new Response(200, [], File::get(test_path('blobs/lastfm/session-key.json')))]);
$client = new LastfmClient(new GuzzleHttpClient(['handler' => HandlerStack::create($mock)]));
self::assertSame('foo', $client->getSessionKey('bar'));

View file

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
namespace Tests\Unit\Services\ApiClients;
use App\Exceptions\SpotifyIntegrationDisabledException;
use App\Services\ApiClients\SpotifyClient;
use Illuminate\Cache\Repository as Cache;
use Mockery;
use Mockery\LegacyMockInterface;
use Mockery\MockInterface;
use SpotifyWebAPI\Session as SpotifySession;
use SpotifyWebAPI\SpotifyWebAPI;
use Tests\TestCase;
class SpotifyClientTest extends TestCase
private SpotifySession|LegacyMockInterface|MockInterface $session;
private SpotifyWebAPI|LegacyMockInterface|MockInterface $wrapped;
private Cache|LegacyMockInterface|MockInterface $cache;
private SpotifyClient $client;
public function setUp(): void
'koel.spotify.client_id' => 'fake-client-id',
'koel.spotify.client_secret' => 'fake-client-secret',
$this->session = Mockery::mock(SpotifySession::class);
$this->wrapped = Mockery::mock(SpotifyWebAPI::class);
$this->cache = Mockery::mock(Cache::class);
public function testAccessTokenIsSetUponInitialization(): void
$this->client = new SpotifyClient($this->wrapped, $this->session, $this->cache);
public function testAccessTokenIsRetrievedFromCacheWhenApplicable(): void
$this->wrapped->shouldReceive('setOptions')->with(['return_assoc' => true]);
$this->client = new SpotifyClient($this->wrapped, $this->session, $this->cache);
public function testCallForwarding(): void
$this->wrapped->shouldReceive('search')->with('foo', 'track')->andReturn('bar');
$this->client = new SpotifyClient($this->wrapped, $this->session, $this->cache);
self::assertSame('bar', $this->client->search('foo', 'track'));
public function testCallForwardingThrowsIfIntegrationIsDisabled(): void
'koel.spotify.client_id' => null,
'koel.spotify.client_secret' => null,
(new SpotifyClient($this->wrapped, $this->session, $this->cache))->search('foo', 'track');
private function mockSetAccessToken(): void
$this->wrapped->shouldReceive('setOptions')->with(['return_assoc' => true]);
$this->cache->shouldReceive('put')->with('spotify.access_token', 'fake-access-token', 3_540);
protected function tearDown(): void
'koel.spotify.client_id' => null,
'koel.spotify.client_secret' => null,