2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
2017-12-09 22:39:34 +00:00
namespace Tests\Integration\Models;
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
use App\Models\Album;
use App\Models\Artist;
2017-12-09 22:39:34 +00:00
use Lastfm;
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream;
use Tests\TestCase;
class AlbumTest extends TestCase
/** @test */
2017-12-09 22:39:34 +00:00
public function extra_info_can_be_retrieved_for_an_album()
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
2017-12-09 22:39:34 +00:00
// Given there's an album
/** @var Album $album */
$album = factory(Album::class)->create();
// When I get the extra info for the album
->with($album->name, $album->artist->name)
->andReturn(['foo' => 'bar']);
$info = $album->getInfo();
// Then I receive the extra info
$this->assertEquals(['foo' => 'bar'], $info);
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
/** @test */
public function exist_album_can_be_retrieved_using_artist_and_name()
2017-12-03 22:31:53 +00:00
// Given there's an existing album from an artist
2017-06-10 15:09:56 +00:00
/** @var Artist $artist */
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
$artist = factory(Artist::class)->create();
2017-06-10 15:09:56 +00:00
/** @var Album $album */
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
$album = factory(Album::class)->create([
'artist_id' => $artist->id,
// When I try to get the album by artist and name
$gottenAlbum = Album::get($artist, $album->name);
// Then I get the album
$this->assertSame($album->id, $gottenAlbum->id);
/** @test */
public function new_album_can_be_created_using_artist_and_name()
// Given an artist and an album name
$artist = factory(Artist::class)->create();
$name = 'Foo';
// And an album with such details doesn't exist yet
$this->assertNull(Album::whereArtistIdAndName($artist->id, $name)->first());
// When I try to get the album by such artist and name
$album = Album::get($artist, $name);
// Then I get the new album
/** @test */
public function new_album_without_a_name_is_created_as_unknown_album()
// Given an album without a name
$name = '';
// When we create such an album
$album = Album::get(factory(Artist::class)->create(), $name);
// Then the album's name is "Unknown Album"
$this->assertEquals('Unknown Album', $album->name);
/** @test */
public function new_album_is_created_with_artist_as_various_if_is_compilation_flag_is_true()
// Given we create a new album with $isCompilation flag set to TRUE
$isCompilation = true;
// When the album is created
$album = Album::get(factory(Artist::class)->create(), 'Foo', $isCompilation);
// Then its artist is Various Artist
/** @test */
public function it_can_write_a_cover_file_and_update_itself_with_the_cover_file()
// Given there's an album and a cover file content
2017-06-10 15:09:56 +00:00
/** @var Album $album */
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
$album = factory(Album::class)->create();
$coverContent = 'dummy';
$root = vfsStream::setup('home');
$coverPath = vfsStream::url('home/foo.jpg');
// When I call the method to write the cover file
$album->writeCoverFile($coverContent, 'jpg', $coverPath);
// Then I see the cover file is generated
// And the album's cover attribute is updated
$this->assertEquals('http://localhost/public/img/covers/foo.jpg', Album::find($album->id)->cover);
/** @test */
public function it_can_copy_a_cover_file_and_update_itself_with_the_cover_file()
// Given there's an album and an original image file
2017-06-10 15:09:56 +00:00
/** @var Album $album */
2017-06-10 00:40:44 +00:00
$album = factory(Album::class)->create();
$root = vfsStream::setup('home');
$imageFile = vfsStream::newFile('foo.jpg')->at($root)->setContent('foo');
$coverPath = vfsStream::url('home/bar.jpg');
// When I call the method to copy the image file as the cover file
$album->copyCoverFile($imageFile->url(), $coverPath);
// Then I see the cover file is copied
// And the album's cover attribute is updated
$this->assertEquals('http://localhost/public/img/covers/bar.jpg', Album::find($album->id)->cover);