2024-05-19 05:49:42 +00:00
< ? php
namespace App\Services ;
use App\Exceptions\FailedToParsePodcastFeedException ;
use App\Exceptions\UserAlreadySubscribedToPodcast ;
2024-05-31 05:40:34 +00:00
use App\Models\Podcast ;
use App\Models\PodcastUserPivot ;
2024-05-19 05:49:42 +00:00
use App\Models\Song as Episode ;
use App\Models\User ;
use App\Repositories\PodcastRepository ;
use App\Repositories\SongRepository ;
use Carbon\Carbon ;
use GuzzleHttp\Client ;
use GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware ;
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use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions ;
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use Illuminate\Support\Arr ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http ;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log ;
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use Illuminate\Support\Str ;
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use PhanAn\Poddle\Poddle ;
use PhanAn\Poddle\Values\Episode as EpisodeValue ;
use PhanAn\Poddle\Values\EpisodeCollection ;
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use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface ;
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use Throwable ;
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use Webmozart\Assert\Assert ;
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class PodcastService
public function __construct (
private readonly PodcastRepository $podcastRepository ,
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private readonly SongRepository $songRepository ,
private ? ClientInterface $client = null ,
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) {
public function addPodcast ( string $url , User $user ) : Podcast
// Since downloading and parsing a feed can be time-consuming, try setting the execution time to 5 minutes
@ ini_set ( 'max_execution_time' , 300 );
$podcast = $this -> podcastRepository -> findOneByUrl ( $url );
if ( $podcast ) {
if ( $this -> isPodcastObsolete ( $podcast )) {
$this -> refreshPodcast ( $podcast );
$this -> subscribeUserToPodcast ( $user , $podcast );
return $podcast ;
try {
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$parser = $this -> createParser ( $url );
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$channel = $parser -> getChannel ();
return DB :: transaction ( function () use ( $url , $podcast , $parser , $channel , $user ) {
2024-07-07 13:29:37 +00:00
/** @var Podcast $podcast */
2024-05-19 05:49:42 +00:00
$podcast = Podcast :: query () -> create ([
'url' => $url ,
'title' => $channel -> title ,
'description' => $channel -> description ,
'author' => $channel -> metadata -> author ,
'link' => $channel -> link ,
'language' => $channel -> language ,
'explicit' => $channel -> explicit ,
'image' => $channel -> image ,
'categories' => $channel -> categories ,
'metadata' => $channel -> metadata ,
'added_by' => $user -> id ,
'last_synced_at' => now (),
$this -> synchronizeEpisodes ( $podcast , $parser -> getEpisodes ( true ));
$this -> subscribeUserToPodcast ( $user , $podcast );
return $podcast ;
} catch ( UserAlreadySubscribedToPodcast $exception ) {
throw $exception ;
} catch ( Throwable $exception ) {
Log :: error ( $exception );
throw FailedToParsePodcastFeedException :: create ( $url , $exception );
public function refreshPodcast ( Podcast $podcast ) : Podcast
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$parser = $this -> createParser ( $podcast -> url );
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$channel = $parser -> getChannel ();
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$pubDate = $parser -> xmlReader -> value ( 'rss.channel.pubDate' ) -> first ()
? ? $parser -> xmlReader -> value ( 'rss.channel.lastBuildDate' ) -> first ();
if ( $pubDate && Carbon :: createFromFormat ( Carbon :: RFC1123 , $pubDate ) -> isBefore ( $podcast -> last_synced_at )) {
// The pubDate/lastBuildDate value indicates that there's no new content since last check.
// We'll simply return the podcast.
return $podcast ;
$this -> synchronizeEpisodes ( $podcast , $parser -> getEpisodes ( true ));
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$podcast -> update ([
'title' => $channel -> title ,
'description' => $channel -> description ,
'author' => $channel -> metadata -> author ,
'link' => $channel -> link ,
'language' => $channel -> language ,
'explicit' => $channel -> explicit ,
'image' => $channel -> image ,
'categories' => $channel -> categories ,
'metadata' => $channel -> metadata ,
'last_synced_at' => now (),
return $podcast -> refresh ();
private function synchronizeEpisodes ( Podcast $podcast , EpisodeCollection $episodeCollection ) : void
$existingEpisodeGuids = $this -> songRepository -> getEpisodeGuidsByPodcast ( $podcast );
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$records = [];
$ids = [];
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/** @var EpisodeValue $episodeValue */
foreach ( $episodeCollection as $episodeValue ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $episodeValue -> guid -> value , $existingEpisodeGuids , true )) {
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$id = Str :: uuid () -> toString ();
$ids [] = $id ;
$records [] = [
'id' => $id ,
'podcast_id' => $podcast -> id ,
'title' => $episodeValue -> title ,
'lyrics' => '' ,
'path' => $episodeValue -> enclosure -> url ,
'created_at' => $episodeValue -> metadata -> pubDate ? : now (),
'updated_at' => $episodeValue -> metadata -> pubDate ? : now (),
'episode_metadata' => $episodeValue -> metadata -> toJson (),
'episode_guid' => $episodeValue -> guid ,
'length' => $episodeValue -> metadata -> duration ? ? 0 ,
'mtime' => time (),
'is_public' => true ,
2024-05-19 05:49:42 +00:00
2024-06-07 12:11:45 +00:00
// We use insert() instead of $podcast->episodes()->createMany() for better performance,
// as the latter would trigger a separate query for each episode.
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Episode :: query () -> insert ( $records );
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// Since insert() doesn't trigger model events, Scout operations will not be called.
// We have to manually update the search index.
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Episode :: query () -> whereIn ( 'id' , $ids ) -> searchable (); // @phpstan-ignore-line
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private function subscribeUserToPodcast ( User $user , Podcast $podcast ) : void
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$user -> subscribeToPodcast ( $podcast );
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// Refreshing so that $podcast->subscribers are updated
$podcast -> refresh ();
public function updateEpisodeProgress ( User $user , Episode $episode , int $position ) : void
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Assert :: true ( $user -> subscribedToPodcast ( $episode -> podcast ));
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/** @var PodcastUserPivot $subscription */
$subscription = $episode -> podcast -> subscribers -> sole ( 'id' , $user -> id ) -> pivot ;
$state = $subscription -> state -> toArray ();
$state [ 'current_episode' ] = $episode -> id ;
$state [ 'progresses' ][ $episode -> id ] = $position ;
$subscription -> update ([ 'state' => $state ]);
public function unsubscribeUserFromPodcast ( User $user , Podcast $podcast ) : void
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$user -> unsubscribeFromPodcast ( $podcast );
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public function isPodcastObsolete ( Podcast $podcast ) : bool
if ( $podcast -> last_synced_at -> diffInHours ( now ()) < 12 ) {
// If we have recently synchronized the podcast, consider it "fresh"
return false ;
try {
2024-10-05 11:59:10 +00:00
$lastModified = Http :: head ( $podcast -> url ) -> header ( 'Last-Modified' );
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return $lastModified
&& Carbon :: createFromFormat ( Carbon :: RFC1123 , $lastModified ) -> isAfter ( $podcast -> last_synced_at );
} catch ( Throwable ) {
return true ;
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* Get a directly streamable ( CORS - friendly ) URL by following redirects if necessary .
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public function getStreamableUrl ( string | Episode $url , ? Client $client = null , string $method = 'OPTIONS' ) : ? string
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$url = $url instanceof Episode ? $url -> path : $url ;
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$client ? ? = new Client ();
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try {
$response = $client -> request ( $method , $url , [
2024-07-07 13:29:37 +00:00
RequestOptions :: HEADERS => [
2024-05-19 05:49:42 +00:00
'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14_5) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Safari/605.1.15' , // @phpcs-ignore-line
'Origin' => '*' ,
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RequestOptions :: HTTP_ERRORS => false ,
RequestOptions :: ALLOW_REDIRECTS => [ 'track_redirects' => true ],
2024-05-19 05:49:42 +00:00
$redirects = Arr :: wrap ( $response -> getHeader ( RedirectMiddleware :: HISTORY_HEADER ));
// Sometimes the podcast server disallows OPTIONS requests. We'll try again with a HEAD request.
if ( $response -> getStatusCode () >= 400 && $response -> getStatusCode () < 500 && $method !== 'HEAD' ) {
return $this -> getStreamableUrl ( $url , $client , 'HEAD' );
if ( in_array ( '*' , Arr :: wrap ( $response -> getHeader ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' )), true )) {
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// If there were redirects, the last one is the final URL.
return $redirects ? Arr :: last ( $redirects ) : $url ;
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return null ;
} catch ( Throwable ) {
return null ;
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private function createParser ( string $url ) : Poddle
return Poddle :: fromUrl ( $url , 5 * 60 , $this -> client );
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