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synced 2025-03-01 13:57:27 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <tsmith@chef.io> Signed-off-by: Clinton Wolfe <clintoncwolfe@gmail.com>
493 lines
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493 lines
22 KiB
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest/test'
# Other unit tests include the webmock framework, which is process-wide.
# We need to disable it, or else mock many, many rubygems API calls.
require 'webmock/minitest'
require 'fileutils'
require 'json'
require_relative '../../../../lib/inspec/plugin/v2'
require_relative '../../../../lib/inspec/plugin/v2/installer'
require 'byebug'
module InstallerTestHelpers
def reset_globals
ENV['HOME'] = @orig_home
def copy_in_config_dir(fixture_name)
src = Dir.glob(File.join(@config_dir_path, fixture_name, '*'))
dest = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
src.each { |path| FileUtils.cp_r(path, dest) }
def setup
@orig_home = Dir.home
repo_path = File.expand_path(File.join( __FILE__, '..', '..', '..', '..', '..'))
mock_path = File.join(repo_path, 'test', 'unit', 'mock')
@config_dir_path = File.join(mock_path, 'config_dirs')
@plugin_fixture_src_path = File.join(mock_path, 'plugins', 'inspec-test-fixture')
@plugin_fixture_pkg_path = File.join(@plugin_fixture_src_path, 'pkg')
# This is unstable under CI; see https://github.com/inspec/inspec/issues/3355
# @ruby_abi_version = (RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0,2] << '0').join('.')
@ruby_abi_version = (Gem.ruby_version.segments[0, 2] << 0).join('.')
@installer = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Installer.instance
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: %r{(api\.)?rubygems\.org/.*})
def teardown
# We use the 'empty' config dir for exercising a lot of installs.
# Purge it after every test.
Dir.glob(File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty', '*')).each do |path|
next if path.end_with? '.gitkeep'
# Clean up any activated gems
# basics
class PluginInstallerBasicTests < MiniTest::Test
include InstallerTestHelpers
# it's a singleton
def test_it_should_be_a_singleton
klass = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Installer
assert_equal klass.instance, klass.instance, "Calling instance on the Installer should always return the same object"
assert_kind_of Inspec::Plugin::V2::Installer, klass.instance, 'Calling instance on the INstaller should return the right class'
assert_raises(NoMethodError, 'Installer should have a private constructor') { klass.new }
# it should know its gem path
def test_it_should_know_its_gem_path_with_a_default_location
ENV['HOME'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'fakehome')
expected = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.inspec', 'gems', @ruby_abi_version)
assert_equal expected, @installer.gem_path
def test_it_should_know_its_gem_path_with_a_custom_config_dir_from_env
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
expected = File.join(ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'], 'gems', @ruby_abi_version)
assert_equal expected, @installer.gem_path
# Installing
class PluginInstallerInstallationTests < MiniTest::Test
include InstallerTestHelpers
# While this is a negative test case on the prefix checking, there are
# several positive test cases following.
def test_refuse_to_install_gems_with_wrong_name_prefix
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# Here, ordinal_array is the name of a simple, small gem available on rubygems.org
# There is no significance in choosing that gem over any other.
# Main point here is that its name does not begin with 'inspec-'.
assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) { @installer.install('ordinal_array')}
def test_install_a_gem_from_local_file
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
gem_file = File.join(@plugin_fixture_pkg_path, 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gem')
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', gem_file: gem_file)
# Because no exception was thrown, this is a positive test case for prefix-checking.
# Installing a gem places it under the config dir gem area
# Two things should happen: a copy of the gemspec should be left there...
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After installation from a gem file, the gemspec should be installed to the gem path'
# ... and the actual library code should be decompressed into a directory tree.
installed_gem_base = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'gems', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0')
assert Dir.exist?(installed_gem_base), 'After installation from a gem file, the gem tree should be installed to the gem path'
# Installation = gem activation
spec = Gem.loaded_specs['inspec-test-fixture']
assert spec.activated?, 'Installing a gem should cause the gem to activate'
def test_install_a_gem_from_missing_local_file
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
gem_file = File.join(@plugin_fixture_pkg_path, 'inspec-test-fixture-nonesuch-0.0.0.gem')
refute File.exist?(gem_file), "The nonexistant gem should not exist prior to install attempt"
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) { @installer.install('inspec-test-fixture-nonesuch', gem_file: gem_file)}
assert_includes ex.message, 'Could not find local gem file'
def test_install_a_gem_from_local_file_creates_plugin_json
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
gem_file = File.join(@plugin_fixture_pkg_path, 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gem')
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', gem_file: gem_file)
# Should now be present in plugin.json
plugin_json_path = File.join(ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'], 'plugins.json')
assert File.exist?(plugin_json_path), 'plugins.json should now exist'
config_file = Inspec::Plugin::V2::ConfigFile.new(plugin_json_path)
assert_equal 1, config_file.count, 'plugins.json should have one entry'
assert config_file.existing_entry?(:'inspec-test-fixture')
def test_install_a_gem_from_rubygems_org
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# Because no exception was thrown, this is a positive test case for prefix-checking.
# Installing a gem places it under the config dir gem area
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After installation from rubygems.org, the gemspec should be installed to the gem path'
installed_gem_base = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'gems', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0')
assert Dir.exist?(installed_gem_base), 'After installation from rubygems.org, the gem tree should be installed to the gem path'
# installing a gem with dependencies should result in the deps being installed under the config dir
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'ordinal_array-0.2.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After installation from a gem file, the gemspec should be installed to the gem path'
installed_gem_base = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'gems', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0')
assert Dir.exist?(installed_gem_base), 'After installation from a gem file, the gem tree should be installed to the gem path'
# Installation != gem activation
spec = Gem.loaded_specs['inspec-test-fixture']
assert spec.activated?, 'Installing a gem should cause the gem to activate'
def test_handle_no_such_gem
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) { @installer.install('inspec-test-fixture-nonesuch') }
# Should be able to install a plugin while pinning the version
def test_install_a_pinned_gem_from_rubygems_org
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', version: '= 0.1.0')
# Installing a gem places it under the config dir gem area
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After pinned installation from rubygems.org, the gemspec should be installed to the gem path'
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0.gemspec')
refute File.exist?(spec_path), 'After pinned installation from rubygems.org, the wrong gemspec version should be absent'
config_file = Inspec::Plugin::V2::ConfigFile.new
entry = config_file.plugin_by_name(:'inspec-test-fixture')
assert_includes entry.keys, :version, 'plugins.json should include version pinning key'
assert_equal '= 0.1.0', entry[:version], 'plugins.json should include version pinning value'
def test_install_a_gem_with_conflicting_depends_from_rubygems_org
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) do
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', version: '= 0.1.1')
assert_includes ex.message, "can't activate rake-0.4.8, already activated rake-"
def test_install_a_gem_with_invalid_depends_from_rubygems_org
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) do
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', version: '= 0.1.2')
assert_includes ex.message, "Could not find 'fake_plugin_dependency' (>= 0)"
def test_install_a_plugin_from_a_path
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', path: @plugin_fixture_src_path)
# No gemspec should exist in the plugins area
specs = Dir.glob(File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', '*.gemspec'))
assert_empty specs, 'After install-from-path, no gemspecs should be installed'
config_file = Inspec::Plugin::V2::ConfigFile.new
entry = config_file.plugin_by_name(:'inspec-test-fixture')
assert_includes entry.keys, :installation_type, 'plugins.json should include installation_type key'
assert_equal :path, entry[:installation_type], 'plugins.json should include path installation_type'
assert_includes entry.keys, :installation_path, 'plugins.json should include installation_path key'
assert_equal @plugin_fixture_src_path, entry[:installation_path], 'plugins.json should include correct value for installation path'
def test_refuse_to_install_gem_whose_name_is_on_the_reject_list
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# Here, 'inspec-core', 'inspec-multi-server', and 'train-tax-collector'
# are the names of real rubygems. They are not InSpec/Train plugins, though,
# and installing them would be a jam-up.
# This is configured in 'etc/plugin-filter.json'.
].each do |plugin_name|
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) { @installer.install(plugin_name)}
assert_includes(ex.message, 'on the Plugin Exclusion List')
assert_includes(ex.message, 'Rationale:')
# Updating
class PluginInstallerUpdaterTests < MiniTest::Test
include InstallerTestHelpers
def test_update_using_path_not_allowed
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::UpdateError) do
@installer.update('inspec-test-fixture', path: @plugin_fixture_src_path)
def test_update_existing_plugin_at_same_version_not_allowed
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::UpdateError) do
@installer.update('inspec-test-fixture', version: '0.1.0')
def test_install_plugin_at_existing_version_not_allowed
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) do
@installer.install('inspec-test-fixture', version: '0.1.0')
def test_install_existing_plugin_not_allowed
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::InstallError) do
assert_includes ex.message, "Use 'inspec plugin update'"
def test_update_to_latest_version
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# Verify presence of gemspecs
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After update, the 0.2.0 gemspec should be installed to the gem path'
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After update, the 0.1.0 gemspec should remain'
# Plugins file entry should not be version pinned
plugin_json_path = File.join(ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'], 'plugins.json')
plugin_json_data = JSON.parse(File.read(plugin_json_path))
entry = plugin_json_data['plugins'].detect { |e| e["name"] == 'inspec-test-fixture'}
refute_includes entry.keys, 'version', 'plugins.json should NOT include version pinning key'
def test_update_to_specified_later_version
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# Update to specific (but later) version
@installer.update('inspec-test-fixture', version: '0.2.0')
# Verify presence of gemspecs
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After update, the 0.2.0 gemspec should be installed to the gem path'
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gemspec')
assert File.exist?(spec_path), 'After update, the 0.1.0 gemspec should remain'
# Plugins file entry should be version pinned
config_file = Inspec::Plugin::V2::ConfigFile.new
entry = config_file.plugin_by_name(:'inspec-test-fixture')
assert_includes entry.keys, :version, 'plugins.json should include version pinning key'
assert_equal '= 0.2.0', entry[:version], 'plugins.json should include version pinning value'
# TODO: Prevent updating a gem if it will lead to unsolveable dependencies
# TODO: allow updating a gem that will lead to unsolveable dependencies if :force is provided
# TODO: Prevent downgrading a gem if it will lead to unsolveable dependencies
# TODO: allow downgrading a gem that will lead to unsolveable dependencies if :force is provided
# TODO: update all
# TODO: downgrade a plugin
# TODO: Trying to do a gemfile install with an update is an error if the file version matches the installed version
# Uninstalling
class PluginInstallerUninstallTests < MiniTest::Test
include InstallerTestHelpers
def test_uninstalling_a_nonexistant_plugin_is_an_error
# Try a mythical one
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::UnInstallError) do
assert_includes ex.message, "'inspec-test-fixture-nonesuch' is not installed, refusing to uninstall."
# Try a real plugin that is not installed
ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Plugin::V2::UnInstallError) do
assert_includes ex.message, "'inspec-test-fixture' is not installed, refusing to uninstall."
def test_uninstalling_a_path_based_plugin_works
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# Plugins file entry should be removed
plugin_json_path = File.join(ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'], 'plugins.json')
plugin_json_data = JSON.parse(File.read(plugin_json_path))
entries = plugin_json_data['plugins'].select { |e| e["name"] == 'inspec-meaning-of-life'}
assert_empty entries, "After path-based uninstall, plugin name should be removed from plugins.json"
def test_uninstall_a_gem_plugin
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# UnInstalling a gem physically removes the gemspec and the gem library code
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0.gemspec')
refute File.exist?(spec_path), 'After uninstallation of a gem plugin, the gemspec should be removed.'
installed_gem_base = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'gems', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.1.0')
refute Dir.exist?(installed_gem_base), 'After uninstallation of a gem plugin, the gem tree should be removed.'
# Rubygems' idea of what we have installed should be changed.
# It should no longer be able to satisfy a request for the formerly installed gem.
universe_set = @installer.send(:build_gem_request_universe) # private method
request_set = Gem::RequestSet.new(Gem::Dependency.new('inspec-test-fixture'))
assert_raises(Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError) { request_set.resolve(universe_set) }
# Plugins file entry should be removed
config_file = Inspec::Plugin::V2::ConfigFile.new
refute config_file.existing_entry?(:'inspec-test-fixture'), "After gem-based uninstall, plugin name should be removed from plugins.json"
def test_uninstall_a_gem_plugin_removes_deps
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
# UnInstalling a gem removes the gemspec and the gem library code
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0.gemspec')
refute File.exist?(spec_path), 'After uninstallation of a gem plugin with deps, the gemspec should be removed.'
installed_gem_base = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'gems', 'inspec-test-fixture-0.2.0')
refute Dir.exist?(installed_gem_base), 'After uninstallation of a gem plugin with deps, the gem tree should be removed.'
# UnInstalling a gem with dependencies should result in the deps being removed
spec_path = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'specifications', 'ordinal_array-0.2.0.gemspec')
refute File.exist?(spec_path), 'After uninstallation of a gem plugin with deps, the dep gemspec should be removed.'
installed_gem_base = File.join(@installer.gem_path, 'gems', 'ordinal_array-0.2.0')
refute Dir.exist?(installed_gem_base), 'After installation a gem plugin with deps, the gem tree should be removed.'
# Rubygems' idea of what we have installed should be changed.
# It should no longer be able to satisfy a request for the formerly installed *dependency*
universe_set = @installer.send(:build_gem_request_universe) # private method
request_set = Gem::RequestSet.new(Gem::Dependency.new('ordinal_array'))
assert_raises(Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError) { request_set.resolve(universe_set) }
# TODO: Able to uninstall a specific version of a gem plugin
# TODO: Prevent removing a gem if it will lead to unsolveable dependencies
# TODO: Allow removing a gem that will lead to unsolveable dependencies if :force is provided
# Searching
class PluginInstallerSearchTests < MiniTest::Test
include InstallerTestHelpers
def test_search_for_plugin_by_exact_name
results = @installer.search('inspec-test-fixture', exact: true)
assert_kind_of Hash, results, 'Results from searching should be a Hash'
assert results.key?('inspec-test-fixture'), 'Search results should have a key for the sought plugin'
assert_equal 1, results.count, 'There should be exactly one search result'
version_list = results['inspec-test-fixture']
assert_includes version_list, '0.1.0', 'Version list should contain 0.1.0'
assert_includes version_list, '0.2.0', 'Version list should contain 0.2.0'
def test_search_for_plugin_that_does_not_exist
results = @installer.search('inspec-test-fixture-nonesuch', exact: true)
assert_empty results
def test_search_for_plugin_by_wildard
results = @installer.search('inspec-test-')
assert_kind_of Hash, results, 'Results from searching should be a Hash'
assert results.key?('inspec-test-fixture'), 'Search results should have a key for at least one plugin'
version_list = results['inspec-test-fixture']
assert_includes version_list, '0.1.0', 'Version list should contain 0.1.0'
assert_includes version_list, '0.2.0', 'Version list should contain 0.2.0'
def test_search_omits_inspec_gem_on_the_reject_list
results = @installer.search('inspec-')
assert results.key?('inspec-test-fixture')
# Here, 'inspec-core', 'inspec-multi-server'
# are the names of real rubygems. They are not InSpec/Train plugins, though,
# and installing them would be a jam-up.
# This is configured in 'etc/plugin_filters.json'.
].each do |plugin_name|
refute results.key(plugin_name)
def test_search_omits_train_gem_on_the_reject_list
results = @installer.search('train-')
assert results.key?('train-test-fixture')
# Here, train-tax-calculator'
# is the name of a real rubygem. It is not a InSpec/Train plugin, though,
# and installing it would be a jam-up.
# This is configured in 'etc/plugin_filters.json'.
].each do |plugin_name|
refute results.key(plugin_name)