Russell Seymour cdbe8c1016 Create azure_generic_resource
* Rewrite of Inspec Azure Resource pack to allow the testing of _any_ value Azure reosurce.
Closes #36
Closes #37

This fixes #56 so that it works with the latest version of the SDK. In fact it will only work to version >= 0.15

Signed-off-by: Russell Seymour <>
2017-12-12 13:20:22 -05:00

47 lines
2 KiB

title 'Internal Virtual Machine Properties'
control 'azure-generic-vm-linux-internal-2.0' do
impact 1.0
title 'Ensure Internal VM was built with the correct Image and has the correct properties'
# Ensure that the virtual machine has been created with the correct attributes
describe azure_generic_resource(group_name: 'Inspec-Azure',
name: 'Linux-Internal-VM') do
its('location') { should cmp 'westeurope' }
# check the storage profile for the machine
its('properties.storageProfile.imageReference.publisher') { should cmp 'Canonical' }
its('properties.storageProfile.imageReference.offer') { should cmp 'UbuntuServer' }
its('properties.storageProfile.imageReference.sku') { should cmp '16.04.0-LTS' }
# Check the disk for the machine
its('properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType') { should cmp 'Linux' }
its('') { should cmp 'Linux-Internal-OSDisk-MD' }
its('properties.storageProfile.osDisk.caching') { should cmp 'ReadWrite' }
# This machine has been setup with a Managed Disk for the OSDisk, ensure that
# it is linked to the correct disk
its('') { should match 'Linux-Internal-OSDisk-MD' }
# Esnure that the machine has a data disk attached
its('properties.storageProfile.dataDisks.count') { should eq 0 }
# Check the hardwareProfile
its('properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize') { should cmp 'Standard_DS2_v2' }
# Check the network interfaces
its('properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces.count') { should eq 1 }
# Determine the authentication and OS type
its('properties.osProfile.computerName') { should eq 'linux-internal-1' }
its('properties.osProfile.adminUsername') { should eq 'azure' }
its('properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.disablePasswordAuthentication') { should be false }
# There should be no tags on the machine
its('tags.count') { should eq 0 }