mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:47:22 +00:00
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199 lines
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# encoding: utf-8
# author: Dominik Richter
# author: Christoph Hartmann
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.start do
add_filter '/test/'
add_group 'Resources', 'lib/resources'
add_group 'Matchers', 'lib/matchers'
add_group 'Backends', 'lib/inspec/backend'
require 'inspec/resource'
require 'inspec/backend'
class MockLoader
# pass the os identifier to emulate a specific operating system
def initialize(os = nil)
# collects emulation operating systems
@operating_systems = {
arch: { family: 'arch', release: nil, arch: nil },
centos5: { family: 'redhat', release: '5.11', arch: 'x86_64' },
centos6: { family: 'redhat', release: '6.6', arch: 'x86_64' },
centos7: { family: 'redhat', release: '7.1.1503', arch: 'x86_64' },
debian6: { family: 'debian', release: '6', arch: 'x86_64' },
debian7: { family: 'debian', release: '7', arch: 'x86_64' },
debian8: { family: 'debian', release: '8', arch: 'x86_64' },
freebsd9: { family: 'freebsd', release: '9', arch: 'amd64' },
freebsd10: { family: 'freebsd', release: '10', arch: 'amd64' },
osx104: { family: 'darwin', release: '10.10.4', arch: nil, name: 'mac_os_x' },
ubuntu1204: { family: 'ubuntu', release: '12.04', arch: 'x86_64' },
ubuntu1404: { family: 'ubuntu', release: '14.04', arch: 'x86_64' },
ubuntu1504: { family: 'ubuntu', release: '15.04', arch: 'x86_64' },
windows: { family: 'windows', release: nil, arch: nil },
undefined: { family: nil, release: nil, arch: nil },
# selects operating system
@os = @operating_systems[os || :ubuntu1404]
def backend
return @backend if defined?(@backend)
scriptpath = ::File.realpath(::File.dirname(__FILE__))
# create mock backend
@backend = Inspec::Backend.create({ backend: :mock })
mock = @backend.backend
# set os emulation
# create all mock files
local = Train.create('local').connection
mockfile = lambda { |x|
path = ::File.join(scriptpath, '/unit/mock/files', x)
mockdir = lambda { |x|
md = Object.new
class << md
attr_accessor :isdir
md.isdir = x
def md.directory?
mock.files = {
'/proc/net/bonding/bond0' => mockfile.call('bond0'),
'/etc/ssh/ssh_config' => mockfile.call('ssh_config'),
'/etc/ssh/sshd_config' => mockfile.call('sshd_config'),
'/etc/passwd' => mockfile.call('passwd'),
'/etc/ntp.conf' => mockfile.call('ntp.conf'),
'/etc/login.defs' => mockfile.call('login.defs'),
'/etc/security/limits.conf' => mockfile.call('limits.conf'),
'/etc/inetd.conf' => mockfile.call('inetd.conf'),
'/etc/group' => mockfile.call('etcgroup'),
'/etc/audit/auditd.conf' => mockfile.call('auditd.conf'),
'/etc/mysql/my.cnf' => mockfile.call('mysql.conf'),
'/etc/mysql/mysql2.conf' => mockfile.call('mysql2.conf'),
'kitchen.yml' => mockfile.call('kitchen.yml'),
'example.csv' => mockfile.call('example.csv'),
'policyfile.lock.json' => mockfile.call('policyfile.lock.json'),
'/sys/class/net/br0/bridge' => mockdir.call(true),
# create all mock commands
cmd = lambda {|x|
stdout = ::File.read(::File.join(scriptpath, '/unit/mock/cmd/'+x))
mock.mock_command('', stdout, '', 0)
empty = lambda {
mock.mock_command('', '', '', 0)
mock.commands = {
'ps aux' => cmd.call('ps-aux'),
'type win_secpol.cfg' => cmd.call('secedit-export'),
'secedit /export /cfg win_secpol.cfg' => cmd.call('success'),
'del win_secpol.cfg' => cmd.call('success'),
'su - root -c \'echo $PATH\'' => cmd.call('PATH'),
'(Get-Item \'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Schedule\').GetValue(\'Start\')' => cmd.call('reg_schedule'),
'Auditpol /get /subcategory:\'User Account Management\' /r' => cmd.call('auditpol'),
'/sbin/auditctl -l' => cmd.call('auditctl'),
'yum -v repolist all' => cmd.call('yum-repolist-all'),
'dpkg -s curl' => cmd.call('dpkg-s-curl'),
'rpm -qia curl' => cmd.call('rpm-qia-curl'),
'pacman -Qi curl' => cmd.call('pacman-qi-curl'),
'gem list --local -a -q ^rubocop$' => cmd.call('gem-list-local-a-q-rubocop'),
'npm ls -g --json bower' => cmd.call('npm-ls-g--json-bower'),
'pip show jinja2' => cmd.call('pip-show-jinja2'),
"Get-Package -Name 'Mozilla Firefox' | ConvertTo-Json" => cmd.call('get-package-firefox'),
"Get-Package -Name 'Ruby 2.1.6-p336-x64' | ConvertTo-Json" => cmd.call('get-package-ruby'),
"New-Object -Type PSObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Service -Value (Get-Service -Name dhcp| Select-Object -Property Name, DisplayName, Status) -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name WMI -Value (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'dhcp' -or $_.DisplayName -eq 'dhcp'} | Select-Object -Property StartMode) -PassThru | ConvertTo-Json" => cmd.call('get-service-dhcp'),
"Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'dhcp' -or $_.DisplayName -eq 'dhcp'} | Select-Object -Property Name,DisplayName,Description,Installed,InstallState | ConvertTo-Json" => cmd.call('get-windows-feature'),
'lsmod' => cmd.call('lsmod'),
'/sbin/sysctl -q -n net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding' => cmd.call('sbin_sysctl'),
# ports on windows
'Get-NetTCPConnection | Select-Object -Property State, Caption, Description, LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, DisplayName, Status | ConvertTo-Json' => cmd.call('get-net-tcpconnection'),
# ports on mac
'lsof -nP -iTCP -iUDP -sTCP:LISTEN' => cmd.call('lsof-np-itcp'),
# ports on linux
'netstat -tulpen' => cmd.call('netstat-tulpen'),
# ports on freebsd
'sockstat -46l' => cmd.call('sockstat'),
# packages on windows
"Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161'} | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,Vendor,PackageCode,Caption,Description | ConvertTo-Json" => cmd.call('win32_product'),
# service status upstart on ubuntu
'initctl status ssh' => cmd.call('initctl-status-ssh'),
# service config for upstart on ubuntu
'initctl show-config ssh' => cmd.call('initctl-show-config-ssh'),
# show ssh service Centos 7
'systemctl show --all sshd' => cmd.call('systemctl-show-all-sshd'),
# services on macos
'launchctl list' => cmd.call('launchctl-list'),
# services on freebsd 10
'service -e' => cmd.call('service-e'),
'service sendmail onestatus' => cmd.call('service-sendmail-onestatus'),
# services for system 5 e.g. centos6, debian 6
'service sshd status' => cmd.call('service-sshd-status'),
'find /etc/rc*.d -name S*' => cmd.call('find-etc-rc-d-name-S'),
'ls -1 /etc/init.d/' => cmd.call('ls-1-etc-init.d'),
# user information for linux
'id root' => cmd.call('id-root'),
'getent passwd root' => cmd.call('getent-passwd-root'),
'chage -l root' => cmd.call('chage-l-root'),
# user info for mac
'id chartmann' => cmd.call('id-chartmann'),
'dscl -q . -read /Users/chartmann NFSHomeDirectory PrimaryGroupID RecordName UniqueID UserShell' => cmd.call('dscl'),
# user info for freebsd
'pw usershow root -7' => cmd.call('pw-usershow-root-7'),
# user info for windows
'650b6b72a66316418b25421a54afe21a230704558082914c54711904bb10e370' => cmd.call('GetUserAccount'),
# group info for windows
'Get-WmiObject Win32_Group | Select-Object -Property Caption, Domain, Name, SID, LocalAccount | ConvertTo-Json' => cmd.call('GetWin32Group'),
# network interface
'9e80f048a1af5a0f6ab8a465e46ea5ed5ba6587e9b5e54a7a0c0a1a02bb6f663' => cmd.call('find-net-interface'),
'c33821dece09c8b334e03a5bb9daefdf622007f73af4932605e758506584ec3f' => empty.call,
'Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object -Property Name, InterfaceDescription, Status, State, MacAddress, LinkSpeed, ReceiveLinkSpeed, TransmitLinkSpeed, Virtual | ConvertTo-Json' => cmd.call('Get-NetAdapter'),
# bridge on linux
'ls -1 /sys/class/net/br0/brif/' => cmd.call('ls-sys-class-net-br'),
# bridge on Windows
'Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_bridge | Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object -Property Name, InterfaceDescription | ConvertTo-Json' => cmd.call('get-netadapter-binding-bridge'),
# host for Windows
'Resolve-DnsName –Type A microsoft.com | ConvertTo-Json' => cmd.call('Resolve-DnsName'),
'Test-NetConnection -ComputerName microsoft.com | Select-Object -Property ComputerName, PingSucceeded | ConvertTo-Json' => cmd.call('Test-NetConnection'),
# host for Linux
'getent hosts example.com' => cmd.call('getent-hosts-example.com'),
'ping -w 1 -c 1 example.com' => cmd.call('ping-example.com'),
# apt
"find /etc/apt/ -name *.list -exec sh -c 'cat {} || echo -n' \\;" => cmd.call('etc-apt'),
# iptables
'iptables -S' => cmd.call('iptables-s'),
# loads a resource class and instantiates the class with the given arguments
def load_resource(resource, *args)
# initialize resource with backend and parameters
@resource_class = Inspec::Resource.registry[resource]
@resource = @resource_class.new(backend, resource, *args)
def load_resource(*args)
m = MockLoader.new(:ubuntu1404)
m.send('load_resource', *args)