Russell Seymour c8378d513e Added more resources that can be tested
Updated the example to show how to use them
Refactored the way in which the VM is retrieved

Signed-off-by: Russell Seymour <>
2017-02-20 09:52:28 +00:00

24 lines
833 B

title 'Sample profile to test the Image SKU of a vm'
control 'azure-vm-1.0' do
impact 1.0
title 'Ensure that the machine has an image SKU of 16.04.0-LTS'
hostname = ENV['AZURE_VM_NAME']
resource_group_name = ENV['AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME']
describe azure_vm(host: hostname, resource_group: resource_group_name) do
its('sku') { should eq '16.04-LTS' }
its('publisher') { should eq 'Canonical' }
its('offer') { should eq 'UbuntuServer' }
its('size') { should eq 'Standard_DS1_v2' }
its('location') { should eq 'westeurope' }
its('boot_diagnostics?') { should be true }
its('nic_count') { should eq 1 }
its('username') { should eq 'azure' }
its('password_authentication?') { should be false }
its('ssh_key_count') { should eq 1 }
its('os_type') { should eq 'Linux' }