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synced 2025-02-17 14:38:43 +00:00
This PR adds 5 closely related plugin types, which allow a plugin to implement new DSL methods / keywords. The mechanism to activate the plugins are all very similar - basically, in a particular location in the code, `method_missing` is implemented, and is used to activate the particular type of DSL being requested. 4 of the DSL plugin types relate to code that could appear in a profile control file. * outer_profile_dsl plugins allow you to extend the code in profile Ruby files that appear outside `control` or `describe` blocks. * control_dsl plugins allow you to extend the code within `control` blocks. * describe_dsl plugins allow you to extend the code within `describe` blocks. * test_dsl plugins allow you to extend the code within `it`/`its` blocks. Finally, the `resource_dsl` plugin allows you to extend the code used within custom resources. Basic unit tests are provided to prove that the plugin types are properly defined. A simple plugin fixture defining DSL hooks (based on favorite foods) is included, and is exercised through a set of functional tests. The plugin developer docs are updated to describe the 5 DSLs. *Note*: Implementing a plugin using any of the DSL plugin types is experimental. The contexts that are exposed to the DSL methods are private and poorly documented. The InSpec project does not claim the APIs used by these plugin types are covered by SemVer. Plugin authors are encouraged to pin tightly to the `inspec` gem in their gemspecs. Motivation for this plugin comes from the desire to allow passionate community members to implement things like "2 out of 3" tests, example groups, improved serverspec compatibility, "they/their" and other "fluency" changes, as well as make it possible for future work by the InSpec team to be implemented as a core plugin, rather than a direct change to the main codebase.
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247 lines
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# Unit tests for Inspec::PluginLoader and Registry
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest/test'
require_relative '../../../../lib/inspec/plugin/v2'
require 'train' # Needed for Train plugin testing
class PluginLoaderTests < MiniTest::Test
@@orig_home = Dir.home
def reset_globals
# These are effectively globals
ENV['HOME'] = @@orig_home
def setup
repo_path = File.expand_path(File.join( __FILE__, '..', '..', '..', '..', '..'))
mock_path = File.join(repo_path, 'test', 'unit', 'mock')
@config_dir_path = File.join(mock_path, 'config_dirs')
@bundled_plugins = [
@core_plugins = [
def teardown
# basic constructor usage and bundle detection #
def test_constructor_should_not_load_anything_automatically
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new
assert_equal 0, reg.loaded_count, "\nRegistry load count"
def test_constructor_should_detect_bundled_plugins
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new
@bundled_plugins.each do |bundled_plugin_name|
assert reg.known_plugin?(bundled_plugin_name), "\n#{bundled_plugin_name} should be detected as a bundled plugin"
def test_constructor_should_detect_core_plugins
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new
@core_plugins.each do |core_plugin_name|
assert reg.known_plugin?(core_plugin_name), "\n#{core_plugin_name} should be detected as a core plugin"
def test_constructor_should_skip_bundles_when_option_is_set
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true)
@bundled_plugins.each do |bundled_plugin_name|
refute reg.known_plugin?(bundled_plugin_name), "\n#{bundled_plugin_name} should not be detected when omit_bundles is set"
def test_constructor_should_skip_core_when_option_is_set
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_core_plugins: true)
@core_plugins.each do |core_plugin_name|
refute reg.known_plugin?(core_plugin_name), "\n#{core_plugin_name} should not be detected when omit_core_plugins is set"
def test_constructor_when_using_home_dir_detects_declared_plugins
ENV['HOME'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'fakehome')
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new
assert reg.known_plugin?(:'inspec-test-home-marker'), "\ninspec-test-home-marker should be detected as a plugin"
# unusual plugin.json situations #
def test_constructor_when_the_plugin_config_is_absent_it_detects_bundled_plugins
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'empty')
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new
@bundled_plugins.each do |bundled_plugin_name|
assert reg.known_plugin?(bundled_plugin_name), "\n#{bundled_plugin_name} should be detected as a bundled plugin"
# basic loading #
def test_load_no_plugins_should_load_no_plugins
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true, omit_core_plugins: true)
assert_equal 0, reg.loaded_count, "\nRegistry load count"
def test_load_only_bundled_plugins_should_load_bundled_plugins
skip 'This keeps failing, only affects legacy bundles, will fix later'
# Skip rationale: I beleive this test is failing due to a test artifact - we
# keep loading v1 CLI plugins and then purging the registry, which results (depending
# on test order) in the Ruby `require` refusing to re-load the v1 plugin (since it was
# previously loaded). But since we purge the Registry, the Registry doesn't know
# about it either. Neither of those things are intended to happen as
# the plugin system is finished (the v1 plugins will be ported to v2, and registry
# purging should never happen in real-world use)
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new
@bundled_plugins.each do |bundled_plugin_name|
assert reg.loaded_plugin?(bundled_plugin_name), "\n#{bundled_plugin_name} should be loaded"
assert_equal [ :cli_command ], reg[bundled_plugin_name].plugin_types, "annotate plugin type of bundled plugins"
assert_equal 0, reg[bundled_plugin_name].api_generation, "annotate API generation of bundled plugins"
assert_kind_of(Class, reg[bundled_plugin_name].plugin_class)
assert_equal @bundled_plugins.count, reg.loaded_count, "\nRegistry load count"
def test_load_cli_plugin_by_path
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'meaning_by_path')
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
plugin_name = :'inspec-meaning-of-life'
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true)
assert reg.known_plugin?(plugin_name), "\n#{plugin_name} should be a known plugin"
refute reg.loaded_plugin?(plugin_name), "\n#{plugin_name} should not be loaded yet"
assert reg.loaded_plugin?(plugin_name), "\n#{plugin_name} should be loaded"
def test_list_managed_gems
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'test-fixture-2-float')
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true)
gemspecs = loader.list_managed_gems
gem = gemspecs.detect { |spec| spec.name == 'ordinal_array' }
refute_nil gem, 'loader.list_managed_gems should find ordinal_array'
assert_equal Gem::Version.new('0.2.0'), gem.version
def test_list_installed_plugin_gems
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'test-fixture-1-float')
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true)
gemspecs = loader.list_installed_plugin_gems
gem = gemspecs.detect { |spec| spec.name == 'inspec-test-fixture' }
refute_nil gem, 'loader.list_installed_plugin_gems should find inspec-test-fixture'
assert_equal Gem::Version.new('0.1.0'), gem.version
def test_load_mock_plugin_by_gem
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'test-fixture-1-float')
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
plugin_name = :'inspec-test-fixture'
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true)
assert reg.known_plugin?(plugin_name), "\n#{plugin_name} should be a known plugin"
refute reg.loaded_plugin?(plugin_name), "\n#{plugin_name} should not be loaded yet"
assert reg.loaded_plugin?(plugin_name), "\n#{plugin_name} should be loaded"
# activation #
def test_activation
# Setup
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'meaning_by_path')
registry = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new(omit_bundles: true)
status = registry[:'inspec-meaning-of-life']
# Management methods for activation
assert_respond_to status, :activators, 'A plugin status should respond to `activators`'
assert_respond_to registry, :find_activators, 'Registry should respond to `find_activators`'
assert_respond_to registry, :activate, 'Registry should respond to `activate`'
# Finding an Activator
assert_kind_of Array, status.activators, 'status should have an array for activators'
assert_kind_of Array, registry.find_activators(), 'find_activators should return an array'
assert_equal 'Inspec::Plugin::V2::Activator', registry.find_activators()[0].class.name, 'find_activators should return an array of Activators'
activator = registry.find_activators(plugin_type: :mock_plugin_type, name: :'meaning-of-life-the-universe-and-everything')[0]
refute_nil activator, 'find_activators should find the test activator'
[ :plugin_name, :plugin_type, :activator_name, :'activated?', :exception, :activation_proc, :implementation_class ].each do |method_name|
assert_respond_to activator, method_name
# Activation preconditions
refute activator.activated?, 'Test activator should start out unactivated'
assert_nil activator.exception, 'Test activator should have no exception prior to activation'
assert_nil activator.implementation_class, 'Test activator should not know implementation class prior to activation'
refute InspecPlugins::MeaningOfLife.const_defined?(:MockPlugin), 'impl_class should not be defined prior to activation'
registry.activate(:mock_plugin_type, :'meaning-of-life-the-universe-and-everything')
# Activation postconditions
assert activator.activated?, 'Test activator should be activated after activate'
assert_nil activator.exception, 'Test activator should have no exception after activation'
# facts about the implementation class
impl_class = activator.implementation_class
refute_nil impl_class, 'Activation should set the implementation class'
assert_kind_of Class, impl_class, 'Should have a Class in the implementation class slot'
assert_includes impl_class.ancestors, Inspec::Plugin::V2::PluginBase, 'impl_class should derive from PluginBase'
assert_includes impl_class.ancestors, Inspec::Plugin::V2::PluginType::Mock, 'impl_class should derive from PluginType::Mock'
assert InspecPlugins::MeaningOfLife.const_defined?(:MockPlugin), 'impl_class should now be defined'
# Train Plugin Special Handling #
def test_when_a_train_plugin_is_installed_via_gem_and_required
ENV['INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR'] = File.join(@config_dir_path, 'train-test-fixture')
reg = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Registry.instance
loader = nil
assert_silent { loader = Inspec::Plugin::V2::Loader.new }
plugin_name = :'train-test-fixture'
assert(reg.known_plugin?(plugin_name), 'The train plugin should be known after loader init')
status = reg[plugin_name]
assert_equal(:'train-1', status.api_generation, "It should have a special value for api gen (:'train-1')")
refute(reg.loaded_plugin?(plugin_name), 'It should not be loaded until needed')
# 'Requiring' the gem name should succeed
require 'train-test-fixture'
assert_includes(Train::Plugins.registry.keys, 'test-fixture', 'After requiring the gem, the Train Registry should know the plugin is loaded')
assert(reg.loaded_plugin?(plugin_name), 'After requiring, InSpec Registry should know the the plugin is loaded')
end |