Ryan Davis 18ce4850f0 Initial pass to clean up functional testing wrt exit codes and output.
This should get windows tests running again? Hopefully? They're
running SO slowly on my vagrant box that I'm just pushing for now.
They're clean on the mac side.

Signed-off-by: Ryan Davis <>
2019-07-24 18:06:25 -07:00

183 lines
7.9 KiB

# Logging and deprecation facilities functional tests
require "functional/helper"
describe "Deprecation Facility Behavior" do
include FunctionalHelper
let(:profile) { File.join(profile_path, "deprecation", profile_name) }
let(:invocation) { "exec #{profile} #{control_flag}" }
# Running in JSON mode has the side-effect of sending log messages to $stderr
let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process(invocation, json: true) }
# Expect one control, 3 results
let(:json_result) { run_result.payload.json["profiles"][0]["controls"][0]["results"] }
describe "when the deprecation is in a custom resource and the deprecate DSL method is used" do
describe "when the action is to fail the control" do
describe "when the resource is called in a control" do
let(:profile_name) { "typical" }
let(:control_flag) { "--controls deprecate_fail_mode" }
it "should result in a failed control" do
json_result.count.must_equal 3
json_result[0]["status"].must_equal "passed"
json_result[2]["status"].must_equal "passed"
json_result[1]["status"].must_equal "failed"
json_result[1]["message"].must_include "DEPRECATION"
json_result[1]["message"].must_include "This should fail"
json_result[1]["message"].must_include "(used at"
json_result[1]["message"].must_include "test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/typical/controls/typical.rb"
# TODO: Brittle Test
json_result[1]["message"].must_include "typical.rb:10" # Line number check
assert_exit_code 100, run_result
describe "when the resource is called outside a control" do
let(:profile_name) { "bare" }
let(:control_flag) { "" }
it "should result in a warning, not a stacktrace or abort" do
json_result.count.must_equal 1
json_result[0]["status"].must_equal "passed"
stderr_lines = run_result.stderr.split("\n")
stderr_lines.count.must_equal 1
deprecation_line = stderr_lines.first
deprecation_line.must_include "DEPRECATION"
deprecation_line.must_include "WARN"
deprecation_line.must_include "This should fail"
deprecation_line.must_include "(used at"
deprecation_line.must_include "test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/bare/controls/bare.rb"
# TODO: Brittle Test
deprecation_line.must_include "bare.rb:2"
assert_exit_code 0, run_result
describe "when the action is exit and no code is specified" do
let(:profile_name) { "typical" }
let(:control_flag) { "--controls deprecate_exit_mode_implicit" }
it "should result in an exit with a special code" do
# Exactly one error should be output
stderr_lines = run_result.stderr.split("\n")
stderr_lines.count.must_equal 1
# Contents of the deprecation
deprecation_line = stderr_lines.first
deprecation_line.must_include "DEPRECATION"
deprecation_line.must_include "ERROR"
deprecation_line.must_include "This should exit"
deprecation_line.must_include "(used at" # Beginning of a single-frame stack locator
deprecation_line.must_include "test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/typical/controls/typical.rb" # Frame should have been identified as coming from the test profile
# TODO: Brittle Test
deprecation_line.must_include "typical.rb:27" # Line number check
# The reporter should not fire
# 3 is the FATAL_DEPRECATION value from Inspec::UI
assert_exit_code 3, run_result
describe "when the action is exit and a specific code is specified" do
let(:profile_name) { "typical" }
let(:control_flag) { "--controls deprecate_exit_mode_explicit" }
it "should result in an exit with a special code" do
# Exactly one error should be output
stderr_lines = run_result.stderr.split("\n")
stderr_lines.count.must_equal 1
# Contents of the deprecation
deprecation_line = stderr_lines.first
deprecation_line.must_include "DEPRECATION" # Flagged as deprecation
deprecation_line.must_include "ERROR" # Flagged as an error
deprecation_line.must_include "This should exit" # Specific deprecation message
deprecation_line.must_include "(used at" # Beginning of a single-frame stack locator
deprecation_line.must_include "test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/typical/controls/typical.rb" # Frame should have been identified as coming from the test profile
# TODO: Brittle Test
deprecation_line.must_include "typical.rb:44" # Line number check
# The reporter should not fire
# 8 is a custom value
assert_exit_code 8, run_result
describe "when the action is warn" do
let(:profile_name) { "typical" }
let(:control_flag) { "--controls deprecate_warn_mode" }
it "should result in a warning, not a stacktrace or abort" do
json_result.count.must_equal 3
json_result[0]["status"].must_equal "passed"
json_result[1]["status"].must_equal "passed"
json_result[2]["status"].must_equal "passed"
stderr_lines = run_result.stderr.split("\n")
stderr_lines.count.must_equal 1
# Content of the deprecation
deprecation_line = stderr_lines.first
deprecation_line.must_include "DEPRECATION" # Flagged as deprecation
deprecation_line.must_include "WARN" # Flagged as a warning
deprecation_line.must_include "This should warn" # Specific deprecation message
deprecation_line.must_include "(used at" # Beginning of a single-frame stack locator
deprecation_line.must_include "test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/typical/controls/typical.rb" # Frame should have been identified as coming from the test profile
# TODO: Brittle Test
deprecation_line.must_include "typical.rb:61" # Line number check
assert_exit_code 0, run_result
describe "when the action is ignore" do
let(:profile_name) { "typical" }
let(:control_flag) { "--controls deprecate_ignore_mode --log-level debug" }
it "should appear to be a normal run, no warnings or stacktrace or abort, but include debug message" do
json_result.count.must_equal 3
json_result[0]["status"].must_equal "passed"
json_result[1]["status"].must_equal "passed"
json_result[2]["status"].must_equal "passed"
# JSON mode will send debug messages to $stderr
# [2019-01-15T23:41:41-05:00] DEBUG: DEPRECATION: This should be ignored (used at test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/typical/controls/typical.rb:79)
deprecation_line = run_result.stderr.split("\n").detect { |line| line.include?("This should be ignored") }
deprecation_line.must_include "DEBUG"
deprecation_line.must_include "DEPRECATION"
deprecation_line.must_include "(used at" # Beginning of a single-frame stack locator
deprecation_line.must_include "test/unit/mock/profiles/deprecation/typical/controls/typical.rb" # Frame should have been identified as coming from the test profile
# TODO: Brittle Test
deprecation_line.must_include "typical.rb:77" # Line number check
assert_exit_code 0, run_result
describe "when inspec check is used in json mode against a profile with a deprecation" do
describe "inspec check with json formatter" do
let(:profile_name) { "check" }
it "can check a profile and produce valid JSON" do
run_result = run_inspec_process("check " + profile + " --format json")
run_result.stdout.wont_include "DEPRECATION"
run_result.stderr.must_include "DEPRECATION"
JSON.parse(run_result.stdout) # No exception here