2016-08-08 13:34:33 +02:00

54 lines
1.8 KiB

# This file is used to configure the inspec project. It contains
# some minimal configuration examples for working with Omnibus. For a full list
# of configurable options, please see the documentation for +omnibus/config.rb+.
# Build internally
# ------------------------------
# By default, Omnibus uses system folders (like +/var+ and +/opt+) to build and
# cache components. If you would to build everything internally, you can
# uncomment the following options. This will prevent the need for root
# permissions in most cases.
# Uncomment this line to change the default base directory to "local"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# base_dir './local'
# Alternatively you can tune the individual values
# ------------------------------------------------
# cache_dir './local/omnibus/cache'
# git_cache_dir './local/omnibus/cache/git_cache'
# source_dir './local/omnibus/src'
# build_dir './local/omnibus/build'
# package_dir './local/omnibus/pkg'
# package_tmp './local/omnibus/pkg-tmp'
# Disable git caching
# ------------------------------
# use_git_caching false
# Enable S3 asset caching
# ------------------------------
use_s3_caching true
# s3_access_key ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
# s3_secret_key ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
# s3_bucket ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET']
s3_bucket 'opscode-omnibus-cache'
# Customize compiler bits
# ------------------------------
# solaris_compiler 'gcc'
# build_retries 5
# fetcher_read_timeout 120
# fetcher_retries 5
# Load additional software
# ------------------------------
software_gems ['omnibus-software']
# local_software_dirs ['/path/to/local/software']
# Windows architecture defaults
# ------------------------------
windows_arch %w{x86 x64}.include?((ENV['OMNIBUS_WINDOWS_ARCH'] || '').downcase) ?
ENV['OMNIBUS_WINDOWS_ARCH'].downcase.to_sym : :x86