Adam Leff 4b9acb4800 Bump Rubocop to 0.49.1 (#2323)
* Bump Rubocop to 0.49.1

This change bumps Rubocop to 0.49.1. There have been a lot of changes
since 0.39.0 and this PR is hopefully a nice compromise of turning off
certain cops and updating our codebase to take advantage of new Ruby
2.3 methods and operators.

Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <>

* Set end-of-line format to line-feed only, avoid Windows-related CRLF issues

Signed-off-by: Adam Leff <>
2017-11-21 08:49:41 +01:00

93 lines
3.4 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
# options
inspec_bin = 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/inspec/Gemfile bundle exec inspec'
api_url = ''
profile = '/inspec/examples/profile'
user = command('whoami').stdout.strip
pwd = command('pwd').stdout.strip
puts "Run test as #{user} in path #{pwd}"
# TODO: determine tokens automatically, define in kitchen yml
%w{refresh_token access_token}.each do |type| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength
case type
when 'access_token'
token_options = "--token '#{access_token}'"
when 'refresh_token'
token_options = "--refresh_token '#{refresh_token}'"
# verifies that the help command works
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance help") do
its('stdout') { should include 'inspec compliance help [COMMAND]' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
# version command fails gracefully when server not configured
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance version") do
its('stdout') { should include 'Server configuration information is missing' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 1 }
# submitting a wrong token should have an exit of 0
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance login #{api_url} --insecure --user 'admin' --token 'wrong-token'") do
its('stdout') { should include 'token stored' }
# compliance login --help should give an accurate message for login
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance login --help") do
its('stdout') { should include "inspec compliance login SERVER --insecure --user='USER' --token='TOKEN'" }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
# profiles command fails gracefully when token/server info is incorrect
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance profiles") do
its('stdout') { should include '401 Unauthorized. Please check your token' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 1 }
# login via access token token
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance login #{api_url} --insecure --user 'admin' #{token_options}") do
its('stdout') { should include 'token', 'stored' }
its('stdout') { should_not include 'Your server supports --user and --password only' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
# see available resources
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance profiles") do
its('stdout') { should include 'base/ssh' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
# upload a compliance profile
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance upload #{profile} --overwrite") do
its('stdout') { should include 'Profile is valid' }
its('stdout') { should include 'Successfully uploaded profile' }
its('stdout') { should_not include 'error(s)' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
# returns the version of the server
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance version") do
its('stdout') { should include 'Chef Compliance version:' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
# logout
describe command("#{inspec_bin} compliance logout") do
its('stdout') { should include 'Successfully logged out' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }