mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 06:28:40 +00:00
This greatly slims down the installed size of inspec in both Chef and Chef-DK. This translates into faster installs which are of importance to workstation users, but also smaller download sizes / CDN bills. This slims the installed on disk from 2.9 MB to 2.0 MB (31%) and the gem drops from 567k to 396k (30%). Signed-off-by: Tim Smith <tsmith@chef.io>
51 lines
2.1 KiB
51 lines
2.1 KiB
# coding: utf-8
lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
require 'inspec/version'
Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
spec.name = 'inspec'
spec.version = Inspec::VERSION
spec.authors = ['Dominik Richter']
spec.email = ['dominik.richter@gmail.com']
spec.summary = 'Infrastructure and compliance testing.'
spec.description = 'InSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use it for integration or even compliance testing. Create fully portable test profiles and use them in your workflow to ensure stability and security. Integrate InSpec in your change lifecycle for local testing, CI/CD, and deployment verification.'
spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/inspec/inspec'
spec.license = 'Apache-2.0'
spec.files = %w{
README.md Rakefile MAINTAINERS.md LICENSE inspec.gemspec
Gemfile CHANGELOG.md .rubocop.yml
} + Dir.glob(
'{bin,lib}/**/*', File::FNM_DOTMATCH
).reject { |f| File.directory?(f) }
spec.executables = %w{inspec}
spec.test_files = spec.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/})
spec.require_paths = ['lib']
spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.3'
spec.add_dependency 'train', '~> 1.5'
spec.add_dependency 'thor', '~> 0.20'
spec.add_dependency 'json', '>= 1.8', '< 3.0'
spec.add_dependency 'method_source', '~> 0.8'
spec.add_dependency 'rubyzip', '~> 1.2', '>= 1.2.2'
spec.add_dependency 'rspec', '~> 3'
spec.add_dependency 'rspec-its', '~> 1.2'
spec.add_dependency 'pry', '~> 0'
spec.add_dependency 'hashie', '~> 3.4'
spec.add_dependency 'mixlib-log'
spec.add_dependency 'sslshake', '~> 1.2'
spec.add_dependency 'parallel', '~> 1.9'
spec.add_dependency 'faraday', '>=0.9.0'
# Used for Azure profile until integrated into train
spec.add_dependency 'faraday_middleware', '~> 0.12.2'
spec.add_dependency 'tomlrb', '~> 1.2'
spec.add_dependency 'addressable', '~> 2.4'
spec.add_dependency 'parslet', '~> 1.5'
spec.add_dependency 'semverse'
spec.add_dependency 'htmlentities'
spec.add_dependency 'multipart-post'
spec.add_dependency 'term-ansicolor'