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synced 2024-11-14 17:07:09 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Russell Seymour <russell.seymour@turtlesystems.co.uk>
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199 lines
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require 'ms_rest_azure'
require 'azure_mgmt_resources'
require 'azure_mgmt_compute'
require 'azure_mgmt_network'
require 'inifile'
# Class to manage the connection to Azure to retrieve the information required about the resources
# @author Russell Seymour
# @attr_reader [String] subscription_id ID of the subscription in which resources are to be tested
class AzureConnection
attr_reader :subscription_id
# Constructor which reads in the credentials file
# @author Russell Seymour
def initialize
# If an INSPEC_AZURE_CREDS environment has been specified set the
# the credentials file to that, otherwise set the one in home
azure_creds_file = ENV['AZURE_CREDS_FILE']
if azure_creds_file.nil?
# The environment file has not be set, so default to one in the home directory
azure_creds_file = File.join(Dir.home, '.azure', 'credentials')
# Check to see if the credentials file exists
if File.file?(azure_creds_file)
@credentials = IniFile.load(File.expand_path(azure_creds_file))
warn format('%s was not found or not accessible', azure_creds_file)
# Connect to Azure using the specified credentials
# @author Russell Seymour
def connection
# If a connection already exists then return it
return @conn if defined?(@conn)
# Determine if more than one subscription is specified in the configuration file, if so use the first one
if @credentials.sections.length >= 1
@subscription_id = @credentials.sections[0]
@subscription_id = ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID']
# Determine the client_id, tenant_id and the client_secret
tenant_id = ENV['AZURE_TENANT_ID'] || @credentials[@subscription_id]['tenant_id']
client_id = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_ID'] || @credentials[@subscription_id]['client_id']
client_secret = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET'] || @credentials[@subscription_id]['client_secret']
# Create a new connection
token_provider = MsRestAzure::ApplicationTokenProvider.new(tenant_id, client_id, client_secret)
@conn = MsRest::TokenCredentials.new(token_provider)
# Helper class to configure and give access to the various management components of Azure
# Also provides shortcuts for certain components, such as returing the VM object and performing
# all the checks that need to be done before retrieving the VM
# @author Russell Seymour
# @attr_reader [MsRest::TokenCredentials] azure Azure connection credentials
# @attr_reader [ComputeManagement] compute_mgmt Compute object for retrieving details about VMs
# @attr_reader [ResourceManagement] resource_mgmt Resource object for accessing specific resources and resoure groups
# @attr_reader [NetworkManagement] network_mgmt Network object for retrieving all information about Network cards and IP configurations
class Helpers
attr_reader :azure, :compute_mgmt, :resource_mgmt, :network_mgmt
# Constructor to configure the various objects that are required for Inspec testing
# @author Russell Seymour
def initialize
# Azure connection
@azure = AzureConnection.new
# Create the necessary clients
@compute_mgmt = ComputeManagement.new(azure)
@resource_mgmt = ResourceManagement.new(azure)
@network_mgmt = NetworkManagement.new(azure)
# Retrieve the named virtual machine from Azure
# This is specified here as it combines two different resource types, Compute and Resource Groups
# @author Russell Seymour
# @return [] VM object
def get_vm(name, rg_name)
# Ensure that the resource group exists
unless resource_mgmt.client.resource_groups.check_existence(rg_name)
raise "The Resource group cannot be found: #{rg_name}"
# Return if no name has been specified
return if name.nil?
# get a vm from the named resource group
compute_mgmt.client.virtual_machines.get(rg_name, name)
rescue => e
# Class to return a NetworkManagement client for use with NICs and Public IP Addresses
# @author Russell Seymour
# @attr_reader [Azure::ARM::Network::NetworkManagementClient] client Azure Network Management cient
class ResourceManagement
attr_reader :client
# Constructor for the class. Creates the new Network Management client object
# @author Russell Seymour
# @param [MsRest::TokenCredentials] azure Connection object for Azure
def initialize(azure)
@client = Azure::ARM::Resources::ResourceManagementClient.new(azure.connection)
client.subscription_id = azure.subscription_id
# Determine if the specified resource group exists in the subscription_id
# @author Russell Seymour
# @param [String] name Name of the resource group
# @return [Boolean] Whether the resource group exists or not
def exists(name)
# Retrieve the named resource group if it exists
# @author Russell Seymour
# @param [String] name Name of the resource group
# @return [Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::ResourceGroup] Object containing information about the resource group
def get_resource_group(name)
client.resource_groups.get(name) if exists(name)
# Get all of the resources that are contained within the resource group if it exists
# @author Russell Seymour
# @param [String] name Name of the resource group
# @return [Azure::ARM::Resources::Models::ResourceListResult] Object containing array of all the resources
def get_resources(name)
client.resource_groups.list_resources_as_lazy(name) if exists(name)
# Class to return a ComputeManagement client to get information about VMs
# @author Russell Seymour
# @attr_reader [Azure::ARM::Compute::ComputeManagementClient] client ComputeManagement client object
class ComputeManagement
attr_reader :client
# Constructor for the class. Creates the new Network Management client object
# @author Russell Seymour
# @param [MsRest::TokenCredentials] azure Connection object for Azure
def initialize(azure)
@client = Azure::ARM::Compute::ComputeManagementClient.new(azure.connection)
client.subscription_id = azure.subscription_id
# Class to return a NetworkManagement client for use with NICs and Public IP Addresses
# @author Russell Seymour
# @attr_reader [Azure::ARM::Network::NetworkManagementClient] client Azure Network Management cient
class NetworkManagement
attr_reader :client
# Constructor for the class. Creates the new Network Management client object
# @author Russell Seymour
# @param [MsRest::TokenCredentials] azure Connection object for Azure
def initialize(azure)
@client = Azure::ARM::Network::NetworkManagementClient.new(azure.connection)
client.subscription_id = azure.subscription_id