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synced 2025-03-07 08:47:29 +00:00
102 lines
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102 lines
4.1 KiB
$pkg_version=$(Get-Content "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../VERSION")
$pkg_description="InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure
with a human- and machine-readable language for specifying compliance,
security and policy requirements."
$pkg_maintainer="The Chef Maintainers <humans@chef.io>"
$project_root= (Resolve-Path "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../").Path
function Invoke-Begin {
$hab_version = (hab --version)
$hab_minor_version = $hab_version.split('.')[1]
if ( -not $? -Or $hab_minor_version -lt 85 ) {
Write-Warning "I'm being built with $hab_version. I need at least Hab 0.85.0, because I use the -IsPath option for setting/pushing paths in SetupEnvironment."
throw "unable to build: required minimum version of Habitat not installed"
} else {
Write-BuildLine ":habicat: I think I have the version I need to build."
function Invoke-SetupEnvironment {
Push-RuntimeEnv -IsPath GEM_PATH "$pkg_prefix/vendor"
Set-RuntimeEnv APPBUNDLER_ALLOW_RVM "true" # prevent appbundler from clearing out the carefully constructed runtime GEM_PATH
Set-RuntimeEnv FORCE_FFI_YAJL "ext"
Set-RuntimeEnv -IsPath SSL_CERT_FILE "$(Get-HabPackagePath cacerts)/ssl/cert.pem"
Set-RuntimeEnv LANG "en_US.UTF-8"
Set-RuntimeEnv LC_CTYPE "en_US.UTF-8"
function Invoke-Build {
try {
Push-Location $project_root
$env:GEM_HOME = "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/vendor"
Write-BuildLine " ** Configuring bundler for this build environment"
bundle config --local without integration deploy maintenance
bundle config --local jobs 4
bundle config --local retry 5
bundle config --local silence_root_warning 1
Write-BuildLine " ** Using bundler to retrieve the Ruby dependencies"
bundle install
Write-BuildLine " ** Running the inspec project's 'rake install' to install the path-based gems so they look like any other installed gem."
bundle exec rake install # this needs to be 'bundle exec'd because a Rakefile makes reference to Bundler
} finally {
function Invoke-Install {
Write-BuildLine "** Copy built & cached gems to install directory"
Copy-Item -Path "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/*" -Destination $pkg_prefix -Recurse -Force -Exclude @("gem_make.out", "mkmf.log", "Makefile")
try {
Push-Location $pkg_prefix
bundle config --local gemfile $project_root/Gemfile
foreach($gem in ("inspec-bin", "inspec")) {
Write-BuildLine "** generating binstubs for $gem with precise version pins"
Invoke-Expression -Command "appbundler.bat $project_root $pkg_prefix/bin $gem"
Remove-StudioPathFrom -File $pkg_prefix/vendor/gems/inspec-$pkg_version*/Gemfile
} finally {
# forget about the build bundle config
Remove-Item $pkg_prefix/.bundle -Recurse -Force
function Invoke-After {
# We don't need the cache of downloaded .gem files ...
Remove-Item $pkg_prefix/vendor/cache -Recurse -Force
# We don't need the gem docs.
Remove-Item $pkg_prefix/vendor/doc -Recurse -Force
# We don't need to ship the test suites for every gem dependency,
# only inspec's for package verification.
Get-ChildItem $pkg_prefix/vendor/gems -Filter "spec" -Directory -Recurse -Depth 1 `
| Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.FullName -notlike "*inspec*" } `
| Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
# Remove the byproducts of compiling gems with extensions
Get-ChildItem $pkg_prefix/vendor/gems -Include @("gem_make.out", "mkmf.log", "Makefile") -File -Recurse `
| Remove-Item -Force
function Remove-StudioPathFrom {
(Get-Content $File) -replace ($env:FS_ROOT -replace "\\","/"),"" | Set-Content $File