require "resources/azure/azure_backend" module Inspec::Resources class AzureVirtualMachine < AzureResourceBase name "azure_virtual_machine" desc ' InSpec Resource to test Azure Virtual Machines ' supports platform: "azure" # Constructor for the resource. This calls the parent constructor to # get the generic resource for the specified machine. This will provide # static methods that are documented # # @author Russell Seymour def initialize(opts = {}) # The generic resource needs to pass back a Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines object so force it opts[:type] = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" super(opts) # Find the virtual machines resources create_tag_methods end # Method to catch calls that are not explicitly defined. # This allows the simple attributes of the virtual machine to be read without having # to define each one in turn. # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # # @param symobl method_id The symbol of the method that has been called # # @return Value of attribute that has been called def method_missing(method_id) # Depending on the method that has been called, determine what value should be returned # These are set as camel case methods to comply with rubocop image_reference_attrs = %w{sku publisher offer} osdisk_attrs = %w{os_type caching create_option disk_size_gb} hardware_profile_attrs = %w{vm_size} os_profile_attrs = %w{computer_name admin_username} osdisk_managed_disk_attrs = %w{storage_account_type} # determine the method name to call by converting the snake_case to camelCase # method_name = self.camel_case(method_id.to_s) method_name = method_id.to_s.split("_").inject([]) { |buffer, e| buffer.push(buffer.empty? ? e : e.capitalize) }.join method_name.end_with?("Gb") ? method_name.gsub!(/Gb/, &:upcase) : false if image_reference_attrs.include?(method_id.to_s) properties.storageProfile.imageReference.send(method_name) elsif osdisk_attrs.include?(method_id.to_s) properties.storageProfile.osDisk.send(method_name) elsif hardware_profile_attrs.include?(method_id.to_s) properties.hardwareProfile.send(method_name) elsif os_profile_attrs.include?(method_id.to_s) properties.osProfile.send(method_name) elsif osdisk_managed_disk_attrs.include?(method_id.to_s) properties.storageProfile.osDisk.managedDisk.send(method_name) end end # Return the name of the os disk # # @return string Name of the OS disk def os_disk_name end # Determine if the OS disk is a managed disk # # @return boolean def has_managed_osdisk? defined?(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.managedDisk) end # Does the machine have any NICs connected # # @return boolean def has_nics? properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces.count != 0 end # How many NICs are connected to the machine # # @return integer def nic_count properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces.count end # Return an array of the connected NICs so that it can be tested to ensure # the machine is connected properly # # @return array Array of NIC names connected to the machine def connected_nics nic_names = [] properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces.each do |nic| nic_names <<{/}).last end nic_names end # Whether the machine has data disks or not # # @return boolean def has_data_disks? properties.storageProfile.dataDisks.count != 0 end # How many data disks are connected # # @return integer def data_disk_count properties.storageProfile.dataDisks.count end # Does the machine allow password authentication # # This allows the use of # it { should have_password_authentication } # within the InSpec profile # # @return boolean def has_password_authentication? password_authentication? end # Deteremine if the machine allows password authentication # # @return boolean def password_authentication? # if the osProfile property has a linuxConfiguration section then interrogate that # otherwise it is a Windows machine and that always has password auth if defined?(properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration) !properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.disablePasswordAuthentication else true end end # Has the machine been given Custom Data at creation # # This allows the use of # it { should have_custom_data } # within the InSpec Profile # # @return boolean def has_custom_data? custom_data? end # Determine if custom data has been set # # @return boolean def custom_data? if defined?(properties.osProfile.CustomData) true else false end end # Are any SSH Keys assigned to the machine # # This allows the use of # it { should have_ssh_keys } # within the InSpec Profile # # @return boolean def has_ssh_keys? ssh_keys? end # Determine if any ssh keys have been asigned to the machine # # @return boolean def ssh_keys? if defined?(properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.ssh) properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.ssh.publicKeys != 0 else false end end # Return the number of ssh keys that have been assigned to the machine # # @return integer def ssh_key_count if defined?(properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.ssh) properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.ssh.publicKeys.count else 0 end end # Determine is the specified key is in the ssh_keys list # # @return array Array of the public keys that are assigned to allow for testing of that key def ssh_keys # iterate around the keys keys = [] properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration.ssh.publicKeys.each do |key| keys << key.keyData end keys end # Does the machine have boot diagnostics enabled # # @return boolean def has_boot_diagnostics? if defined?(properties.diagnosticsProfile) properties.diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.enabled else false end end # Return the URI that has been set for the boot diagnostics storage # # @return string def boot_diagnostics_storage_uri properties.diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.storageUri end # If this is a windows machine, returns whether the agent was provisioned or not # # @return boolean def has_provision_vmagent? if defined?(properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration) properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration.provisionVMAgent else false end end # If a windows machine see if automatic updates for the agent are enabled # # @return boolean def has_automatic_agent_update? if defined?(properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration) properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates else false end end # If this is a windows machine return a boolean to state of the WinRM options # have been set # # @return boolean def has_winrm_options? if defined?(properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration) && defined?(properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration.winrm) properties.osProfile.windowsConfiguration.winrm.protocol else false end end end end