require "helper" require "inspec/resource" require "inspec/resources/json" describe "Inspec::Resources::JSON" do describe "when loading a valid json" do let(:resource) { load_resource("json", "policyfile.lock.json") } it "gets params as a hashmap" do _(resource.params).must_be_kind_of Hash end it "retrieves nil if a param is missing" do _(resource.params["missing"]).must_be_nil end it "retrieves params by name" do _(resource.send("name")).must_equal "demo" end it "retrieves an array by name" do _(resource.send("run_list")).must_equal %w{a b} end it "doesnt resolve dot-notation names" do _(resource.send("x.y.z")).must_be_nil end it "doesnt resolve symbol-notation names" do _(resource.send(:'x.y.z')).must_be_nil end it "is enumerability matches its data" do enum = load_resource("json", content: '["a","b"]') not_enum = load_resource("json", content: "525600") _(enum.respond_to?(:each)).must_equal true _(not_enum.respond_to?(:each)).must_equal false end end describe "when loading a nonexistent file" do let(:resource) { load_resource("json", "nonexistent.json") } it "produces an error" do _(resource.resource_exception_message).must_equal "Can't find file: nonexistent.json" end it "still provides an empty hash for params" do _(resource.params).must_equal({}) end end describe "#load_raw_from_file" do let(:path) { "/path/to/file.txt" } let(:resource) { Inspec::Resources::JsonConfig.allocate } let(:inspec) { mock } let(:file) { mock } before do resource.stubs(:inspec).returns(inspec) inspec.expects(:file).with(path).returns(file) end it "raises an exception when the file does not exist" do file.expects(:file?).returns(false) _(proc { resource.send(:load_raw_from_file, path) }).must_raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceSkipped end it "raises an exception if the file content is nil" do file.expects(:file?).returns(true) file.expects(:content).returns(nil) _(proc { resource.send(:load_raw_from_file, path) }).must_raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceSkipped end it "raises an exception if the file content is empty" do file.expects(:file?).returns(true) file.expects(:content).at_least_once.returns("") _(proc { resource.send(:load_raw_from_file, path) }).must_raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceSkipped end it "returns the file content" do file.expects(:file?).returns(true) file.expects(:content).at_least_once.returns("json goes here") _(resource.send(:load_raw_from_file, path)).must_equal "json goes here" end end describe ":command" do # CASES: # # stdout:good, stderr:empty # stdout:bad, stderr:empty # stdout:empty, stderr:msg # stdout:empty, stderr:empty def run_json_cmd(cmd) Inspec::Config.cached["command_timeout"] = 3600 # Reset to default quick_resource("json", :linux, command: cmd) end # TODO: push up def assert_resource_skipped(res, msg) assert_predicate res, :resource_skipped? refute_predicate res, :resource_failed? assert_includes res.resource_exception_message, msg end # TODO: push up def assert_resource_failed(res, msg) refute_predicate res, :resource_skipped? assert_predicate res, :resource_failed? assert_includes res.resource_exception_message, msg end it "good stdout, empty stderr" do resource = run_json_cmd %(#{Gem.ruby} -rjson -e "h={'result'=>true}; puts h.to_json") assert_equal %({"result":true}), resource.raw_content.chomp assert_equal({ "result" => true }, resource.params) end it "bad stdout, empty stderr" do resource = run_json_cmd "echo 'not-valid-json'" assert_resource_failed resource, "unexpected token at 'not-valid-json" end it "empty stdout, message in stderr" do skip "Bug #4465: does not work on windows w/ transport==local" if windows? resource = run_json_cmd %{abort 'bad args'"} assert_resource_failed resource, "No JSON output, STDERR:" end it "empty stdout, empty stderr" do resource = run_json_cmd %{#{Gem.ruby} -e "exit 1"} assert_resource_failed resource, "No JSON output, STDERR was empty" end end end