require "helper" require "stringio" require "inspec/config" require "plugins/inspec-compliance/lib/inspec-compliance/api" describe "Inspec::Config" do # ========================================================================== # # Constructor # ========================================================================== # describe "the constructor" do describe "when no args are provided" do it "should initialize properly" do cfg = cfg.must_respond_to :final_options end end describe "when CLI args are provided" do it "should initialize properly" do cfg ={ color: true, log_level: "warn" }) cfg.must_respond_to :final_options end end # TODO: add test for reading from default config path end # ========================================================================== # # Global Caching # ========================================================================== # describe "caching" do # Note that since unit tests are randomized, we have no idea what is in # the cache. We just want to validate that we get the same thing. it "should cache the config object" do # in the unlikely event we are the first unit test # Type check cfg_cached = Inspec::Config.cached cfg_cached.must_be_kind_of Inspec::Config # Multiple calls to cached should return the same thing cfg_2 = Inspec::Config.cached cfg_2.must_equal cfg_cached # Cached value unaffected by later instance creation 9) cfg_4 = Inspec::Config.cached cfg_4.must_equal cfg_cached end end # ========================================================================== # # File Validation # ========================================================================== # describe "when validating a file" do let(:cfg) {{}, cfg_io) } let(:cfg_io) { } let(:seen_fields) { cfg.final_options.keys.sort } describe "when the file is a legacy file" do let(:fixture_name) { "legacy" } it "should read the file successfully" do expected = %w{color reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected end end describe "when the file is a valid v1.1 file" do let(:fixture_name) { "basic" } it "should read the file successfully" do expected = %w{create_lockfile reporter type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected end end describe "when the file is minimal" do let(:fixture_name) { "minimal" } it "should read the file successfully" do expected = %w{reporter type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected end end describe "when the file has malformed json" do let(:fixture_name) { "malformed_json" } it "should throw an exception" do ex = proc { cfg }.must_raise(Inspec::ConfigError::MalformedJson) # Failed to load JSON configuration: 765: unexpected token at '{ "hot_garbage": "a", "version": "1.1", # ' # Config was: "{ \"hot_garbage\": \"a\", \"version\": \"1.1\", \n" ex.message.must_include "Failed to load JSON config" # The message ex.message.must_include "unexpected token" # The specific parser error ex.message.must_include "hot_garbage" # A sample of the unacceptable contents end end describe "when the file has a bad file version" do let(:fixture_name) { "bad_version" } it "should throw an exception" do ex = proc { cfg }.must_raise(Inspec::ConfigError::Invalid) ex.message.must_include "Unsupported config file version" ex.message.must_include "99.99" ex.message.must_include "1.1" end end describe "when a 1.1 file has an invalid top-level entry" do let(:fixture_name) { "bad_top_level" } it "should throw an exception" do ex = proc { cfg }.must_raise(Inspec::ConfigError::Invalid) ex.message.must_include "Unrecognized top-level" ex.message.must_include "unsupported_field" ex.message.must_include "compliance" end end end # ========================================================================== # # Defaults # ========================================================================== # describe "reading defaults" do let(:cfg) {{}, nil, command) } let(:final_options) { cfg.final_options } let(:seen_fields) { cfg.final_options.keys.sort } describe "when the exec command is used" do let(:command) { :exec } it "should have the correct defaults" do expected = %w{color create_lockfile backend_cache reporter show_progress type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected final_options["reporter"].must_be_kind_of Hash final_options["reporter"].count.must_equal 1 final_options["reporter"].keys.must_include "cli" final_options["show_progress"].must_equal false final_options["color"].must_equal true final_options["create_lockfile"].must_equal true final_options["backend_cache"].must_equal true end end describe "when the shell command is used" do let(:command) { :shell } it "should have the correct defaults" do expected = %w{reporter type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected final_options["reporter"].must_be_kind_of Hash final_options["reporter"].count.must_equal 1 final_options["reporter"].keys.must_include "cli" end end end # ========================================================================== # # Reading CLI Options # ========================================================================== # # The config facility supports passing in CLI options in the constructor, so # that it can handle merging internally. That is tested here. # # This is different than storing options # in the config file with the same name as the CLI options, which is # tested under 'CLI Options Stored in File' describe "reading CLI options" do let(:cfg) { } let(:final_options) { cfg.final_options } let(:seen_fields) { cfg.final_options.keys.sort } describe "when the CLI opts are present" do let(:cli_opts) do { color: true, "string_key" => "string_value", array_value: [1, 2, 3], } end it "should transparently round-trip the options" do expected = %w{color array_value reporter string_key type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected final_options[:color].must_equal true final_options["color"].must_equal true final_options["string_key"].must_equal "string_value" final_options[:string_key].must_equal "string_value" final_options["array_value"].must_equal [1, 2, 3] final_options[:array_value].must_equal [1, 2, 3] end end end # ========================================================================== # # CLI Options Stored in File # ========================================================================== # describe "reading CLI options stored in the config file" do let(:cfg) {{}, cfg_io) } let(:final_options) { cfg.final_options } let(:cfg_io) { } let(:seen_fields) { cfg.final_options.keys.sort } # These two test cases have the same options but in different file versions. describe "when the CLI opts are present in a 1.1 file" do let(:fixture_name) { :like_legacy } it "should read the options" do expected = %w{color reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected final_options["color"].must_equal "true" # Dubious - should this be String or TrueClass? final_options["target_id"].must_equal "mynode" end end describe "when the CLI opts are present in a legacy file" do let(:fixture_name) { :legacy } it "should read the options" do expected = %w{color reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected final_options["color"].must_equal "true" # Dubious - should this be String or TrueClass? final_options["target_id"].must_equal "mynode" end end end # ========================================================================== # # Parsing and Validating Reporters # ========================================================================== # # TODO: this should be moved into plugins for the reporters describe "when parsing reporters" do let(:cfg) { } let(:seen_reporters) { cfg["reporter"] } describe "when paring CLI reporter" do let(:cli_opts) { { "reporter" => ["cli"] } } it "parse cli reporters" do expected_value = { "cli" => { "stdout" => true } } seen_reporters.must_equal expected_value end end describe "when paring CLI reporter" do let(:cli_opts) { { "reporter" => ["cli"], "target_id" => "1d3e399f-4d71-4863-ac54-84d437fbc444" } } it "parses cli report and attaches target_id" do expected_value = { "cli" => { "stdout" => true, "target_id" => "1d3e399f-4d71-4863-ac54-84d437fbc444" } } seen_reporters.must_equal expected_value end end end describe "when validating reporters" do # validate_reporters is private, so we use .send let(:cfg) { } it "valid reporter" do reporters = { "json" => { "stdout" => true } } cfg.send(:validate_reporters!, reporters) end it "invalid reporter type" do reporters = %w{json magenta} proc { cfg.send(:validate_reporters!, reporters) }.must_raise NotImplementedError end it "two reporters outputting to stdout" do stdout = { "stdout" => true } reporters = { "json" => stdout, "cli" => stdout } proc { cfg.send(:validate_reporters!, reporters) }.must_raise ArgumentError end end # ========================================================================== # # Miscellaneous Option Finalization # ========================================================================== # describe "option finalization" do it "raises if `--password/--sudo-password` are used without value" do # When you invoke `inspec shell --password` (with no value for password, # though it is setup to expect a string) Thor will set the key with value -1 ex = proc {{ "sudo_password" => -1 }) }.must_raise(ArgumentError) ex.message.must_match(/Please provide a value for --sudo-password/) end it "assumes `--sudo` if `--sudo-password` is used without it" do @mock_logger = @mock_logger.expect(:warn, nil, [/Adding `--sudo`./]) Inspec::Log.stub :warn, (proc { |message| @mock_logger.warn(message) }) do cfg ="sudo_password" => "somepass") cfg.key?("sudo").must_equal true end @mock_logger.verify end it "calls `Compliance::API.login` if `opts[:compliance] is passed`" do InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.expects(:login) cfg_io ="with_compliance")){ backend: "mock" }, cfg_io) end end # ========================================================================== # # Fetching Credentials # ========================================================================== # describe "when fetching creds" do let(:cfg) {, cfg_io) } let(:cfg_io) { } let(:seen_fields) { creds.keys.sort } let(:creds) { cfg.unpack_train_credentials } describe "when generic creds are present on the cli" do let(:cfg_io) { nil } let(:cli_opts) { { sudo: true, 'shell_command': "ksh" } } it "should pass the credentials as-is" do expected = %i{backend sudo shell_command}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected creds[:sudo].must_equal true creds[:shell_command].must_equal "ksh" creds[:backend].must_equal "local" # Checking for default end end describe "when creds are specified on the CLI with a backend and transport prefixes" do let(:cfg_io) { nil } let(:cli_opts) { { backend: "ssh", ssh_host: "", ssh_key_files: "mykey" } } it "should read the backend and strip prefixes" do expected = %i{backend host key_files}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:host].must_equal "" creds[:key_files].must_equal "mykey" end end describe "when creds are specified with a credset target_uri in a 1.1 file without transport prefixes" do let(:file_fixture_name) { :basic } let(:cli_opts) { { target: "ssh://set1" } } it "should use the credset to lookup the creds in the file" do expected = %i{backend host user}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:host].must_equal "" creds[:user].must_equal "some_user" end end describe "when creds are specified with a credset that contains odd characters" do let(:file_fixture_name) { :match_checks_in_credset_names } [ "ssh://TitleCase", "ssh://snake_case", "ssh://conta1nsnumeral5", ].each do |target_uri| it "should be able to unpack #{target_uri}" do # let() caching breaks things here cfg_io = cfg ={ target: target_uri }, cfg_io) creds = cfg.unpack_train_credentials creds.count.must_equal 2 creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:found].must_equal "yes" end end [ "ssh://contains.dots", ].each do |target_uri| it "should handoff unpacking #{target_uri} to train" do # let() caching breaks things here cfg_io = cfg ={ target: target_uri }, cfg_io) creds = cfg.unpack_train_credentials creds.count.must_equal 2 creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:host].must_equal "contains.dots" end end [ "ssh://contains spaces", ].each do |target_uri| it "should be not able to unpack #{target_uri}" do # let() caching breaks things here cfg_io = cfg ={ target: target_uri }, cfg_io) assert_raises(Train::UserError) { cfg.unpack_train_credentials } end end end describe "when creds are specified with a credset target_uri in a 1.1 file and a prefixed override on the CLI" do let(:file_fixture_name) { :basic } let(:cli_opts) { { target: "ssh://set1", ssh_user: "bob" } } it "should use the credset to lookup the creds in the file then override the single value" do expected = %i{backend host user}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:host].must_equal "" creds[:user].must_equal "bob" end end describe "when creds are specified with a non-credset target_uri" do let(:cfg_io) { nil } let(:cli_opts) { { target: "ssh://bob@somehost" } } it "should unpack the options using the URI parser" do expected = %i{backend host user}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:host].must_equal "somehost" creds[:user].must_equal "bob" end end describe "when backcompat creds are specified on the CLI without a transport prefix" do let(:cfg_io) { nil } let(:cli_opts) { { target: "ssh://", user: "bob" } } it "should assign the options correctly" do expected = %i{backend host user}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected creds[:backend].must_equal "ssh" creds[:host].must_equal "" creds[:user].must_equal "bob" end end end # ========================================================================== # # Merging Options # ========================================================================== # describe "when merging options" do let(:cfg) {, cfg_io, command) } let(:cfg_io) { } let(:seen_fields) { cfg.final_options.keys.sort } let(:command) { nil } describe "when there is both a default and a config file setting" do let(:file_fixture_name) { :override_check } let(:cli_opts) { {} } it "the config file setting should prevail" do Inspec::Config::Defaults.stubs(:default_for_command).returns("target_id" => "value_from_default") expected = %w{reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected cfg.final_options["target_id"].must_equal "value_from_config_file" cfg.final_options[:target_id].must_equal "value_from_config_file" end end describe "when there is both a default and a CLI option" do let(:cli_opts) { { target_id: "value_from_cli_opts" } } let(:cfg_io) { nil } it "the CLI option should prevail" do Inspec::Config::Defaults.stubs(:default_for_command).returns("target_id" => "value_from_default") expected = %w{reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected cfg.final_options["target_id"].must_equal "value_from_cli_opts" cfg.final_options[:target_id].must_equal "value_from_cli_opts" end end describe "when there is both a config file setting and a CLI option" do let(:file_fixture_name) { :override_check } let(:cli_opts) { { target_id: "value_from_cli_opts" } } it "the CLI option should prevail" do expected = %w{reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected cfg.final_options["target_id"].must_equal "value_from_cli_opts" cfg.final_options[:target_id].must_equal "value_from_cli_opts" end end describe 'specifically check default vs config file override for "reporter" setting' do let(:cli_opts) { {} } let(:command) { :shell } # shell default is [ :cli ] let(:file_fixture_name) { :override_check } # This fixture sets the cfg file contents to request a json reporter it "the config file setting should prevail" do expected = %w{reporter target_id type}.sort seen_fields.must_equal expected cfg.final_options["reporter"].must_be_kind_of Hash cfg.final_options["reporter"].keys.must_equal ["json"] cfg.final_options["reporter"]["json"]["path"].must_equal "path/from/config/file" cfg.final_options[:reporter].must_be_kind_of Hash cfg.final_options[:reporter].keys.must_equal ["json"] cfg.final_options[:reporter]["json"]["path"].must_equal "path/from/config/file" end end end end # ========================================================================== # # Test Fixtures # ========================================================================== # module ConfigTestHelper def fixture(fixture_name) case fixture_name.to_sym when :legacy # TODO - this is dubious, but based on # Things that have 'compliance' as a toplevel have also been seen <<~EOJ1 { "color": "true", "target_id": "mynode", "reporter": { "automate" : { "url" : "https://YOUR_A2_URL/data-collector/v0/", "token" : "YOUR_A2_ADMIN_TOKEN" } } } EOJ1 when :basic <<~EOJ2 { "version": "1.1", "cli_options": { "create_lockfile": "false" }, "reporter": { "automate" : { "url": "http://some.where", "token" : "YOUR_A2_ADMIN_TOKEN" } }, "credentials": { "ssh": { "set1": { "host": "", "user": "some_user" } } } } EOJ2 when :like_legacy <<~EOJ3 { "version": "1.1", "cli_options": { "color": "true", "target_id": "mynode" }, "reporter": { "automate" : { "url" : "https://YOUR_A2_URL/data-collector/v0/", "token" : "YOUR_A2_ADMIN_TOKEN" } } } EOJ3 when :override_check <<~EOJ4 { "version": "1.1", "cli_options": { "target_id": "value_from_config_file" }, "reporter": { "json": { "path": "path/from/config/file" } } } EOJ4 when :minimal '{ "version": "1.1" }' when :bad_version '{ "version": "99.99" }' when :bad_top_level '{ "version": "1.1", "unsupported_field": "some_value" }' when :malformed_json '{ "hot_garbage": "a", "version": "1.1", ' when :with_compliance # TODO - this is dubious, need to verify <<~EOJ5 { "compliance": { "server":"", "user":"someuser" } } EOJ5 when :match_checks_in_credset_names <<~EOJ6 { "version": "1.1", "credentials": { "ssh": { "TitleCase": { "found": "yes" }, "snake_case": { "found": "yes" }, "conta1nsnumeral5": { "found": "yes" }, "contains.dots": { "found": "no" }, "contains spaces": { "found": "no" } } } } EOJ6 end end module_function :fixture end