#!/usr/bin/env rake # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..", "lib")) require "uri" require "net/http" require "fastly" require_relative "../tasks/docs.rb" require_relative "../tasks/shared.rb" task :default do puts "There is no default task - see `rake --tasks` for available www-related tasks." puts "Run `rake www` to do a full website release." exit(1) end namespace :www do # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength task :accept_license do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses")) # If the user has not accepted the license, touch the acceptance # file, but also touch a marker that it is only for testing. unless File.exist?(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses", "inspec")) puts "\n\nTemporarily accepting Chef user license for the duration of testing...\n" FileUtils.touch(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses", "inspec")) FileUtils.touch(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses", "inspec.for_testing")) end # Regardless of what happens, when this process exits, check for cleanup. at_exit do if File.exist?(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses", "inspec.for_testing")) puts "\n\nRemoving temporary Chef user license acceptance file that was placed for test duration.\n" FileUtils.rm_f(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses", "inspec")) FileUtils.rm_f(File.join(Dir.home, ".chef", "accepted_licenses", "inspec.for_testing")) end end end desc "Builds the middleman site" task :site do Log.section "Build middleman project" Bundler.with_clean_env do sh("bundle install && bundle exec middleman build") end Verify.file("build/index.html") Verify.file("build/javascripts/all.js") Verify.file("build/stylesheets/site.css") end task site: [:accept_license] desc "Assemble the website site from middleman" task :assemble do Log.section "Copy only tutorial into middleman build directory" sh("rsync -a --exclude=index.html build/") end task assemble: [:accept_license] desc "Builds the full site locally" task build: ["www:site", "www:assemble"] task build: [:accept_license] task :clean do dst = "build" FileUtils.rm_rf(dst) if File.directory?(dst) end desc "Releases the site to gh-pages" task :release do # This folder contains the built files dst = "build" unless File.directory?(dst) && File.file?(File.join(dst, "index.html")) puts "It looks like you have not built the site yet. Calling rake www:build" Rake::Task["www:build"].invoke end unless File.directory?(dst) && File.file?(File.join(dst, "index.html")) raise "It looks like the site was not build. Aborting." end # check if git exists sh("command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1") || raise("It looks like `git` isn't installed. It is required to run this build task.") unless sh("git diff-index --quiet HEAD --") raise "Please make sure you have no uncommitted changes in this repository." end File.write(File.join(dst, "CNAME"), "origin.inspec.io") file_count = Dir[File.join(dst, "*")].length file_size = `du -hs #{dst}`.sub(/\s+.*$/m, "") if system("git rev-parse --verify gh-pages") Log.info "Remove local gh-pages branch" sh("git branch -D gh-pages") end current_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip if current_branch.empty? raise "Cannot determine current branch to go back to! Aborting." end Log.info "Create empty gh-pages branch" sh("git checkout --orphan gh-pages") # this rest of this task needs to be run from the root of the inspec repo # so it can properly move and clean files in the gh-pages branch Dir.chdir(File.join(Dir.pwd, "..")) do dst_from_root = File.join("www", dst) Log.info "Clear out all local git files!" sh("git rm -rf .") Log.info "Add the built files in #{dst_from_root}" sh("git add #{dst_from_root}") Log.info "Remove all other files in this empty branch" sh("git clean -df") Log.info "Move the site to the root directory" sh("git mv #{File.join(dst_from_root, '*')} .") Log.info "Commit to gh-pages" sh("git commit -m 'website update'") require "inquirer" if Ask.confirm("Ready to go, I have #{file_count} files at #{file_size}. "\ "Do you want to push this live?", default: false) Log.info "push to origin, this may take a moment" sh("git push -u origin --force-with-lease gh-pages") else puts "Aborted." end end sh("git checkout #{current_branch}") end desc "Release the site to the Netlify acceptance environment" task :acceptance do raise "NETLIFYKEY environment variable not set" unless ENV.key?("NETLIFYKEY") Log.info "Cleaning the existing build directory" Rake::Task["www:clean"].invoke Log.info "Building the docs" Rake::Task["docs"].invoke Log.info "Building the site" Rake::Task["www:build"].invoke Log.info "Creating zip file of website contents" Dir.chdir(File.join(Dir.pwd, "build")) do sh("zip -r inspec-acceptance.zip *") end Log.info "Uploading to Netlify" uri = URI.parse("https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/sites/inspec-acceptance.netlify.com/deploys") request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri) request["Content-Type"] = "application/zip" request["Authorization"] = "Bearer #{ENV['NETLIFYKEY']}" request.body = File.read(File.join(Dir.pwd, "build", "inspec-acceptance.zip"), mode: "rb") response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http| http.request(request) end raise "Failed to upload to Netlify: #{response.code} -- #{response.body}" unless response.code == "200" Log.info "Removing zip file" File.unlink(File.join(Dir.pwd, "build", "inspec-acceptance.zip")) end desc "Flush the inspec.io cache at Fastly" task :flush do api_key = ENV["FASTLY_API_KEY"] service_id = ENV["FASTLY_SERVICE_ID"] if api_key.nil? || service_id.nil? puts "" puts "WARNING: could not flush the Fastly cache for inspec.io." puts "Please set FASTLY_API_KEY and FASTLY_SERVICE_ID environment variables" puts "and run `rake www:flush`." puts "" next end Log.info "Flushing the Fastly cache" begin fastly_client = Fastly.new(api_key: api_key) fastly_service = Fastly::Service.new({ id: service_id }, fastly_client) purge_result = fastly_service.purge_all rescue => e puts "ERROR: Fastly cache could not be purged: #{e.class} - #{e.message}" next end if purge_result["status"] == "ok" puts "Success! The Fastly cache is purged." else puts "ERROR: Fastly cache could not be purged: #{purge_result}" end end end desc "Full website release: includes local clean, docs build, site build, and then release" task :www do Rake::Task["www:clean"].invoke Rake::Task["docs"].invoke Rake::Task["www:build"].invoke Rake::Task["www:release"].invoke Rake::Task["www:flush"].invoke end