require "helper" require_relative "../../../lib/plugins/inspec-reporter-cli/lib/inspec-reporter-cli" require_relative "../../../lib/plugins/inspec-reporter-cli/lib/inspec-reporter-cli/reporter" describe InspecPlugins::CliReporter::Reporter do WINDOWS = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /windows|mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin/ let(:report) do data = JSON.parse("test/fixtures/reporters/run_data.json"), symbolize_names: true) cli = InspecPlugins::CliReporter::Reporter{ run_data: data }) end let(:profile) { report.run_data[:profiles].first } let(:control) { InspecPlugins::CliReporter::Reporter::ControlForCliDisplay } before do RSpec.configuration.color = true if defined?(RSpec.configuration) end def windowize(string) string.gsub!("✔", "[PASS]") string.gsub!("↺", "[SKIP]") string.gsub!("×", "[FAIL]") string.gsub!("\e[38;5;41m", "\e[0;1;32m") string.gsub!("\e[38;5;9m", "\e[0;1;31m") string.gsub!("\e[38;5;208m", "\e[0;1;31m") string.gsub!("\e[38;5;247m", "\e[0;37m") end describe "#render" do it "confirm render output" do if WINDOWS cli_output ="test/fixtures/reporters/cli_output_windows", "r:UTF-8").read else cli_output ="test/fixtures/reporters/cli_output", "r:UTF-8").read end report.render _(report.rendered_output).must_equal cli_output end end describe "#print_profile_header" do it "confirm header output" do expected = <<~EOF Profile: InSpec Profile (long_commands) Version: 0.1.0 Target: local:// EOF _(report.send(:print_profile_header, profile)).must_equal expected end end describe "#print_standard_control_results" do it "confirm stand control output" do report.instance_variable_set(:@control_count, 0) expected = <<~EOF \e[38;5;41m ✔ tmp-1.0: Create /tmp directory\e[0m \e[38;5;41m ✔ File /tmp should be directory\e[0m EOF windowize(expected) if WINDOWS report.send(:print_standard_control_results, profile) output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) _(output).must_equal expected end end describe "#print_anonymous_control_results" do it "confirm anon control output" do report.instance_variable_set(:@control_count, 0) expected = <<~EOF File /tmp \e[38;5;41m ✔ should be directory\e[0m gem package rubocop \e[38;5;9m × should be installed rubocop is not installed\e[0m stdout \e[38;5;41m ✔ stdout should eq \"jquick\\n\"\e[0m EOF windowize(expected) if WINDOWS report.send(:print_anonymous_control_results, profile) output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) _(output).must_equal expected end end describe "#format_profile_name" do it "confirm profile name format" do expected = "InSpec Profile (long_commands)" _(report.send(:format_profile_name, profile)).must_equal expected end it "confirm unknown name" do profile[:name] = nil expected = "InSpec Profile (unknown)" _(report.send(:format_profile_name, profile)).must_equal expected end it "confirm unknown title" do profile[:title] = nil expected = "long_commands" _(report.send(:format_profile_name, profile)).must_equal expected end end describe "#format_control_header" do it "confirm control header output" do expected = " File /tmp" profile_control =[:controls].first) _(report.send(:format_control_header, profile_control)).must_equal expected end end describe "#format_result" do let(:profile_control) do[:controls].first) end let(:result) { profile_control.control_obj.results.first } it "confirm standard result" do output = report.send(:format_result, profile_control, result, :standard) expected = "\e[38;5;41m ✔ File /tmp should be directory\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(output).must_equal expected end it "confirm anonymous result" do output = report.send(:format_result, profile_control, result, :anonymous) expected = "\e[38;5;41m ✔ should be directory\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(output).must_equal expected end it "confirm skip result" do result[:status] = "skipped" output = report.send(:format_result, profile_control, result, :anonymous) expected = "\e[38;5;247m ↺ \e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(output).must_equal expected end end describe "#print_profile_summary" do let(:control) { profile[:controls].select { |c| c[:id] == "tmp-1.0" } } it "confirm profile summary" do report.send(:print_profile_summary) expected = "Profile Summary: \e[38;5;41m1 successful control\e[0m, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped\n" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) _(output).must_equal expected end it "confirm profile summary with skip" do control.first[:results].first[:status] = "skipped" report.send(:print_profile_summary) expected = "Profile Summary: 0 successful controls, 0 control failures, \e[38;5;247m1 control skipped\e[0m\n" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) _(output).must_equal expected end it "confirm profile summary with fail" do control.first[:results].first[:status] = "failed" report.send(:print_profile_summary) expected = "Profile Summary: 0 successful controls, \e[38;5;9m1 control failure\e[0m, 0 controls skipped\n" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) _(output).must_equal expected end end describe "#print_tests_summary" do it "confirm tests summary" do report.send(:print_tests_summary) output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) expected = "Test Summary: \e[38;5;41m3 successful\e[0m, \e[38;5;9m1 failure\e[0m, 0 skipped\n" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(output).must_equal expected end it "confirm tests summary skip" do profile[:controls].first[:results].first[:status] = "skipped" report.send(:print_tests_summary) output = report.instance_variable_get(:@output) expected = "Test Summary: \e[38;5;41m2 successful\e[0m, \e[38;5;9m1 failure\e[0m, \e[38;5;247m1 skipped\e[0m\n" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(output).must_equal expected end end describe "#format_with_color" do it "confirm color format passed" do expected = "\e[38;5;41mtest text\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(report.send(:format_with_color, "passed", "test text")).must_equal expected end it "confirm color format failed" do expected = "\e[38;5;9mtest text\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(report.send(:format_with_color, "failed", "test text")).must_equal expected end end describe "#standard_controls_from_profile" do it "confirm controls" do result = report.send(:standard_controls_from_profile, profile) _(result.count).must_equal 1 _(result.first[:id]).must_equal "tmp-1.0" end end describe "#anonymous_controls_from_profile" do it "confirm controls" do result = report.send(:anonymous_controls_from_profile, profile) _(result.count).must_equal 3 _(result.first[:id]).must_match(/generated/) end end describe "#is_anonymous_control?" do it "confirm anonymous control" do controls = profile[:controls].select { |c| c[:id] != "tmp-1.0" } _(report.send(:is_anonymous_control?, controls.first)).must_equal true end it "confirm anonymous control false" do controls = profile[:controls].select { |c| c[:id] == "tmp-1.0" } _(report.send(:is_anonymous_control?, controls.first)).must_equal false end end describe "#format_message" do let(:message_info) do { indicator: "passed", color: "passed", indentation: 2, message: "this is a test message", } end it "confirm message format" do expected = "\e[38;5;41m ✔ this is a test message\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(report.send(:format_message, message_info)).must_equal expected end it "confirm message format failed" do message_info[:indicator] = "failed" message_info[:color] = "failed" expected = "\e[38;5;9m × this is a test message\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(report.send(:format_message, message_info)).must_equal expected end it "confirm message format skipped" do message_info[:indicator] = "skipped" message_info[:color] = "skipped" expected = "\e[38;5;247m ↺ this is a test message\e[0m" windowize(expected) if WINDOWS _(report.send(:format_message, message_info)).must_equal expected end end describe "#indent_lines" do it "confirm line indent" do _(report.send(:indent_lines, "test", 2)).must_equal " test" end end describe "#all_unique_controls" do it "return unique controls" do _(report.send(:all_unique_controls).count).must_equal 4 end end describe "#profile_summary" do it "correct profile summary" do expect = { "total" => 1, "failed" => 0, "skipped" => 0, "passed" => 1 } _(report.send(:profile_summary)).must_equal expect end end describe "#tests_summary" do it "correct tests summary" do expect = { "total" => 0, "failed" => 1, "skipped" => 0, "passed" => 3 } _(report.send(:tests_summary)).must_equal expect end end end