import { Component, OnInit, OnChanges, Input, Output, EventEmitter, SimpleChange } from '@angular/core'; declare var Terminal: any; @Component({ selector: 'xterm-terminal', templateUrl: 'app/xterm-terminal/xterm-terminal.component.html', styleUrls: ['app/xterm-terminal/xterm-terminal.component.css'] }) export class XtermTerminalComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges{ // This Xterm implementation emits all commands, once the users presses 'Enter' @Output() stdin: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // waits for events that should be printed on the terminal @Input() stdout: EventEmitter; // sets the shell prompt @Input() prompt: string; // handle up/down command history functionality history: any = []; historyIndex: number; last: number; // caches stdin, until the user presses Enter buffer: string = ''; // xterm variables terminalContainer: any; term: any; optionElements: any; cols: string; rows: string; // we cannot use \33[2K\r since strict mode recognize it as ocal number clearLine = "\u001b[2K\r" ngOnInit() { // set up Xterm terminal ( this.terminalContainer = document.getElementById('terminal-container'); this.initializeTerminal(); } ngOnChanges(changes: {[propKey: string]: SimpleChange}) { let log: string[] = []; for (let propName in changes) { let changedProp = changes[propName]; // reprint prompt if (propName == 'prompt' && this.term != null) { this.term.write(this.clearLine+this.prompt) } } } onResize(event) { this.updateTerminalSize() } updateTerminalSize() { // recalculate cols and rows let charwidth = 24; // read size from parent wrapping element let cols = 80 let rows = Math.floor(this.terminalContainer.parentElement.clientHeight / charwidth) this.term.resize(cols, rows); } // create Xterm terminal ( initializeTerminal() { while (this.terminalContainer.children.length) { this.terminalContainer.removeChild(this.terminalContainer.children[0]); } this.term = new Terminal({ cursorBlink: true, });;; // start registering the event listener, only need to be done the first time if (this.term._initialized) { return; } this.term._initialized = true; this.writePrompt(); // determine rows for terminal this.updateTerminalSize() let self = this // raw data this.term.on('data', function(data){ self.writeBuffer(data) }) // overwrite keydown handler to be able to customize cursor handling this.term.attachCustomKeydownHandler(function(ev){ return self.keydown(ev); }) // handle stream events from the app this.stdout.subscribe(function(data) { self.onStdout(data) }, function(err) { console.error(err) }) } // this writes the raw buffer and includes invisible charaters writeBuffer(data) { this.term.write(data); this.buffer += data; } // reset the command buffer resetBuffer() { this.buffer = '' } // print out stdout data onStdout(data) { let res = data this.term.write(res); } // print out error onStderr(response) { this.term.writeln(response); } // writes the command prompt, a prompt is not part of the input buffer writePrompt() { this.term.write(this.prompt); } // stores a command in commmand history storeInHistory(cmd) { // remove cariage returns from history commands cmd = cmd.replace(/\r/,'') this.history.push(cmd); this.historyIndex = this.history.length } // prints the current selected command at history index historyCmdtoStdout() { this.buffer = this.history[this.historyIndex] this.reprintCommand(this.buffer ) } // reprint a command in the current line reprintCommand(cmd){ this.term.write(this.clearLine+this.prompt + cmd) } // resets the terminal clear() { this.term.reset() this.writePrompt() } // terminal event handler // be aware that we need to decouple the event loops, therefore we need to // use setTimeout to reliable print content on the terminal keydown(ev) { // console.log(ev); let self = this if (ev.keyCode === 13) { let cmd = self.buffer // special handling for clear and cls if (/^\s*clear|cls\s*/.exec(cmd) != null) { // reset terminal setTimeout(function(){ self.clear() }, 0); } else { // decouple from event loop, write a new line setTimeout(function(){ self.term.writeln('') self.stdin.emit(cmd); self.storeInHistory(cmd) }, 0); } // reset index to last item +1 self.resetBuffer() } // on backspace, pop characters from buffer else if (ev.keyCode == 8) { self.buffer = self.buffer.substr(0, self.buffer.length-1); setTimeout(function(){ self.reprintCommand(self.buffer) }, 0); } // press the up key, find previous item in cmd history else if (ev.keyCode === 40) { setTimeout(function(){ if (self.historyIndex < self.history.length - 1) { self.historyIndex += 1 self.historyCmdtoStdout() } }, 0); } // press the down key, find next item in cmd history else if (ev.keyCode === 38) { setTimeout(function(){ if (self.historyIndex >= 1) { self.historyIndex -= 1 self.historyCmdtoStdout() } }, 0); } // this forces xterm not to handle the key events with its own event handler return false; } }