title: About the mysql_conf Resource
platform: os

# mysql_conf

Use the `mysql_conf` InSpec audit resource to test the contents of the configuration file for MySQL, typically located at `/etc/mysql/my.cnf` or `/etc/my.cnf`.


## Availability

### Installation

This resource is distributed along with InSpec itself. You can use it automatically.

### Version

This resource first became available in v1.0.0 of InSpec.

## Syntax

A `mysql_conf` resource block declares one (or more) settings in the `my.cnf` file, and then compares the setting in the configuration file to the value stated in the test:

    describe mysql_conf('path') do
      its('setting') { should eq 'value' }

    # Test a parameter set within the [mysqld] section
    describe mysql_conf do
      its('mysqld.port') { should cmp 3306 }

    # Test a parameter set within the [mariadb] section using array notation
    describe mysql_conf do
      its(['mariadb', 'max-connections']) { should_not be_nil }


* `'setting'` specifies a setting in the `my.cnf` file, such as `max_connections`
  * when checking a setting within sections, such as `[mysqld]`, the section name must be included
* `('path')` is the non-default path to the `my.cnf` file
* `should eq 'value'` is the value that is expected


## Examples

The following examples show how to use this InSpec audit resource.

### Test the maximum number of allowed connections

    describe mysql_conf do
      its('max_connections') { should eq '505' }
      its('max_user_connections') { should eq '500' }

### Test slow query logging**

    describe mysql_conf do
      its('slow_query_log_file') { should eq 'hostname_slow.log' }
      its('slow_query_log') { should eq '0' }
      its('log_queries_not_using_indexes') { should eq '1' }
      its('long_query_time') { should eq '0.5' }
      its('min_examined_row_limit') { should eq '100' }

### Test the port and socket on which MySQL listens

    describe mysql_conf do
      its('port') { should eq '3306' }
      its('socket') { should eq '/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock' }

### Test connection and thread variables

    describe mysql_conf do
      its('port') { should eq '3306' }
      its('socket') { should eq '/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock' }
      its('max_allowed_packet') { should eq '12M' }
      its('default_storage_engine') { should eq 'InnoDB' }
      its('character_set_server') { should eq 'utf8' }
      its('collation_server') { should eq 'utf8_general_ci' }
      its('max_connections') { should eq '505' }
      its('max_user_connections') { should eq '500' }
      its('thread_cache_size') { should eq '505' }

### Test the safe-user-create parameter

    describe mysql_conf.params('mysqld') do
      its('safe-user-create') { should eq('1') }


## Matchers

For a full list of available matchers, please visit our [matchers page](https://www.inspec.io/docs/reference/matchers/).

### setting

The `setting` matcher tests specific, named settings in the `my.cnf` file:

    its('setting') { should eq 'value' }

Use a `setting` matcher for each setting to be tested.