# meta-profile The inspec.yml file in this profile shows how one can use dependencies from non-local sources such as Git or an HTTP url. This feature can be used to build up a environment-wide profile that is based on more specific profiles managed by others. InSpec supports multiple profile locations: ``` depends: # defaults to supermarket - name: hardening/ssh-hardening # remote tar or zip file - name: os-hardening url: https://github.com/dev-sec/tests-os-hardening/archive/master.zip # git - git: https://github.com/dev-sec/ssl-benchmark.git - name: windows-patch-benchmark git: https://github.com/chris-rock/windows-patch-benchmark.git # Chef Compliance - name: linux compliance: base/linux ``` You could use those dependencies in your `exmaple.rb`: ``` include_controls 'hardening/ssh-hardening' include_controls 'os-hardening' include_controls 'ssl-benchmark' include_controls 'linux' include_controls 'windows-patch-benchmark' ``` Further details are described in our [InSpec Docs](http://inspec.io/docs/reference/profiles/)