require "functional/helper" describe "waivers" do include FunctionalHelper parallelize_me! # 10s -> 2s w/ N=15 let(:waivers_profiles_path) { "#{profile_path}/waivers" } let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process(cmd, json: true) } let(:controls_by_id) { run_result; @json.dig("profiles", 0, "controls").map { |c| [c["id"], c] }.to_h } let(:cmd) { "exec #{waivers_profiles_path}/#{profile_name} --waiver-file #{waivers_profiles_path}/#{profile_name}/files/#{waiver_file}" } attr_accessor :out def inspec(commandline, prefix = nil) @stdout = @stderr = nil self.out = super end def stdout @stdout ||= out.stdout .force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def stderr @stderr ||= out.stderr .force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def assert_test_outcome(expected, control_id) assert_equal expected, controls_by_id.dig(control_id, "results", 0, "status") end def assert_stringy(s) assert_kind_of String, s refute_empty s end def waiver_data(control_id) controls_by_id.dig(control_id, "waiver_data") end def assert_waiver_annotation(control_id) act = waiver_data control_id # extract data from control_id expiry = !!(control_id !~ /no_expiry/) in_past = !!(control_id =~ /in_past/) in_future = !!(control_id =~ /in_future/) ran = !!(control_id !~ /not_ran/) default_run = !!(control_id =~ /default_run/) waiver_expired_in_past = /Waiver expired/ =~ act["message"] # higher logic waived = (!expiry && !ran) || (expiry && !ran && in_future) # TODO: wasn't message was originally specced as being optional? has_message = expiry && !ran && in_past assert_instance_of Hash, act assert_stringy act["justification"] # TODO: optional? assert_equal ran, act["run"] unless default_run assert_equal waived, act["skipped_due_to_waiver"] assert_stringy act["message"] if has_message # We supply a message indicating that the waiver has expired in all cases assert_equal "", act["message"] unless has_message || waiver_expired_in_past end def refute_waiver_annotation(control_id) act = waiver_data control_id assert_instance_of Hash, act assert_empty act end def assert_skip_message(yea, nay) msg = controls_by_id.dig("01_only_if", "results", 0, "skip_message") assert_includes msg, yea refute_includes msg, nay end describe "a fully pre-slugged control file" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } let(:waiver_file) { "waivers.yaml" } # rubocop:disable Layout/AlignHash { "01_not_waivered_passes" => "passed", "02_not_waivered_fails" => "failed", "03_waivered_no_expiry_ran_passes" => "passed", "04_waivered_no_expiry_ran_fails" => "failed", "05_waivered_no_expiry_not_ran" => "skipped", "06_waivered_expiry_in_past_ran_passes" => "passed", "07_waivered_expiry_in_past_ran_fails" => "failed", "08_waivered_expiry_in_past_not_ran" => "passed", "09_waivered_expiry_in_future_ran_passes" => "passed", "10_waivered_expiry_in_future_ran_fails" => "failed", "11_waivered_expiry_in_future_not_ran" => "skipped", "12_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_ran_passes" => "passed", "13_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_ran_fails" => "failed", "14_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_not_ran" => "skipped", "15_waivered_expiry_in_future_string_ran_passes" => "passed", "16_waivered_expiry_in_future_string_ran_fails" => "failed", "17_waivered_expiry_in_future_string_not_ran" => "skipped", "18_waivered_no_expiry_default_run" => "failed", }.each do |control_id, expected| it "has all of the expected outcomes #{control_id}" do assert_test_outcome expected, control_id if control_id !~ /not_waivered/ assert_waiver_annotation control_id else refute_waiver_annotation control_id end end end end describe "a fully pre-slugged control file with csv format waiver file" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } let(:waiver_file) { "waivers.csv" } # rubocop:disable Layout/AlignHash { "01_not_waivered_passes" => "passed", "02_not_waivered_fails" => "failed", "03_waivered_no_expiry_ran_passes" => "passed", "04_waivered_no_expiry_ran_fails" => "failed", "05_waivered_no_expiry_not_ran" => "skipped", "06_waivered_expiry_in_past_ran_passes" => "passed", "14_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_not_ran" => "skipped", }.each do |control_id, expected| it "has all of the expected outcomes #{control_id}" do assert_test_outcome expected, control_id if control_id !~ /not_waivered/ assert_waiver_annotation control_id else refute_waiver_annotation control_id end end end end describe "a fully pre-slugged control file with json format waiver file" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } let(:waiver_file) { "waivers.json" } # rubocop:disable Layout/AlignHash { "01_not_waivered_passes" => "passed", "02_not_waivered_fails" => "failed", "03_waivered_no_expiry_ran_passes" => "passed", "04_waivered_no_expiry_ran_fails" => "failed", "05_waivered_no_expiry_not_ran" => "skipped", "06_waivered_expiry_in_past_ran_passes" => "passed", "14_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_not_ran" => "skipped", }.each do |control_id, expected| it "has all of the expected outcomes #{control_id}" do assert_test_outcome expected, control_id if control_id !~ /not_waivered/ assert_waiver_annotation control_id else refute_waiver_annotation control_id end end end end describe "a fully pre-slugged control file with XLSX format waiver file" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } let(:waiver_file) { "waivers.xlsx" } # rubocop:disable Layout/AlignHash { "01_not_waivered_passes" => "passed", "02_not_waivered_fails" => "failed", "03_waivered_no_expiry_ran_passes" => "passed", "04_waivered_no_expiry_ran_fails" => "failed", "05_waivered_no_expiry_not_ran" => "skipped", "06_waivered_expiry_in_past_ran_passes" => "passed", "14_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_not_ran" => "skipped", }.each do |control_id, expected| it "has all of the expected outcomes #{control_id}" do assert_test_outcome expected, control_id if control_id !~ /not_waivered/ assert_waiver_annotation control_id else refute_waiver_annotation control_id end end end end describe "a fully pre-slugged control file with XLS format waiver file" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } let(:waiver_file) { "waivers.xls" } # rubocop:disable Layout/AlignHash { "01_not_waivered_passes" => "passed", "02_not_waivered_fails" => "failed", "03_waivered_no_expiry_ran_passes" => "passed", "04_waivered_no_expiry_ran_fails" => "failed", "05_waivered_no_expiry_not_ran" => "skipped", "06_waivered_expiry_in_past_ran_passes" => "passed", "14_waivered_expiry_in_future_z_not_ran" => "skipped", }.each do |control_id, expected| it "has all of the expected outcomes #{control_id}" do assert_test_outcome expected, control_id if control_id !~ /not_waivered/ assert_waiver_annotation control_id else refute_waiver_annotation control_id end end end end describe "with --filter-waived-controls flag" do it "can execute and not hit failures" do inspec("exec " + "#{waivers_profiles_path}/purely-broken-controls" + " --filter-waived-controls --waiver-file #{waivers_profiles_path}/purely-broken-controls/files/waivers.yml" + " --no-create-lockfile" + " --no-color") _(stderr).must_equal "" _(stdout).wont_include("Control Source Code Error") _(stdout).must_include "\nProfile Summary: 1 successful control, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped\n" assert_exit_code 0, out end end describe "with --retain-waiver-data flag" do it "can execute and not hit failures with exact same output as normal" do inspec("exec " + "#{waivers_profiles_path}/purely-broken-controls" + " --filter-waived-controls --retain-waiver-data --waiver-file #{waivers_profiles_path}/purely-broken-controls/files/waivers.yml" + " --no-create-lockfile" + " --no-color") _(stderr).must_equal "" _(stdout).wont_include("Control Source Code Error") _(stdout).must_include "\nProfile Summary: 1 successful control, 0 control failures, 2 controls skipped\n" assert_exit_code 101, out end end describe "an input and control with the same name" do # This is a test for a regression articulated here: # it "can execute when control namespace clashes with input" do inspec("exec " + "#{waivers_profiles_path}/namespace-clash" + " --no-create-lockfile" + " --no-color") _(stdout).wont_include("Control Source Code Error") _(stdout).must_include "\nProfile Summary: 1 successful control, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped\n" _(stderr).must_equal "" assert_exit_code 0, out end end describe "an inherited profile" do let(:profile_name) { "waiver-wrapper" } let(:waiver_file) { "waivers.yaml" } it "should set the data in the child but be empty in the wrapper" do run_result child_profile = @json["profiles"].detect { |p| p["name"] == "waiver-child" } child_waiver_data = child_profile.dig("controls", 0, "waiver_data") assert_instance_of Hash, child_waiver_data refute_empty child_waiver_data expected_child_waiver_data = { "run" => false, "justification" => "I said so", "skipped_due_to_waiver" => true, "message" => "", } assert_equal expected_child_waiver_data, child_waiver_data wrapper_profile = @json["profiles"].detect { |p| p["name"] == "waiver-wrapper" } wrapper_waiver_data = wrapper_profile.dig("controls", 0, "waiver_data") assert_instance_of Hash, wrapper_waiver_data assert_empty wrapper_waiver_data end end # describe "a profile whose control ids require transformation" describe "a waiver file with invalid dates" do let(:profile_name) { "short" } let(:waiver_file) { "bad-date.yaml" } it "gracefully errors" do result = run_result assert_includes "ERROR", result.stdout # the error level assert_includes "01_small", result.stdout # the offending control ID assert_includes "never", result.stdout # The bad value assert_equal 1, result.exit_status end end describe "waivers and only_if" do let(:profile_name) { "only_if" } describe "when an only_if is used with no waiver" do let(:waiver_file) { "empty.yaml" } it "skips the control with an only_if message" do assert_skip_message "due to only_if", "waiver" end end describe "when both a skipping waiver and an only_if are present" do let(:waiver_file) { "waiver.yaml" } it "skips the control with a waiver message" do assert_skip_message "waiver", "due to only_if" end end end describe "with a waiver file that does not exist" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } let(:waiver_file) { "no_file.yaml" } it "raise file does not exist standard error" do result = run_result assert_includes result.stderr, "no_file.yaml does not exist" assert_equal 1, result.exit_status end end describe "with a waiver file with wrong headers" do let(:profile_name) { "basic" } describe "using csv file" do let(:waiver_file) { "wrong-headers.csv" } it "raise warnings" do result = run_result assert_includes result.stderr, "Missing column headers: [\"control_id\", \"justification\"]" assert_includes result.stderr, "Invalid column header: Column can't be nil" assert_includes result.stderr, "Extra column headers: [\"control_id_random\", \"justification_random\", \"run_random\", \"expiration_date_random\", nil]" end end describe "using xlsx file" do let(:waiver_file) { "wrong-headers.xlsx" } it "raise warnings" do result = run_result assert_includes result.stderr, "Missing column headers: [\"control_id\", \"justification\"]" assert_includes result.stderr, "Extra column headers: [\"control_id_random\", \"justification_random\", \"run_random\", \"expiration_date_random\"]" end end describe "using xls file" do let(:waiver_file) { "wrong-headers.xls" } it "raise warnings" do result = run_result assert_includes result.stderr, "Missing column headers: [\"control_id\", \"justification\"]" assert_includes result.stderr, "Extra column headers: [\"control_id_random\", \"justification_random\", \"run_random\", \"expiration_date_random\"]" end end describe "using json file" do let(:waiver_file) { "wrong-headers.json" } it "raise warnings" do result = run_result assert_includes result.stderr, "Missing column headers: [\"justification\"]" assert_includes result.stderr, "Extra column headers: [\"justification_random\", \"run_random\", \"expiration_date_random\"]" end end describe "using yaml file" do let(:waiver_file) { "wrong-headers.yaml" } it "raise warnings" do result = run_result assert_includes result.stderr, "Missing column headers: [\"justification\"]" assert_includes result.stderr, "Extra column headers: [\"justification_random\", \"run_random\", \"expiration_date_random\"]" end end end end