# Rake tasks to assist in coordinating operations with separately # maintained projects. require "fileutils" require "yaml" require "git" CONTRIB_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "contrib")).freeze RESOURCE_DOC_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, "..", "docs", "resources")).freeze namespace :contrib do # rubocop: disable Metrics/BlockLength config = nil task :read_config do config = YAML.load(File.read(File.join(CONTRIB_DIR, "contrib.yaml"))) end task fetch_resource_packs: [:read_config] do puts "Fetching contrib resource packs..." config["resource_packs"].each do |name, info| clone_path = File.join(CONTRIB_DIR, name) git = nil verb = nil if File.exist?(clone_path) git = Git.open(clone_path) git.fetch verb = "fetched" else git = Git.clone(info["git_repo"], name, path: CONTRIB_DIR) verb = "cloned" end sha = git.log[0].sha[0..6] branch = git.current_branch puts " #{name}: #{verb}, now at #{sha}" + (branch ? " (#{branch})" : "") end end desc "Copy docs from resource packs into the core for doc building" task copy_docs: [:fetch_resource_packs] do puts "Copying resource pack docs..." config["resource_packs"].each do |name, info| doc_sub_dir = info["doc_sub_dir"] || "docs/resources" doc_src_path = File.join(CONTRIB_DIR, name, doc_sub_dir) dest_path = RESOURCE_DOC_DIR puts " #{name}:" Dir.chdir(doc_src_path) do Dir.glob("*.md*").each do |file| # TODO: check file for Availability section in markdown? FileUtils.cp(file, dest_path) puts " #{file}" end end end end desc "Cleanup docs from resource packs in core" task cleanup_docs: [:read_config] do puts "Purging resource pack docs..." config["resource_packs"].each do |name, info| doc_sub_dir = info["doc_sub_dir"] || "docs/resources" doc_src_path = File.join(CONTRIB_DIR, name, doc_sub_dir) dest_path = RESOURCE_DOC_DIR puts " #{name}" Dir.chdir(doc_src_path) do Dir.glob("*.md*").each do |file| cruft = File.join(dest_path, file) FileUtils.rm_f(cruft) end end end end end # rubocop enable: Metrics/BlockLength