class AwsIamPolicy < Inspec.resource(1) name 'aws_iam_policy' desc 'Verifies settings for individual AWS IAM Policy' example " describe aws_iam_policy('AWSSupportAccess') do it { should be_attached } end " supports platform: 'aws' include AwsSingularResourceMixin attr_reader :arn, :attachment_count, :default_version_id def to_s "Policy #{@policy_name}" end def attached? ! end def attached_users return @attached_users if defined? @attached_users fetch_attached_entities @attached_users end def attached_groups return @attached_groups if defined? @attached_groups fetch_attached_entities @attached_groups end def attached_roles return @attached_roles if defined? @attached_roles fetch_attached_entities @attached_roles end def attached_to_user?(user_name) attached_users.include?(user_name) end def attached_to_group?(group_name) attached_groups.include?(group_name) end def attached_to_role?(role_name) attached_roles.include?(role_name) end private def validate_params(raw_params) validated_params = check_resource_param_names( raw_params: raw_params, allowed_params: [:policy_name], allowed_scalar_name: :policy_name, allowed_scalar_type: String, ) if validated_params.empty? raise ArgumentError, "You must provide the parameter 'policy_name' to aws_iam_policy." end validated_params end def fetch_from_api backend = BackendFactory.create(inspec_runner) criteria = { max_items: 1000 } # maxItems max value is 1000 resp = backend.list_policies(criteria) @policy = resp.policies.detect do |policy| policy.policy_name == @policy_name end @exists = !@policy.nil? return unless @exists @arn = @policy[:arn] @default_version_id = @policy[:default_version_id] @attachment_count = @policy[:attachment_count] end def fetch_attached_entities unless @exists @attached_groups = nil @attached_users = nil @attached_roles = nil return end backend = AwsIamPolicy::BackendFactory.create(inspec_runner) criteria = { policy_arn: arn } resp = backend.list_entities_for_policy(criteria) @attached_groups = @attached_users = @attached_roles = end class Backend class AwsClientApi < AwsBackendBase BackendFactory.set_default_backend(self) self.aws_client_class = Aws::IAM::Client def list_policies(criteria) aws_service_client.list_policies(criteria) end def list_entities_for_policy(criteria) aws_service_client.list_entities_for_policy(criteria) end end end end