require "helper" require "inspec/resource" require "inspec/resources/http" require "faraday_middleware/response/follow_redirects" describe "Inspec::Resources::Http" do describe "InSpec::Resources::Http::Worker::Local" do let(:domain) { "" } let(:http_method) { "GET" } let(:opts) { {} } let(:worker) {, "http://#{domain}", opts) } describe "simple HTTP request with no options" do it "returns correct data" do stub_request(:get, domain).to_return(status: 200, body: "pong") _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "pong" end end describe "request with basic auth" do let(:opts) { { auth: { user: "user", pass: "pass" } } } it "returns correct data" do stub_request(:get, domain).with(basic_auth: %w{user pass}).to_return(status: 200, body: "auth ok") _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "auth ok" end end describe "request with redirect enabled" do let(:opts) { { max_redirects: 1 } } it "follows the redirect" do stub_request(:get, domain).to_return(status: 302, headers: { location: "" } ) stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: "redirect ok") _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "redirect ok" end it "does not exceed max_redirects" do stub_request(:get, domain).to_return(status: 302, headers: { location: "" } ) stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 302, headers: { location: "" } ) stub_request(:get, "").to_return(status: 200, body: "should not get here") proc { worker.status }.must_raise FaradayMiddleware::RedirectLimitReached end end describe "POST request with data" do let(:http_method) { "POST" } let(:opts) { { data: { a: "1", b: "five" } } } it "returns correct data" do stub_request(:post, domain).with(body: { a: "1", b: "five" }).to_return(status: 200, body: "post ok") _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "post ok" end end describe "with request headers" do let(:opts) { { headers: { "accept" => "application/json" } } } it "returns correct data" do stub_request(:get, domain).with(headers: { "accept" => "application/json" }).to_return(status: 200, body: "headers ok", headers: { "mock" => "ok" }) _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "headers ok" _(worker.response_headers["mock"]).must_equal "ok" end end describe "with params" do let(:opts) { { params: { a: "b" } } } it "returns correct data" do stub_request(:get, domain).with(query: { a: "b" }).to_return(status: 200, body: "params ok") _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "params ok" end end describe "an OPTIONS request" do let(:http_method) { "OPTIONS" } let(:opts) do { headers: { "Access-Control-Request-Method" => "GET", "Access-Control-Request-Headers" => "origin, x-requested-with", "Origin" => "" } } end it "returns correct data" do stub_request(:options, "") .with(headers: { "Access-Control-Request-Headers" => "origin, x-requested-with", "Access-Control-Request-Method" => "GET", "Origin" => "" }) .to_return(status: 200, body: "", headers: { "mock" => "ok", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE", "Access-Control-Max-Age" => "86400" }) _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.response_headers["mock"]).must_equal "ok" _(worker.response_headers["access-control-allow-origin"]).must_equal "" _(worker.response_headers["access-control-allow-methods"]).must_equal "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE" _(worker.response_headers["access-control-max-age"]).must_equal "86400" end end end describe "Inspec::Resource::Http::Worker::Remote" do let(:backend) { } let(:http_method) { "GET" } let(:url) { "" } let(:opts) { {} } let(:worker) {, http_method, url, opts) } describe "simple HTTP request with no options" do it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "no options" end end describe "request with basic auth" do let(:opts) { { auth: { user: "user", pass: "pass" } } } it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "auth ok" end end describe "request with redirect enabled" do let(:opts) { { max_redirects: 1 } } it "follows the redirect" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "followed redirect" end end describe "POST request with data" do let(:http_method) { "POST" } let(:opts) { { data: { a: "1", b: "five" } } } it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "post ok" end end describe "with request headers" do let(:opts) { { headers: { "accept" => "application/json", "foo" => "bar" } } } it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "headers ok" _(worker.response_headers["mock"]).must_equal "ok" end end describe "with params" do let(:opts) { { params: { a: "b", c: "d" } } } it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.body).must_equal "params ok" end end describe "a HEAD request" do let(:http_method) { "HEAD" } it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 301 _(worker.response_headers["Location"]).must_equal "" end end describe "an OPTIONS request" do let(:http_method) { "OPTIONS" } let(:opts) do { headers: { "Access-Control-Request-Method" => "GET", "Access-Control-Request-Headers" => "origin, x-requested-with", "Origin" => "" } } end it "returns correct data" do _(worker.status).must_equal 200 _(worker.response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]).must_equal "" _(worker.response_headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"]).must_equal "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE" _(worker.response_headers["Access-Control-Max-Age"]).must_equal "86400" end end describe "run_curl request" do it "returns nil when nil is returned" do Inspec::Resources::Cmd.any_instance .stubs(:stdout) .returns(nil) _(worker.send(:run_curl)).must_be_nil end it "returns nil when failure is returned" do Inspec::Resources::Cmd.any_instance .stubs(:exit_status) .returns(1) _(worker.send(:run_curl)).must_be_nil end it "returns html when html is returned" do Inspec::Resources::Cmd.any_instance .stubs(:stdout) .returns("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nDate: Tue, 03 Oct 2017 20:30:08 GMT\nExpires: -1\nCache-Control: private") assert = ["Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2017 20:30:08 GMT", "Expires: -1", "Cache-Control: private"] _(worker.send(:run_curl)).must_equal assert end end end describe "Inspec::Resource::Http::Headers" do let(:headers) { Inspec::Resources::Http::Headers.create(a: 1, B: 2, "c" => 3, "D" => 4) } it "returns the correct data via hash syntax ensuring case-insensitive keys" do headers["a"].must_equal(1) headers["A"].must_equal(1) headers["b"].must_equal(2) headers["B"].must_equal(2) headers["c"].must_equal(3) headers["C"].must_equal(3) headers["d"].must_equal(4) headers["D"].must_equal(4) end it "returns the correct data via method syntax ensuring case-insensitive keys" do headers.a.must_equal(1) headers.A.must_equal(1) headers.b.must_equal(2) headers.B.must_equal(2) headers.c.must_equal(3) headers.C.must_equal(3) headers.d.must_equal(4) headers.D.must_equal(4) end end end