# encoding: utf-8 if ['centos', 'redhat', 'fedora', 'opensuse', 'debian', 'ubuntu'].include?(os[:family]) userinfo = { name: 'root', group: 'root', uid: 0, gid: 0, groups: ["root"], home: '/root', shell: '/bin/bash', } # different groupset for centos 5 userinfo[:groups] = ["root", "bin", "daemon", "sys", "adm", "disk", "wheel"] \ if os[:release].to_i == 5 elsif ['freebsd'].include?(os[:family]) userinfo = { name: 'root', group: 'wheel', uid: 0, gid: 0, groups: "wheel", # at least this group should be there home: '/root', shell: '/bin/csh', } elsif os.windows? userinfo = { name: 'Administrator', group: nil, uid: nil, gid: nil, groups: nil, home: nil, shell: nil, } elsif os[:family] == 'aix' userinfo = { name: 'bin', group: 'bin', uid: 2, gid: 2, groups: "adm", # at least this group should be there home: '/bin', shell: nil, #mindays: 0, #maxdays: 0, warndays: 0, } elsif os.solaris? if os[:release].to_i > 10 userinfo = { name: 'root', group: 'root', uid: 0, gid: 0, groups: "sys", # at least this group should be there home: '/root', shell: '/usr/bin/bash', } else userinfo = { name: 'root', group: 'root', uid: 0, gid: 0, groups: "sys", # at least this group should be there home: '/', shell: '/sbin/sh', } end else userinfo = {} end if os.windows? describe user(userinfo[:name]) do it { should exist } end else describe user(userinfo[:name]) do it { should exist } userinfo.each do |k, v| next if k.to_sym == :name # check that the user is part of the groups if k.to_s == 'groups' # TODO: do not run those tests on docker yet its(k) { should include v } unless ENV['DOCKER'] # default eq comparison else its(k) { should eq v } end end end end