# encoding: utf-8 # author: Dominik Richter # author: Christoph Hartmann module Vulcano class Shell def initialize(runner) @runner = runner # load and configure pry require 'pry' configure_pry end def start # store context to run commands in this context @runner.add_content('binding.pry', __FILE__, __LINE__) @runner.run end def configure_pry # Remove all hooks and checks Pry.hooks.clear_all that = self # Add the help command Pry::Commands.block_command 'usage', 'Show examples' do that.usage end # Add a help menu as the default intro Pry.hooks.add_hook(:before_session, :intro) do intro end end def mark(x) "\033[1m#{x}\033[0m" end def intro puts 'Welcome to the interactive Vulcano Shell' puts "To find out how to use it, type: #{mark 'usage'}" puts end def usage ctx = @runner.backend puts <