--- title: InSpec - Downloads description: Download InSpec and start using Compliance-as-Code. --- .row.margin-both-offset .columns.large-6.medium-6.mobile-grow h2#icon-trigger data-enllax-ratio=".1" data-enllax-type="foreground" | Compliance as Code starts here. br/ | Download InSpec and let's get started. hr.strict-left.margin-under-xs h3.clear | Ready-made packages p | Installable packages that include everything you need to write and execute profiles. p a.btn.slack href="https://downloads.chef.io/inspec" Download InSpec p.margin-under-xs | InSpec is also included in the ChefDK. h3 | Habitat Packages p | Use Habitat to install InSpec, or include InSpec in your own Habitat packages. p.margin-under-xs a.btn.forums href="https://bldr.habitat.sh/#/pkgs/chef/inspec" InSpec on the Depot h3 | Use Your System Package Manager p | The same ready-made packages are available via yum and apt, too. p.margin-under-xs a.btn.events href="https://docs.chef.io/packages.html" Learn More .columns.large-6.medium-6.relative.mobile-hide img.grid.strict-right src="/images/community/blue-web.svg" / img.ball src="/images/community/glow-ball.png" / img.ball.bright-animate src="/images/community/glow-ball.png" / img.ball src="/images/community/glow-ball.png" / .row .icon.shadow img src="/images/circ-arrow.svg" / .block-angl.blue-gradient.relative .section.purp-shade #particles-second canvas.particles-js-canvas-el .row.relative-top.padding-top-xl.padding-under .large-6.medium-6.strict-center.column.margin-under-xs .box-white.shadow img.icon-art src="/images/community/contribute.svg" / h3 Contribute to InSpec p | InSpec is an open source project created and supported by active and passionate users. If you would like to contribute, we would love to have you. br/ a.btn.margin-top-xs href="https://github.com/chef/inspec" Start Contributing p .large-6.medium-6.strict-center.column .box-white.shadow img.icon-art src="/images/community/bugs.svg" / h3 Report Bugs and Request Features p | We rely on your feedback to improve InSpec.
Whether you found a bug or have a great idea for an improvement, join us on GitHub. br/ a.btn.margin-top-xs href="https://github.com/chef/inspec/issues" Give Feedback p