# encoding: utf-8 # Resource to determine package information # # Usage: # describe package('nginx') do # it { should be_installed } # end class Package < Vulcano.resource(1) name 'package' def initialize(package_name = nil) @package_name = package_name @name = @package_name @cache = nil # select package manager @pkgman = nil case vulcano.os[:family] when 'ubuntu', 'debian' @pkgman = Deb.new(vulcano) when 'redhat', 'fedora' @pkgman = Rpm.new(vulcano) when 'arch' @pkgman = Pacman.new(vulcano) when 'darwin' @pkgman = Brew.new(vulcano) when 'windows' @pkgman = WindowsPkg.new(vulcano) else return skip_resource 'The `package` resource is not supported on your OS yet.' end end # returns true if the package is installed def installed?(_provider = nil, _version = nil) !info.nil? end # returns the package description def info return @cache if !@cache.nil? return nil if @pkgman.nil? @pkgman.info(@package_name) end # return the package version def version info = @pkgman.info(@package_name) return nil if info.nil? info[:version] end def to_s "System package #{@package_name}" end end class PkgManagement def initialize(vulcano) @vulcano = vulcano end end # Debian / Ubuntu class Deb < PkgManagement def info(package_name) cmd = @vulcano.run_command("dpkg -s #{package_name}") return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 params = SimpleConfig.new( cmd.stdout.chomp, assignment_re: /^\s*([^:]*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/, multiple_values: false, ).params { name: params['Package'], installed: true, version: params['Version'], type: 'deb', } end end # RHEL family class Rpm < PkgManagement def info(package_name) cmd = @vulcano.run_command("rpm -qia #{package_name}") return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 params = SimpleConfig.new( cmd.stdout.chomp, assignment_re: /^\s*([^:]*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/, multiple_values: false, ).params { name: params['Name'], installed: true, version: params['Version'], type: 'rpm', } end end # MacOS / Darwin implementation class Brew < PkgManagement def info(package_name) cmd = @vulcano.run_command("brew info --json=v1 #{package_name}") return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 # parse data pkg = JSON.parse(cmd.stdout)[0] { name: "#{pkg.name}", installed: true, version: "#{pkg.installed.version}", type: 'brew', } end end # Arch Linux class Pacman < PkgManagement def info(package_name) cmd = @vulcano.run_command("pacman -Qi #{package_name}") return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 params = SimpleConfig.new( cmd.stdout.chomp, assignment_re: /^\s*([^:]*?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/, multiple_values: false, ).params { name: params['Name'], installed: true, version: params['Version'], type: 'pacman', } end end # Determines the installed packages on Windows # Currently we use 'Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product' as a detection method # TODO: evaluate if alternative methods as proposed by Microsoft are still valid: # @see: http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2013/11/15/use-powershell-to-find-installed-software.aspx class WindowsPkg < PkgManagement def info(package_name) # Find the package cmd = @vulcano.run_command("Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '#{package_name}'} | Select-Object -Property Name,Version,Vendor,PackageCode,Caption,Description | ConvertTo-Json") begin package = JSON.parse(cmd.stdout) rescue JSON::ParserError => _e return nil end { name: package['Name'], installed: true, version: package['Version'], type: 'windows', } end end