require "minitest/autorun" require "webmock/minitest" require "mocha/minitest" require_relative "../../lib/inspec-compliance/api" describe InspecPlugins::Compliance::API do let(:profiles_response) do { "profiles": [{ "name" => "apache-baseline", "title" => "DevSec Apache Baseline", "maintainer" => "DevSec Hardening Framework Team", "copyright" => "DevSec Hardening Framework Team", "copyright_email" => "", "license" => "Apache 2 license", "summary" => "Test-suite for best-practice apache hardening", "version" => "2.0.2", "supports" => [{ "os-family" => "unix" }], "depends" => nil, "owner_id" => "admin" }, { "name" => "apache-baseline", "title" => "DevSec Apache Baseline", "maintainer" => "Hardening Framework Team", "copyright" => "Hardening Framework Team", "copyright_email" => "", "license" => "Apache 2 license", "summary" => "Test-suite for best-practice apache hardening", "version" => "2.0.1", "supports" => [{ "os-family" => "unix" }], "depends" => nil, "latest_version" => "2.0.2", "owner_id" => "admin" }, { "name" => "cis-aix-5.3-6.1-level1", "title" => "CIS AIX 5.3 and AIX 6.1 Benchmark Level 1", "maintainer" => "Chef Software, Inc.", "copyright" => "Chef Software, Inc.", "copyright_email" => "", "license" => "Proprietary, All rights reserved", "summary" => "CIS AIX 5.3 and AIX 6.1 Benchmark Level 1 translated from SCAP", "version" => "1.1.0", "supports" => nil, "depends" => nil, "latest_version" => "1.1.0-3", "owner_id" => "admin" }], } end describe ".version" do let(:headers) { "test-headers" } let(:config) do { "server" => "myserver", "insecure" => true, } end before do InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.expects(:get_headers).returns(headers) end describe "when a 404 is received" do it "should return an empty hash" do response = mock response.stubs(:code).returns("404") InspecPlugins::Compliance::HTTP.expects(:get).with("myserver/version", "test-headers", true).returns(response) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.version(config)).must_equal({}) end end describe "when the returned body is nil" do it "should return an empty hash" do response = mock response.stubs(:code).returns("200") response.stubs(:body).returns(nil) InspecPlugins::Compliance::HTTP.expects(:get).with("myserver/version", "test-headers", true).returns(response) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.version(config)).must_equal({}) end end describe "when the returned body is an empty string" do it "should return an empty hash" do response = mock response.stubs(:code).returns("200") response.stubs(:body).returns("") InspecPlugins::Compliance::HTTP.expects(:get).with("myserver/version", "test-headers", true).returns(response) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.version(config)).must_equal({}) end end describe "when the returned body has no version key" do it "should return an empty hash" do response = mock response.stubs(:code).returns("200") response.stubs(:body).returns('{"api":"compliance"}') InspecPlugins::Compliance::HTTP.expects(:get).with("myserver/version", "test-headers", true).returns(response) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.version(config)).must_equal({}) end end describe "when the returned body has an empty version key" do it "should return an empty hash" do response = mock response.stubs(:code).returns("200") response.stubs(:body).returns('{"api":"compliance","version":""}') InspecPlugins::Compliance::HTTP.expects(:get).with("myserver/version", "test-headers", true).returns(response) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.version(config)).must_equal({}) end end describe "when the returned body has a proper version" do it "should return an empty hash" do response = mock response.stubs(:code).returns("200") response.stubs(:body).returns('{"api":"compliance","version":"1.2.3"}') InspecPlugins::Compliance::HTTP.expects(:get).with("myserver/version", "test-headers", true).returns(response) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.version(config)).must_equal({ "version" => "1.2.3", "api" => "compliance" }) end end end describe ".server_version_from_config" do it "returns nil when the config has no version key" do config = {} _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.server_version_from_config(config)).must_be_nil end it "returns nil when the version value is not a hash" do config = { "version" => "123" } _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.server_version_from_config(config)).must_be_nil end it "returns nil when the version value is a hash but has no version key inside" do config = { "version" => {} } _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.server_version_from_config(config)).must_be_nil end it "returns the version if the version value is a hash containing a version" do config = { "version" => { "version" => "1.2.3" } } _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.server_version_from_config(config)).must_equal "1.2.3" end end describe "profile_split" do it "handles a profile without version" do _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.profile_split("admin/apache-baseline")).must_equal ["admin", "apache-baseline", nil] end it "handles a profile with a version" do _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.profile_split("admin/apache-baseline#2.0.1")).must_equal ["admin", "apache-baseline", "2.0.1"] end end describe "target_url" do it "handles a automate2 profile with and without version" do config = config.clean config["server_type"] = "automate2" config["server"] = "https://myautomate2" config["version"] = "1.6.99" _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.target_url(config, "admin/apache-baseline")).must_equal "https://myautomate2/compliance/profiles/tar" _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.target_url(config, "admin/apache-baseline#2.0.2")).must_equal "https://myautomate2/compliance/profiles/tar" end end describe "exist?" do it "works with profiles returned by Automate 2" do # ruby 2.3.3 has issues running stub_requests properly # skipping for that specific version return if RUBY_VERSION == "2.3.3" config = config.clean config["owner"] = "admin" config["server_type"] = "automate2" config["server"] = "https://myautomate2" config["version"] = "1.6.99" config["automate"] = { "ent" => "automate", "token_type" => "dctoken" } config["version"] = { "api" => "compliance", "version" => "0.8.24" } stub_request(:post, "https://myautomate2/compliance/profiles/search") .with( body: "{\"owner\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"apache-baseline\"}", headers: { "Accept" => "*/*", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3", "Chef-Delivery-Enterprise" => "automate", "User-Agent" => "Ruby", "X-Data-Collector-Token" => "", } ) .to_return(status: 200, body: profiles_response.to_json, headers: {}) stub_request(:post, "https://myautomate2/compliance/profiles/search") .with( body: "{\"owner\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"missing-in-action\"}", headers: { "Accept" => "*/*", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3", "Chef-Delivery-Enterprise" => "automate", "User-Agent" => "Ruby", "X-Data-Collector-Token" => "", } ) .to_return(status: 200, body: profiles_response.to_json, headers: {}) _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.exist?(config, "admin/apache-baseline")).must_equal true _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.exist?(config, "admin/apache-baseline#2.0.1")).must_equal true _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.exist?(config, "admin/apache-baseline#2.0.999")).must_equal false _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.exist?(config, "admin/missing-in-action")).must_equal false end end describe "when the config has a automate2 server_type" do it "automate server 2 is? methods return correctly" do config = config.clean config["server_type"] = "automate2" _(InspecPlugins::Compliance::API.is_automate2_server?(config)).must_equal true end end end