# encoding: utf-8 # copyright: 2015, Dominik Richter # license: All rights reserved require 'verify/specfile' require 'vulcano/log' module Vulcano # Handle Vulcano Profiles class Profiles attr_reader :profiles def initialize(opts = {}) @profiles = {} @profile_id = opts[:id] @log = Log.new(opts) end def add_folder(f) path = File.expand_path(f) if File.directory? path add_specs_in_folder path else @log.error "Path is not a folder: #{path}" end self end def valid_folder?(f) path = File.expand_path(f) if !File.directory? path return @log.error "This is not a folder: #{path}" else @log.ok 'Valid directory' end metadata = Metadata.for_path(path, @profile_id) @log.ok 'vmetadata.rb' unless metadata.nil? or !metadata.valid? specs = Dir["#{path}/spec/*_spec.rb"] if specs.empty? @log.warn "No tests found in #{path}" end specs.each { |s| valid_spec? s, metadata } end def valid_spec?(f, metadata) return @log.error "Can't find spec file #{f}" unless File.file? f # Load the spec file specs = SpecFile.from_file(f, metadata) valid = validate_spec_file(specs) return unless valid && specs.instance_variable_get(:@invalid_calls).empty? @log.ok "Valid spec file in #{f} with #{meta['rules'].length} rules" end private def validate_spec_file(specs, invalid) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity valid = true # helper for printing violations invalid = lambda {|type, msg| @log.send type, "#{msg} (#{File.basename f})" valid = false if type == :error } # find all errors during parsing specs.errors.each do |err| invalid.call(:error, err) end # detect missing metadata meta = specs.metadata if meta['title'].nil? invalid.call(:warn, 'Missing title in spec file') end if meta['copyright'].nil? invalid.call(:warn, 'Missing copyright in spec file') end # detect empty rules unless meta['rules'][''].nil? invalid.call(:error, 'Please configure IDs for all rules.') end meta['rules'].each do |k, v| if v['impact'].nil? invalid.call(:error, "Missing impact for rule #{k}") else invalid.call(:error, "Impact cannot be larger than 1.0 for rule #{k}") if v['impact'] > 1.0 invalid.call(:error, "Impact cannot be less than 0.0 for rule #{k}") if v['impact'] < 0.0 end invalid.call(:warn, "Missing title for rule #{k}") if v['title'].nil? invalid.call(:warn, "Missing description for rule #{k}") if v['desc'].nil? end valid end def add_specs_in_folder(path) allrules = {} meta = Metadata.for_path(path, @profile_id, @log) Dir["#{path}/spec/*_spec.rb"].each do |specfile| rel_path = specfile.sub(File.join(path, ''), '') specs = SpecFile.from_file(specfile, meta) allrules[rel_path] = sanitize_specfile_json(specs.metadata) end meta.dict['rules'] = allrules @profiles = meta.dict end def sanitize_specfile_json(j) j['rules'].each do |k, v| v['title'] = k if v['title'].nil? v['desc'] = '' if v['desc'].nil? v['impact'] = 0.5 if v['impact'].nil? end j end end end