require "functional/helper" require "json_schemer" require "tempfile" describe "inspec exec with json formatter" do include FunctionalHelper let(:schema) { Inspec::Schema.json("exec-json") } let(:platform_uuid) { inspec_os_uuid } parallelize_me! it "can execute a simple file and validate the json schema" do out = inspec("exec " + example_control + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) sout = inspec("schema exec-json") schema = JSONSchemer.schema(sout.stdout) _(schema.validate(data).to_a).must_equal [] _(out.stderr).must_be_empty assert_exit_code 0, out end it "can execute a profile and validate the json schema" do out = inspec("exec " + complete_profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) sout = inspec("schema exec-json") schema = JSONSchemer.schema(sout.stdout) _(schema.validate(data).to_a).must_equal [] _(out.stderr).must_equal "" assert_exit_code 0, out end it "can execute a simple file while using end of options after reporter cli option" do out = inspec("exec --no-create-lockfile --reporter json -- " + example_control) _(out.stderr).must_equal "" _(out.exit_status).must_equal 0 data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) sout = inspec("schema exec-json") schema = JSONSchemer.schema(sout.stdout) _(schema.validate(data).to_a).must_equal [] _(out.stderr).must_equal "" assert_exit_code 0, out end it "can execute a profile and validate the json schema and override the tagret id with platform uuid" do skip_windows! out = inspec("exec " + complete_profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile --target-id 1d3e399f-4d71-4863-ac54-84d437fbc444") _(out.stdout).must_include "The --target-id option is deprecated in InSpec 5. Its value will be ignored" data = JSON.parse(out.stdout.split("\n")[1]) _(data["platform"]["target_id"]).wont_equal "1d3e399f-4d71-4863-ac54-84d437fbc444" _(data["platform"]["target_id"]).must_equal platform_uuid sout = inspec("schema exec-json") schema = JSONSchemer.schema(sout.stdout) _(schema.validate(data).to_a).must_equal [] _(out.stderr).must_equal "" assert_exit_code 0, out end it "properly validates all (valid) unit tests against the schema" do schema = JSONSchemer.schema(JSON.parse(inspec("schema exec-json").stdout)) all_profile_folders.first(1).each do |folder| out = inspec("exec " + folder + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") # Ensure it parses properly out = JSON.parse(out.stdout) failures = schema.validate(out).to_a _(failures).must_equal [] rescue JSON::ParserError # We don't actually care about these; cannot validate if parsing fails! nil end end it "does not report skipped dependent profiles" do profile = File.join(profile_path, "unsupported_dependencies", "wrapper-profile") out = inspec("exec " + profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) _(data["profiles"].count).must_equal 1 profile = data["profiles"].first _(profile["controls"].count).must_equal 1 _(out.stderr).must_include "WARN: Skipping profile: 'child_profile' on unsupported platform:" _(out.stderr).must_include "WARN: Skipping profile: 'child_profile2' on unsupported platform:" assert_exit_code 0, out end it "flags skipped profiles with correct status" do profile = File.join(profile_path, "unsupported_dependencies", "wrapper-profile") out = inspec("exec " + profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) _(data["profiles"].count).must_equal 1 profile = data["profiles"].first _(profile["status"]).must_equal "loaded" _(profile["depends"].count).must_equal 2 profile["depends"].each do |d| _(d["status"]).must_equal "skipped" _(d["status_message"]).must_include "Skipping profile: " # For backwards compatibility, the skip reason is also given as skip_message _(d["skip_message"]).must_include "Skipping profile: " end assert_exit_code 0, out end it "flags loaded profiles with correct status" do profile = File.join(profile_path, "dependencies", "inheritance") out = inspec("exec " + profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) profile = data["profiles"].first _(profile["status"]).must_equal "loaded" _(profile["depends"].count).must_equal 2 profile["depends"].each do |d| _(d["status"]).must_equal "loaded" _(d.key?("status_message")).must_equal false _(d.key?("skip_message")).must_equal false end _(out.stderr).must_equal "" assert_exit_code 0, out end it "flags profile with correct status when not supported" do profile = File.join(profile_path, "skippy-profile-os") out = inspec("exec " + profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) profile = data["profiles"].first _(profile["status"]).must_equal "skipped" _(profile["status_message"]).must_include "Skipping profile: 'skippy' on unsupported platform:" _(profile["skip_message"]).must_include "Skipping profile: 'skippy' on unsupported platform:" _(out.stderr).must_equal "" assert_exit_code 101, out end it "flags profile with failed status when profile fails to load" do profile = File.join(profile_path, "raise_outside_control") out = inspec("exec " + profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) profile = data["profiles"].first _(profile["status"]).must_equal "failed" assert_exit_code 102, out end it "reports a working profile run at the same time as a broken profile" do bad_profile = File.join(profile_path, "raise_outside_control") good_profile = File.join(profile_path, "basic_profile") out = inspec("exec #{bad_profile} #{good_profile} --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) _(data["profiles"].length).must_equal 2 good_profile_result = data["profiles"].select { |p| p["name"] == "basic_profile" }.first bad_profile_result = data["profiles"].select { |p| p["name"] == "raise_outside_control" }.first _(good_profile_result["status"]).must_equal "loaded" _(good_profile_result["controls"].first["results"].first["status"]).must_equal "passed" _(bad_profile_result["status"]).must_equal "failed" assert_exit_code 102, out end describe "execute a profile with json formatting" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + example_profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:controls) { profile["controls"] } let(:ex1) { controls.find { |x| x["id"] == "tmp-1.0" } } let(:ex2) { controls.find { |x| x["id"] =~ /generated/ } } let(:check_result) do ex3["results"].find { |x| x["resource"] == "example_config" } end it "has only one profile" do _(json["profiles"]).must_be_kind_of(Array) _(json["profiles"].length).must_equal 1 end it "maps impact symbols to numbers" do _(ex1["impact"]).must_equal 0.7 end describe "results" do let(:result) { ex1["results"][0] } let(:result2) { ex2["results"][0] } it "has a code_desc" do _(result["code_desc"]).must_equal "File / is expected to be directory" end it "has a resource_class" do _(result["resource_class"]).must_equal "file" end # This is a raw grep of the argument(s) passed to the resource, currently # used by automate to identify and sort differing resources it "has a resource_params that's empty" do _(result["resource_params"]).must_equal "[\"/\"]" end it "has a resource_params with values" do _(result2["resource_params"]).must_equal "[\"/\"]" end end it "has all the metadata" do actual = profile.dup key = actual.delete("controls") .find { |x| x["id"] =~ /generated from example/ }["id"] groups = actual.delete("groups") actual.delete("sha256") _(actual).must_equal({ "name" => "profile", "title" => "InSpec Example Profile", "maintainer" => "Chef Software, Inc.", "copyright" => "Chef Software, Inc.", "copyright_email" => "", "license" => "Apache-2.0", "summary" => "Demonstrates the use of InSpec Compliance Profile", "version" => "1.0.0", "supports" => [{ "platform-family" => "unix" }, { "platform-family" => "windows" }], "attributes" => [], "status" => "loaded", "status_message" => "", }) _(groups.sort_by { |x| x["id"] }).must_equal([ { "id" => "controls/example-tmp.rb", "title" => "/ profile", "controls" => ["tmp-1.0", key] }, { "id" => "controls/meta.rb", "title" => "SSH Server Configuration", "controls" => ["ssh-1"] }, { "id" => "controls/minimal.rb", "title" => "Minimal control", "controls" => ["minimalist"] }, ]) end it "must have 4 controls" do _(controls.length).must_equal 4 end it "has an id for every control" do _(controls.find { |x| x["id"].nil? }).must_be :nil? end it "has results for every control" do _(ex1["results"].length).must_equal 1 _(ex2["results"].length).must_equal 1 end it "has the right result for tmp-1.0" do actual = ex1.dup src = actual.delete("source_location") _(src["ref"]).must_match %r{test/fixtures/profiles/old-examples/profile/controls/example-tmp.rb$} _(src["line"]).must_equal 6 result = actual.delete("results")[0] _(result).wont_be :nil? _(result["status"]).must_equal "passed" _(result["code_desc"]).must_equal "File / is expected to be directory" _(result["run_time"]).wont_be :nil? _(result["start_time"]).wont_be :nil? code = actual.delete "code" _(code).must_include "control 'tmp-1.0' do" _(actual).must_equal({ "id" => "tmp-1.0", "title" => "Create / directory", "desc" => "An optional description...", "descriptions" => [{ "label" => "default", "data" => "An optional description..." }, { "label" => "label", "data" => "An optional description with a label" }], "impact" => 0.7, "refs" => [{ "url" => "http://...", "ref" => "Document A-12" }], "tags" => { "data" => "temp data", "security" => nil }, "waiver_data" => {}, }) end end describe "with a profile that is not supported on this OS/platform" do let(:out) { inspec("exec " + File.join(profile_path, "skippy-profile-os") + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile") } let(:json) { JSON.load(out.stdout) } # TODO: failure handling in json formatters... it "never runs the actual resource" do _(File.exist?("/tmp/inspec_test_DONT_CREATE")).must_equal false end end describe "JSON reporter without setting reporter-message-truncation" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_message) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Generates a message" } } it "reports full message by default" do _(control_with_message["results"].first["message"]).wont_be :nil? _(control_with_message["results"].first["message"]).must_equal "expected nil to match /some regex that is expected in the content/" end it "reports full code_desc by default" do _(control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"]).wont_be :nil? _(control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"]).must_equal "File / content is expected to match /some regex that is expected in the content/" end end describe "JSON reporter with reporter-message-truncation set to a number" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --reporter-message-truncation=20 --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_message) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Generates a message" } } it "reports a truncated message" do _(control_with_message["results"].first["message"]).wont_be :nil? _(control_with_message["results"].first["message"]).must_equal "expected nil to matc[Truncated to 20 characters]" end it "reports a truncated code_desc" do _(control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"]).wont_be :nil? _(control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"]).must_equal "File / content is ex[Truncated to 20 characters]" end end describe "JSON reporter with reporter-message-truncation set to a number and working message" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --reporter-message-truncation=10000 --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_message) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Generates a message" } } it "does not report a truncated message" do assert !control_with_message["results"].first["message"].include?("Truncated") end it "does not report a truncated code_desc" do assert !control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"].include?("Truncated") end end describe "JSON reporter with reporter-message-truncation set to ALL" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --reporter-message-truncation=ALL --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_message) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Generates a message" } } it "reports full message" do _(control_with_message["results"].first["message"]).wont_be :nil? _(control_with_message["results"].first["message"]).must_equal "expected nil to match /some regex that is expected in the content/" end it "reports full code_desc" do _(control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"]).wont_be :nil? _(control_with_message["results"].first["code_desc"]).must_equal "File / content is expected to match /some regex that is expected in the content/" end end describe "JSON reporter without setting reporter-backtrace-inclusion" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_exception) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Raises an exception" } } let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r["exception"] == "NoMethodError" } } it "reports backtrace by default" do _(failed_result["backtrace"]).wont_be :nil? _(failed_result["backtrace"]).must_be_instance_of Array _(failed_result["backtrace"].first).must_be_instance_of String end end describe "JSON reporter with reporter-backtrace-inclusion set to true" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --reporter-backtrace-inclusion=true --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_exception) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Raises an exception" } } let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r["exception"] == "NoMethodError" } } it "reports backtrace" do _(failed_result["backtrace"]).wont_be :nil? _(failed_result["backtrace"]).must_be_instance_of Array _(failed_result["backtrace"].first).must_be_instance_of String end end describe "JSON reporter with reporter-backtrace-inclusion set to false" do let(:raw) { inspec("exec " + failure_control + " --reporter json --reporter-backtrace-inclusion=false --no-create-lockfile").stdout } let(:json) { JSON.load(raw) } let(:profile) { json["profiles"][0] } let(:control_with_exception) { profile["controls"].find { |c| c["id"] == "Raises an exception" } } let(:failed_result) { control_with_exception["results"].find { |r| r["exception"] == "NoMethodError" } } it "does not report backtrace" do _(failed_result["backtrace"]).must_be :nil? end end describe "JSON reporter using the --diff/--no-diff options" do describe "JSON reporter with --diff option" do let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process("exec #{profile_path}/diff-output --diff", json: true) } let(:controls) { @json["profiles"][0]["controls"] } it "runs normally with --diff" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(controls[1]["results"][0]["message"]).must_include "got:" _(controls[1]["results"][0]["message"]).must_include "Diff:" _(controls[2]["results"][0]["message"]).must_include "got:" assert_exit_code(100, run_result) end end describe "JSON reporter with --no-diff option" do let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process("exec #{profile_path}/diff-output --no-diff", json: true) } let(:controls) { @json["profiles"][0]["controls"] } it "suppresses the diff" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(controls[1]["results"][0]["message"]).must_include "got:" _(controls[1]["results"][0]["message"]).wont_include "Diff:" _(controls[1]["results"][0]["message"]).wont_include "vegetable" _(controls[2]["results"][0]["message"]).must_include "got:" # non-textual tests don't do diffs assert_exit_code(100, run_result) end end end describe "JSON reporter" do describe "with --no-filter-empty-profiles option" do let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process("exec #{profile_path}/dependencies/uses-resource-pack --no-filter-empty-profiles", json: true) } let(:profiles) { @json["profiles"] } it "does not filter the empty profiles(profiles without controls)" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(profiles.count).must_equal 2 end end describe "with --filter-empty-profiles option" do let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process("exec #{profile_path}/dependencies/uses-resource-pack --filter-empty-profiles", json: true) } let(:profiles) { @json["profiles"] } it "does filter the empty profiles (profiles without controls)" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(profiles.count).must_equal 1 end end end describe "JSON reporter using the --sort-results-by option" do let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process("exec #{profile_path}/sorted-results/sort-me-1 --sort-results-by #{sort_option}", json: true) } let(:control_order) { @json["profiles"][0]["controls"].map { |c| c["id"] }.join("") } describe "when sending it a bad value for the option" do let(:sort_option) { "garbage" } it "should exit with a usage message" do _(run_result.stderr).must_include "--sort-results-by must be one of none, control, file, random" assert_exit_code(1, run_result) end end describe "when using --sort-results-by file" do let(:sort_option) { "file" } it "should sort by file" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(control_order).must_equal "wvuzyxtsr" end end describe "when using --sort-results-by control" do let(:sort_option) { "control" } it "should sort by contol" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(control_order).must_equal "rstuvwxyz" end end describe "when using --sort-results-by random" do let(:sort_option) { "random" } it "should sort randomly" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty _(control_order).wont_equal "wvuzyxtsr" end end end # Issue 5300 describe "deep skip control" do let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process("exec #{profile_path}/dependencies/deep-skip-outer", json: true) } let(:inner_profile_controls) { @json["profiles"][2]["controls"] } it "skips a control two levels down" do _(run_result.stderr).must_be_empty # Should skip the second control labelled "skipme" because there is a skip_control in the outer profile _(inner_profile_controls.count).must_equal 1 end end describe "JSON reporter with a config" do let(:config_path) do @file ="config.json") @file.write(config_data) @file.close @file.path end after do @file.unlink end let(:invocation) do "exec #{complete_profile} --config #{config_path}" end let(:run_result) { run_inspec_process(invocation) } describe "and the config specifies passthrough data" do let(:config_data) do <<~END { "reporter": { "json": { "stdout": true, "passthrough": { "a": 1, "b": false } } } } END end it "should include passthrough data" do _(run_result.stderr).must_equal "" json = JSON.parse(run_result.stdout) %w{ passthrough }.each do |field| _(json.keys).must_include field end assert_exit_code 0, run_result end end end describe "when running a profile with enhanced_outcomes option" do it "can execute a profile and validate the json schema" do out = inspec("exec " + enhanced_outcome_profile + " --reporter json --no-create-lockfile --enhanced-outcomes") data = JSON.parse(out.stdout) sout = inspec("schema exec-json") schema = JSONSchemer.schema(sout.stdout) _(schema.validate(data).to_a).must_equal [] _(out.stderr).must_equal "" _(data["profiles"].first["controls"][0]["status"]).must_equal "error" _(data["profiles"].first["controls"][2]["status"]).must_equal "not_applicable" _(data["profiles"].first["controls"][4]["status"]).must_equal "not_reviewed" _(data["profiles"].first["controls"][6]["status"]).must_equal "failed" _(data["profiles"].first["controls"][7]["status"]).must_equal "passed" assert_exit_code 100, out end end end