{ "platform": { "name": "mac_os_x", "release": "17.5.0" }, "profiles": [ { "name": "wrapper-override", "version": "0.6.1", "sha256": "7436aac31d44de7987419d5f2ffb822f265645f4fc3c5d2ab37d8fff4dd5cf61", "title": "Linux Wrapper Child Profile", "maintainer": "Demo, Inc.", "summary": "Profile that wraps other profiles", "license": "Apache-2.0", "copyright": "Demo, Inc.", "copyright_email": "support@example.com", "supports": [], "attributes": [], "depends": [ { "name": "myprofile1z", "url": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/apop-bucket/profiles/myprofile1-1.0.0.tar.gz" } ], "groups": [ { "id": "/Users/jquick/.inspec/cache/e39eb85366b272bae98e5eecdfac9f84c50a9ae9dd625fba2ce847268a6c3477/controls/profile1.rb", "controls": [ "pro1-con1", "pro1-con2", "pro1-con4" ] } ], "controls": [ { "id": "pro1-con1", "title": "Profile 1 - Control 1", "desc": "Profile 1 - Control 1 description", "descriptions": [ { "label": "default", "data": "Profile 1 - Control 1 description" } ], "impact": 0.8, "refs": [], "tags": { "hosts": null, "file": null, "cce": "CCE-27072-8" }, "code": "control 'pro1-con1' do\n impact 0.8\n title 'Profile 1 - Control 1'\n desc 'Profile 1 - Control 1 description'\n tag 'hosts','file'\n tag cce: 'CCE-27072-8'\n describe file('/etc/hosts') do\n its('mode') { should eq 0644 }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "line": 1, "ref": "/Users/jquick/.inspec/cache/e39eb85366b272bae98e5eecdfac9f84c50a9ae9dd625fba2ce847268a6c3477/controls/profile1.rb" }, "waiver_data": {}, "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /etc/hosts mode should eq 420", "run_time": 0.031503, "start_time": "2018-07-30T08:56:41-04:00" } ] }, { "id": "pro1-con2", "title": "Profile 1 - Control 2-updated", "desc": "Profile 1 - Control 2 description-updated", "descriptions": [ { "label": "default", "data": "Profile 1 - Control 2 description-updated" } ], "impact": 0.999, "refs": [ { "ref": [ { "url": "https://example.com", "ref": "Section" } ] } ], "tags": { "password": null, "password-updated": null }, "code": " control 'pro1-con2' do\n impact 0.999\n title 'Profile 1 - Control 2-updated'\n desc 'Profile 1 - Control 2 description-updated'\n tag 'password-updated'\n ref 'Section', url: 'https://example.com'\n describe file('/etc/passwd') do\n it { should exist }\n end\n end\n", "source_location": { "line": 6, "ref": "wrapper-override/controls/defaut.rb" }, "waiver_data": {}, "results": [ { "status": "passed", "code_desc": "File /etc/passwd should exist", "run_time": 0.003954, "start_time": "2018-07-30T08:56:41-04:00" } ] }, { "id": "pro1-con4", "title": "Profile 1 - Control 3 - useless", "desc": "Profile 1 - Control 3 description", "descriptions": [ { "label": "default", "data": "Profile 1 - Control 3 description" } ], "impact": 1, "refs": [], "tags": {}, "code": "control 'pro1-con4' do\n impact 1\n title 'Profile 1 - Control 3 - useless'\n desc 'Profile 1 - Control 3 description'\n only_if do\n 1.eql?(0)\n end\n describe file('/tmp5') do\n it { should exist }\n end\nend\n", "source_location": { "line": 31, "ref": "/Users/jquick/.inspec/cache/e39eb85366b272bae98e5eecdfac9f84c50a9ae9dd625fba2ce847268a6c3477/controls/profile1.rb" }, "waiver_data": {}, "results": [ { "status": "skipped", "code_desc": "Operating System Detection", "run_time": 2.9e-05, "start_time": "2018-07-30T08:56:41-04:00", "resource": "Operating System Detection", "skip_message": "Skipped control due to only_if condition." } ] } ] } ], "statistics": { "duration": 0.039182 }, "version": "2.2.26" }