pkg_name=<%= "inspec-profile-#{}" %> pkg_version=<%= profile.version %> pkg_origin=<%= habitat_origin %> pkg_deps=(chef/inspec) pkg_build_deps=(chef/inspec core/jq-static) pkg_svc_user=root <%= "pkg_license='#{profile.metadata.params[:license]}'" if profile.metadata.params[:license]%> do_before() { # Exit with error if not in the directory with 'inspec.yml'. # This can happen if someone does 'hab studio enter' from within the # 'habitat/' directory. if [ ! -f "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../inspec.yml" ]; then message="ERROR: Cannot find inspec.yml." message="$message Please build from the profile root" build_line "$message" return 1 fi # Execute an '<%= Inspec::Dist::EXEC_NAME %> compliance login' if a profile needs to be fetched from # the Automate server if [ "$(grep "compliance: " "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../inspec.yml")" ]; then _do_compliance_login; fi } do_setup_environment() { set_buildtime_env PROFILE_CACHE_DIR "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname" set_buildtime_env ARCHIVE_NAME "$pkg_name-$pkg_version.tar.gz" # <%= Inspec::Dist::PRODUCT_NAME %> loads `pry` which tries to expand `~`. This fails if HOME isn't set. set_runtime_env HOME "$pkg_svc_var_path" # <%= Inspec::Dist::PRODUCT_NAME %> will create a `.inspec` directory in the user's home directory. # This overrides that to write to a place within the running service's path. # NOTE: Setting HOME does the same currently. This is here to be explicit. set_runtime_env INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR "$pkg_svc_var_path" } do_unpack() { # Change directory to where the profile files are pushd "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../" > /dev/null # Get a list of all files in the profile except those that are Habitat related profile_files=($(ls -I habitat -I results -I "*.hart")) mkdir -p "$PROFILE_CACHE_DIR" > /dev/null # Copy just the profile files to the profile cache directory cp -r ${profile_files[@]} "$PROFILE_CACHE_DIR" } do_build() { <%= Inspec::Dist::EXEC_NAME %> archive "$PROFILE_CACHE_DIR" \ --overwrite \ -o "$PROFILE_CACHE_DIR/$ARCHIVE_NAME" } do_install() { cp "$PROFILE_CACHE_DIR/$ARCHIVE_NAME" "$pkg_prefix" } _do_compliance_login() { if [ -z $COMPLIANCE_CREDS ]; then message="ERROR: Please perform an '<%= Inspec::Dist::EXEC_NAME %> compliance login' and set" message="$message \$HAB_STUDIO_SECRET_COMPLIANCE_CREDS to the contents of" message="$message '~/.inspec/compliance/config.json'" build_line "$message" return 1 fi user=$(echo $COMPLIANCE_CREDS | jq .user | sed 's/"//g') token=$(echo $COMPLIANCE_CREDS | jq .token | sed 's/"//g') automate_server=$(echo $COMPLIANCE_CREDS | \ jq .server | \ sed 's/\/api\/v0//' | \ sed 's/"//g' ) insecure=$(echo $COMPLIANCE_CREDS | jq .insecure) <%= Inspec::Dist::EXEC_NAME %> compliance login --insecure $insecure \ --user $user \ --token $token \ $automate_server }