# encoding: utf-8 # copyright: 2015, Vulcano Security GmbH # license: All rights reserved $__SCOPE = self class MysqlSession < Vulcano.resource(1) name 'mysql_session' def initialize user, pass @user = user @pass = pass initialize_fallback if user.nil? or pass.nil? skip_resource("Can't run MySQL SQL checks without authentication") if @user.nil? or @pass.nil? end def describe(query, db = "", &block) # TODO: simple escape, must be handled by a library # that does this securely escaped_query = query.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\').gsub(/"/,'\\"').gsub(/\$/,'\\$') # run the query cmd = vulcano.run_command("mysql -u#{@user} -p#{@pass} #{db} -s -e \"#{escaped_query}\"") out = cmd.stdout + "\n" + cmd.stderr if out =~ /Can't connect to .* MySQL server/ or out.downcase =~ /^error/ # skip this test if the server can't run the query skip_resource("Can't connect to MySQL instance for SQL checks.") else $__SCOPE.describe(cmd, &block) end end private def initialize_fallback # support debian mysql administration login debian = vulcano.run_command("test -f /etc/mysql/debian.cnf && cat /etc/mysql/debian.cnf").stdout unless debian.empty? user = debian.match(/^\s*user\s*=\s*([^ ]*)\s*$/) pass = debian.match(/^\s*password\s*=\s*([^ ]*)\s*$/) return if user.nil? or pass.nil? @user = user[1] @pass = pass[1] return end end end