control 'only_in_plugin' do describe input('test_only_in_plugin') do it { should cmp 'only_in_plugin' } end end control 'collide_plugin_higher' do describe input('test_collide_plugin_higher', value: 'wrong', priority: 10) do it { should cmp 'collide_plugin_higher' } end end control 'collide_inline_higher' do describe input('test_collide_inline_higher', value: 'collide_inline_higher', priority: 70) do it { should cmp 'collide_inline_higher' } end end control 'event_log' do # This attribute is set here here in the DSL and in the plugin # An attribute with this history should have 3 events - a create, a DSL set, and a plugin fetch. input('test_event_log', value: 'setting_in_dsl') # Fetch the attribute object from the registry input_obj = Inspec::InputRegistry.find_or_register_input('test_event_log', 'input-test-fixture') describe do it { should eq 3 } end create_evt = { |e| e.action == :create } describe create_evt do it { should_not be_nil } end dsl_set_evt = { |e| e.action == :set && e.provider == :inline_control_code } describe dsl_set_evt do it { should_not be_nil } its('file') { should include 'plugin_controls.rb' } end plugin_fetch_evt = { |e| e.action == :fetch && e.provider == :'inspec-input-test-fixture' } describe plugin_fetch_evt do it { should_not be_nil } end end control 'list_inputs' do inputs = Inspec::InputRegistry.list_potential_input_names_for_profile('input-test-fixture') describe inputs do [ 'test_only_in_plugin', 'test_collide_inline_higher', 'test_collide_plugin_higher', 'test_not_mentioned_inline', ].each do |input_name| it { should include input_name } end it { should_not include 'nonesuch' } end end