# InSpec Extension for Chef Compliance This extensions offers the following features: - list available profiles in Chef Compliance - execute profiles directly from Chef Compliance locally - upload a local profile to Chef Compliance To use the CLI, this InSpec add-on adds the following commands: * `$ inspec compliance api_token server --token TOKEN --user USER` - save the Chef Compliance API token for user * `$ inspec compliance login` - authentication of the API token against Chef Compliance * `$ inspec compliance profiles` - list all available Chef Compliance profiles * `$ inspec compliance exec profile` - runs a Chef Compliance profile * `$ inspec compliance upload path/to/local/profile` - uploads a local profile to Chef Compliance * `$ inspec compliance logout` - logout of Chef Compliance Compliance profiles can be executed in two mays: - via compliance exec: `inspec compliance exec profile` - via compliance scheme: `inspec exec compliance://profile` ## Integration Tests At this point of time, InSpec is not able to pick up the token directly, therefore the integration test is semi-automatic at this point of time: * run `kitchen converge` * open and log in with user `admin` and password `admin` * click on user->about and obtain the refresh token * run `kitchen verify` with the required env variables: ``` COMPLIANCE_REFRESH_TOKEN=myrefreshtoken COMPLIANCE_ACCESS_TOKEN=mycompliancetoken b kitchen verify -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.7.3) -----> Verifying ... Search `/Users/chartmann/Development/compliance/inspec/lib/bundles/inspec-compliance/test/integration/default` for tests .................................. Finished in 6.35 seconds (files took 0.40949 seconds to load) 34 examples, 0 failures Finished verifying (0m6.62s). -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m7.02s) zlib(finalizer): the stream was freed prematurely. ```