require 'helper' require 'inspec/dependencies/requirement' describe Inspec::Requirement do let(:req) {'foo', constraints, nil, nil, {}) } describe '#source_satisfies_spec?' do describe 'when there are no version constraints' do let(:constraints) { nil } it 'returns true' do req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal true end end describe 'when there is a single, matching version constraint' do let(:constraints) { '>= 1' } it 'returns true' do profile = mock profile.stubs(:version).returns('2.0.0') req.stubs(:profile).returns(profile) req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal true end end describe 'when there is a single, non-matching version constraint' do let(:constraints) { '>= 2' } it 'returns true' do profile = mock profile.stubs(:version).returns('1.0.0') req.stubs(:profile).returns(profile) req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal false end end describe 'when there are multiple matching version constraints' do let(:constraints) { ['>= 1', '< 3'] } it 'returns true' do profile = mock profile.stubs(:version).returns('2.0.0') req.stubs(:profile).returns(profile) req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal true end end describe 'when there are multiple version constraints and one does not match' do let(:constraints) { ['>= 1', '< 3'] } it 'returns true' do profile = mock profile.stubs(:version).returns('4.0.0') req.stubs(:profile).returns(profile) req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal false end end describe 'when a profile has a version with a build number and the constraint matches' do let(:constraints) { '>= 1' } it 'returns true' do profile = mock profile.stubs(:version).returns('2.0.0+1') req.stubs(:profile).returns(profile) req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal true end end describe 'when the constraint is the default >=0 and the profile has a pre-release number' do let(:constraints) { '>= 0' } it 'returns true' do profile = mock profile.stubs(:version).returns('2.0.0-1') req.stubs(:profile).returns(profile) req.source_satisfies_spec?.must_equal true end end end describe '#to_hash' do let(:constraints) { nil } it 'returns the correct Hash' do resolved_source = { compliance: 'spam', url: 'eggs', sha256: 'bacon' } req.stubs(:resolved_source).returns(resolved_source) req.stubs(:dependencies).returns({}) correct_hash = { 'name' => 'foo', 'resolved_source' => resolved_source, 'version_constraints' => [], } req.to_hash.must_equal correct_hash end end end