require "helper" require "inspec/resource" require "inspec/resources/cassandradb_session" describe "Inspec::Resources::CassandradbSession" do it "verify cassandradb_session configuration" do resource = load_resource("cassandradb_session", host: "localhost", port: 9042) _(resource.resource_failed?).must_equal false _(resource.user).must_equal "cassandra" _(resource.password).must_equal "cassandra" _( "localhost" _(resource.port).must_equal 9042 end it "success when connection is estalished" do skip_windows! resource = quick_resource(:cassandradb_session, :linux, user: "USER", password: "rightpassword", host: "localhost", port: 9042) do |cmd| cmd.strip! case cmd when "cqlsh localhost 9042 -u USER -p rightpassword --execute 'SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local'" then stdout_file "test/fixtures/cmd/cassandra-connection-success" else raise cmd.inspect end end _(resource.resource_failed?).must_equal false query = resource.query("SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local") _(query.output).must_match(/Test Cluster/) end it "fails when no connection established" do skip_windows! resource = quick_resource(:cassandradb_session, :linux, user: "USER", password: "wrongpassword", host: "localhost", port: 1234) do |cmd| cmd.strip! case cmd when "cqlsh localhost 1234 -u USER -p wrongpassword --execute 'SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local'" then stdout_file "test/fixtures/cmd/cassandra-connection-error" else raise cmd.inspect end ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceFailed) { resource.query("SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local") } _(ex.message).must_include("Cassandra query with errors") end end it "does not fails auth when no user or no password is provided" do skip_windows! resource = quick_resource(:cassandradb_session, :linux) _(resource.resource_failed?).must_equal false end ## windows test it "success when connection is estalished in windows" do resource = quick_resource(:cassandradb_session, :windows, user: "USER", password: "rightpassword", host: "localhost", port: 9042) do |cmd| cmd.strip! case cmd when "cqlsh localhost 9042 -u USER -p rightpassword --execute 'SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local'" then stdout_file "test/fixtures/cmd/cassandra-connection-success" else raise cmd.inspect end end _(resource.resource_failed?).must_equal false query = resource.query("SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local") _(query.output).must_match(/Test Cluster/) end it "fails when no connection established in windows" do resource = quick_resource(:cassandradb_session, :windows, user: "USER", password: "wrongpassword", host: "localhost", port: 1234) do |cmd| cmd.strip! case cmd when "cqlsh localhost 1234 -u USER -p wrongpassword --execute 'SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local'" then stdout_file "test/fixtures/cmd/cassandra-connection-error" else raise cmd.inspect end ex = assert_raises(Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceFailed) { resource.query("SELECT cluster_name FROM system.local") } _(ex.message).must_include("Cassandra query with errors") end end it "does not fails auth when no user or no password is provided in windows" do resource = quick_resource(:cassandradb_session, :windows) _(resource.resource_failed?).must_equal false end end