pkg_name=inspec pkg_origin=chef pkg_version=$(cat "$PLAN_CONTEXT/../VERSION") pkg_description="InSpec is an open-source testing framework for infrastructure with a human- and machine-readable language for specifying compliance, security and policy requirements." pkg_upstream_url= pkg_maintainer="The Habitat Maintainers " pkg_license=('Apache-2.0') pkg_deps=( core/coreutils core/git core/ruby27 core/bash ) pkg_build_deps=( core/gcc core/make core/readline core/sed ) pkg_bin_dirs=(bin) do_setup_environment() { build_line 'Setting GEM_HOME="$pkg_prefix/lib"' export GEM_HOME="$pkg_prefix/lib" build_line "Setting GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME" export GEM_PATH="$GEM_HOME" } do_unpack() { mkdir -pv "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname" cp -RT "$PLAN_CONTEXT"/.. "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/" } do_build() { pushd "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/" gem build inspec.gemspec gem build inspec-core.gemspec popd pushd "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/inspec-bin" gem build inspec-bin.gemspec popd } do_install() { # MUST install inspec first because inspec-bin depends on it via gemspec pushd "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/" gem install inspec-*.gem --no-document popd pushd "$HAB_CACHE_SRC_PATH/$pkg_dirname/inspec-bin" gem install inspec-bin*.gem --no-document popd wrap_inspec_bin # ed25519 ssh key support done here as its a native gem we can't put in the gemspec # for omnibus we also install this as part of the package gem install ed25519 bcrypt_pbkdf --no-document # Certain gems (timeliness) are getting installed with world writable files # This is removing write bits for group and other. find "$GEM_HOME" -xdev -perm -0002 -type f -print 2>/dev/null | xargs -I '{}' chmod go-w '{}' } # Need to wrap the InSpec binary to ensure paths are correct wrap_inspec_bin() { local bin="$pkg_prefix/bin/$pkg_name" local real_bin="$GEM_HOME/gems/inspec-bin-${pkg_version}/bin/inspec" build_line "Adding wrapper $bin to $real_bin" cat < "$bin" #!$(pkg_path_for core/bash)/bin/bash set -e # Set binary path that allows InSpec to use non-Hab pkg binaries export PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:\$PATH" # Set Ruby paths defined from 'do_setup_environment()' export GEM_HOME="$GEM_HOME" export GEM_PATH="$GEM_PATH" exec $(pkg_path_for core/ruby27)/bin/ruby $real_bin \$@ EOF chmod -v 755 "$bin" } do_strip() { return 0 }