--- features: inspec-cli-exec: description: Run InSpec profile code at the command line. inspec-cli-shell: description: Experiment with InSpec Language interactively. inspec-cli-check: description: Examine a profile for problems. inspec-cli-json: description: Generate JSON summary for inspec profile/s. inspec-cli-export: description: Generate summary in specified formats for profile/s. inspec-cli-vendor: description: Download all profile dependencies and generate a lockfile in vendor directory. inspec-cli-archive: description: Archive a profile to tar.gz (default) or zip. inspec-cli-detect: description: Detect the target OS. inspec-cli-env: description: Output shell-appropriate completion configuration. inspec-cli-schema: description: Print the JSON schema. inspec-cli-run-context: description: Test run-context detection. inspec-cli-version: description: Print the version of InSpec. inspec-cli-clear-cache: description: Clear InSpec cache stored in ~/.inspec/cache or specific vendor cache path. inspec-cli-compliance-login: description: Login to Automate Server using InSpec. inspec-cli-compliance-profiles: description: Lists all uploaded profiles from automate server. inspec-cli-compliance-exec: description: Run InSpec profile from a list of profiles in automate server. inspec-cli-compliance-download: description: Download the InSpec profile from automate server. inspec-cli-compliance-upload: description: Upload InSpec profile to automate server. inspec-cli-compliance-version: description: Print the version of Automate Server. inspec-cli-compliance-logout: description: Logout from Automate Server. inspec-cli-habitat-profile-create: description: Create Habitat Artifact for the InSpec profile. inspec-cli-habitat-profile-setup: description: Configure Habitat Artifact. inspec-cli-habitat-profile-upload: description: Upload Habitat Artifact for the InSpec profile to Habitat Builder Depot. inspec-cli-init-profile: description: Generate a new InSpec profile. inspec-cli-init-plugin: description: Generate a new InSpec plugin. inspec-cli-init-resource: description: Generate a new InSpec resource. inspec-cli-parallel-exec: description: Run list of InSpec exec operations parallely. inspec-cli-sign-generate-keys: description: Generate a RSA key pair for signing and verification. inspec-cli-sign-profile: description: Sign InSpec profile and generate .iaf artifact. inspec-cli-sign-verify: description: Verify a signed profile .iaf artifact. inspec-enhanced-outcomes: description: Use enhanced outcomes in reporters inspec-waivers: description: Use waivers mechanism with one or more waiver files. inspec-reporter-cli: description: Use CLI reporter. inspec-reporter-json: description: Use JSON reporter. inspec-reporter-json-automate: description: Use JSON automate reporter. inspec-reporter-automate: description: Use automate reporter. inspec-reporter-yaml: description: Use YAML reporter. inspec-reporter-json-min: description: Use JSON min reporter for minimal JSON output. inspec-reporter-junit: description: Use JUnit reporter. inspec-reporter-junit2: description: Use JUnit2 reporter. inspec-reporter-html2: description: Use HTML reporter. inspec-attestations: description: Use attestations mechanism with one or more attestations files. inspec-reporter-progress-bar: description: Use progress bar streaming reporter