--- title: InSpec - Community description: This is where you interact with the InSpec open source community - contribute to the project, provide feedback and ask questions of other community members. --- .row .columns.large-10.large-offset-1 img.hero--img src="/images/community/community-icon.png" h1.hero--heading InSpec Community h2.hero--subhead.text-center | Let's build together .icon-blocks.row .columns.medium-4 img.icon-block--img src="/images/community/contribute-icon.png" h3.icon-block--heading Contribute to InSpec p.icon-block--text | InSpec is an open source project created and supported by active and passionate users. If you would like to contribute, we would love to have you. a.button.primary.block href="" Start Contributing .columns.medium-4 img.icon-block--img src="/images/community/get-icon.png" h3.icon-block--heading Get Answers Quickly p.icon-block--text | Is something unclear or are you just feeling stuck? We're here to help keep you moving. Chat with us on Slack, so we can help you keep moving. a.button.primary.block href="" Get Help .columns.medium-4 img.icon-block--img src="/images/community/report-icon.png" h3.icon-block--heading Report Bugs and Request Features p.icon-block--text | We rely on your feedback to improve InSpec. Whether you found a bug or have a great idea for an improvement, join us on GitHub. a.button.primary.block href="" Give Feedback