#!/bin/bash set -ueo pipefail export LANG=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 # test-reporter expects reporter identifier under this environment variable CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID="FIXME" TEST_REPORTER_VERSION="0.6.3" S3_URL="s3://public-cd-buildkite-cache/$BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG/$BUILDKITE_LABEL" download_test_reporter() { curl -o test-reporter -L https://codeclimate.com/downloads/test-reporter/test-reporter-"$TEST_REPORTER_VERSION"-linux-amd64 chmod +x test-reporter } download_s3_file() { aws s3 cp "$S3_URL/$1" "$1" } upload_s3_file() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then aws s3 cp "$1" "$S3_URL/$1" || echo "Could not push $1 to S3 for caching." fi } echo "--- downloading coverage tool" download_s3_file test-reporter || download_test_reporter download_s3_file test-reporter.sha || echo "Could not download test-reporter.sha" echo "--- updating rubygems" gem update --system -N echo "--- system details" uname -a gem env bundle --version echo "--- setting up test coverage before build" ./test-reporter before-build echo "--- bundle install" bundle install --jobs=7 --retry=3 --without tools maintenance deploy echo "+++ bundle exec rake" bundle exec rake "${RAKE_TASK:-}" EXIT-CODE=$? echo "+++ formatting and uploading test coverage" ./test-reporter after-build -t simplecov --exit-code "$EXIT_CODE" echo "--- uploading test-reporter.sha to s3" if [ "test-reporter" -nt "test-reporter.sha" ]; then if shasum --check test-reporter.sha --status; then shasum -a 256 test-reporter > test-reporter.sha for i in "test-reporter" "test-reporter.sha"; do upload_s3_file "$i" done fi fi