{ "file_version": "1.0.0", "unknown_group_action": "ignore", "groups": { "attrs_value_replaces_default": { "action": "warn", "prefix": "The 'default' option for inputs is being replaced by 'value' - please use it instead." }, "attrs_dsl": { "action": "ignore", "comment": "See #3853", "prefix": "The 'attribute' DSL keyword is being replaced by 'input' - please use it instead." }, "attrs_rename_in_metadata": { "action": "ignore", "comment": "See 3854", "prefix": "Inputs should be specified by using the 'inputs' key in profile metadata, not 'attributes'." }, "aws_resources_in_resource_pack": { "comment": "Deprecated in InSpec 5", "action": "exit", "prefix": "AWS resources in core InSpec are deprecated and have been removed in InSpec 5. They are now part of a resource pack. Please update your profiles to depend on git@github.com:inspec/inspec-aws.git ." }, "azure_resources_in_resource_pack": { "comment": "Deprecated in InSpec 5", "action": "exit", "prefix": "Azure resources in core InSpec are deprecated and have been removed in InSpec 5. They are now part of a resource pack. Please update your profiles to depend on git@github.com:inspec/inspec-azure.git ." }, "cli_option_json_config": { "action": "ignore", "prefix": "The --json-config option is being replaced by the --config option.", "comment": "See #3661" }, "file_resource_be_mounted_matchers": { "action": "fail_control", "suffix": "This will not be supported in InSpec 4.0." }, "host_resource_proto_usage": { "action": "fail_control", "suffix": "This will not be supported in InSpec 4.0." }, "inspec_ui_methods": { "action": "ignore", "suffix": "Please call `cli.ui` directly", "comment": "See #3715" }, "mssql_session_pass_option": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This will not be supported in InSpec 4.0." }, "oracledb_session_pass_option": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This is not supported in InSpec 4.0." }, "property_filesystem_size": { "action": "warn", "comment": "See #3778" }, "property_processes_list": { "action": "fail_control", "suffix": "This property was removed in InSpec 4.0." }, "properties_shadow": { "action": "fail_control", "suffix": "This property was removed in InSpec 4.0." }, "rename_attributes_to_inputs": { "action": "warn", "prefix": "InSpec Attributes are being renamed to InSpec Inputs to avoid confusion with Chef Attributes.", "comment": "See #3802" }, "resource_apache": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This resource was removed in InSpec 4.0." }, "resource_iis_website": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This resource was removed in InSpec 4.0.", "comment": "Needed for ServerSpec compatibility" }, "resource_linux_kernel_parameter": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This resource was removed in InSpec 4.0.", "comment": "Needed for ServerSpec compatibility" }, "resource_script": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This resource will be removed in InSpec 4.0" }, "resource_user_serverspec_compat": { "action": "fail_control" }, "resource_windows_registry_key": { "action": "exit", "suffix": "This resource was removed in InSpec 4.0.", "comment": "Needed for ServerSpec compatibility" }, "serverspec_compatibility": { "action": "warn", "suffix": "This is only allowed for compatibility with ServerSpec" }, "supports_syntax": { "action": "warn" }, "mount_parser_serverspec_compat": { "action": "fail_control" }, "wmi_non_hash_usage": { "action": "fail_control", "suffix": "This property was removed in InSpec 4.0." }, "object_classes": { "action": "warn", "suffix": "These classes will be removed in InSpec 5.0." }, "cli_option_hook":{ "action": "warn", "prefix": "The --hook option is being replaced by the --activator option.", "suffix": "This options will be removed in InSpec 4.0." }, "cli_option_target_id":{ "action": "warn", "prefix": "The --target-id option is deprecated in InSpec 5. Its value will be ignored." }, "renamed_to_inspec_export":{ "action": "ignore", "prefix": "The `inspec json` command is deprecated in InSpec 5 and replaced with `inspec export` command." } } }