# encoding: utf-8 # author: Christoph Hartmann # author: Dominik Richter # Usage: # describe port(80) do # it { should be_listening } # its('protocol') {should eq 'tcp'} # end # # not supported serverspec syntax # describe port(80) do # it { should be_listening.with('tcp') } # end # # TODO: currently we return local ip only # TODO: improve handling of same port on multiple interfaces class Port < Inspec.resource(1) name 'port' def initialize(port) @port = port @port_manager = nil @cache = nil case inspec.os[:family] when 'ubuntu', 'debian', 'redhat', 'fedora', 'centos', 'arch' @port_manager = LinuxPorts.new(inspec) when 'darwin' @port_manager = DarwinPorts.new(inspec) when 'windows' @port_manager = WindowsPorts.new(inspec) when 'freebsd' @port_manager = FreeBsdPorts.new(inspec) else return skip_resource 'The `port` resource is not supported on your OS yet.' end end def listening?(_protocol = nil, _local_address = nil) info.size > 0 end def protocol res = info.map { |x| x[:protocol] }.uniq.compact res.size > 0 ? res : nil end def process res = info.map { |x| x[:process] }.uniq.compact res.size > 0 ? res : nil end def pid res = info.map { |x| x[:pid] }.uniq.compact res.size > 0 ? res : nil end def to_s "Port #{@port}" end private def info return @cache if !@cache.nil? # abort if os detection has not worked return @cache = [] if @port_manager.nil? # query ports ports = @port_manager.info || [] @cache = ports.select { |p| p[:port] == @port } end end # implements an info method and returns all ip adresses and protocols for # each port # [{ # port: 80, # address: [{ # ip: '' # protocol: 'tcp' # }], # }] class PortsInfo attr_reader :inspec def initialize(inspec) @inspec = inspec end end # TODO: Add UDP infromation Get-NetUDPEndpoint # TODO: currently Windows only supports tcp ports # TODO: Get-NetTCPConnection does not return PIDs # TODO: double-check output with 'netstat -ano' # @see https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/1349420/get-nettcpconnection-does-not-show-processid class WindowsPorts < PortsInfo def info # get all port information cmd = inspec.command('Get-NetTCPConnection | Select-Object -Property State, Caption, Description, LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, DisplayName, Status | ConvertTo-Json') begin ports = JSON.parse(cmd.stdout) rescue JSON::ParserError => _e return nil end return nil if ports.nil? ports.map { |x| { port: x['LocalPort'], address: x['LocalAddress'], protocol: 'tcp', process: nil, pid: nil, } } end end # extracts udp and tcp ports from macos class DarwinPorts < PortsInfo def info # collects UDP and TCP information cmd = inspec.command('lsof -nP -iTCP -iUDP -sTCP:LISTEN') return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 ports = [] # split on each newline cmd.stdout.each_line do |line| # parse each line # 1 - COMMAND, 2 - PID, 3 - USER, 4 - FD, 5 - TYPE, 6 - DEVICE, 7 - SIZE/OFF, 8 - NODE, 9 - NAME parsed = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*$/.match(line) # extract network info net_addr = parsed[9].split(':') # convert to number if possible net_port = net_addr[1] net_port = net_port.to_i if /^\d+$/.match(net_port) protocol = parsed[8].downcase # add version to protocol type = parsed[5].downcase protocol += '6' if type == 'IPv6' # map data port_info = { port: net_port, address: net_addr[0], protocol: protocol, process: parsed[1], pid: parsed[2].to_i, } # push data, if not headerfile ports.push(port_info) if %w{tcp tcp6 udp udp6}.include?(protocol) end ports end end # extract port information from netstat class LinuxPorts < PortsInfo def info cmd = inspec.command('netstat -tulpen') return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 ports = [] # parse all lines cmd.stdout.each_line do |line| port_info = parse_netstat_line(line) # only push protocols we are interested in next unless %w{tcp tcp6 udp udp6}.include?(port_info[:protocol]) ports.push(port_info) end ports end def parse_net_address(net_addr, protocol) if protocol.eql?('tcp6') || protocol.eql?('udp6') # prep for URI parsing, parse ip6 port ip6 = /^(\S+):(\d+)$/.match(net_addr) ip6addr = ip6[1] ip6addr = '::' if /^:::$/.match(ip6addr) # build uri ip_addr = URI("addr://[#{ip6addr}]:#{ip6[2]}") # replace [] host = ip_addr.host[1..ip_addr.host.size-2] port = ip_addr.port else ip_addr = URI('addr://'+net_addr) host = ip_addr.host port = ip_addr.port end [host, port] rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e warn "Could not parse #{net_addr}, #{e}" nil end def parse_netstat_line(line) # parse each line # 1 - Proto, 2 - Recv-Q, 3 - Send-Q, 4 - Local Address, 5 - Foreign Address, 6 - State, 7 - Inode, 8 - PID/Program name parsed = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/.match(line) return {} if parsed.nil? || line.match(/^proto/i) # parse ip4 and ip6 addresses protocol = parsed[1].downcase # detect protocol if not provided protocol += '6' if parsed[4].count(':') > 1 && %w{tcp udp}.include?(protocol) # extract host and port information host, port = parse_net_address(parsed[4], protocol) # extract PID process = parsed[9].split('/') pid = process[0] pid = pid.to_i if /^\d+$/.match(pid) process = process[1] # map data { port: port, address: host, protocol: protocol, process: process, pid: pid, } end end # extracts information from sockstat class FreeBsdPorts < PortsInfo def info cmd = inspec.command('sockstat -46l') return nil if cmd.exit_status.to_i != 0 ports = [] # split on each newline cmd.stdout.each_line do |line| port_info = parse_sockstat_line(line) # push data, if not headerfile next unless %w{tcp tcp6 udp udp6}.include?(port_info[:protocol]) ports.push(port_info) end ports end def parse_net_address(net_addr, protocol) case protocol when 'tcp4', 'udp4' # replace * with net_addr = net_addr.gsub(/^\*:/, '') if /^*:(\d+)$/.match(net_addr) ip_addr = URI('addr://'+net_addr) host = ip_addr.host port = ip_addr.port when 'tcp6', 'udp6' return [] if net_addr == '*:*' # abort for now # replace * with 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 net_addr = net_addr.gsub(/^\*:/, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:') if /^*:(\d+)$/.match(net_addr) # extract port ip6 = /^(\S+):(\d+)$/.match(net_addr) ip6addr = ip6[1] ip_addr = URI("addr://[#{ip6addr}]:#{ip6[2]}") # replace [] host = ip_addr.host[1..ip_addr.host.size-2] port = ip_addr.port end [host, port] rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e warn "Could not parse #{net_addr}, #{e}" nil end def parse_sockstat_line(line) # 1 - USER, 2 - COMMAND, 3 - PID, 4 - FD 5 - PROTO, 6 - LOCAL ADDRESS, 7 - FOREIGN ADDRESS parsed = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/.match(line) return {} if parsed.nil? # extract ip information protocol = parsed[5].downcase host, port = parse_net_address(parsed[6], protocol) return {} if host.nil? or port.nil? # extract process process = parsed[2] # extract PID pid = parsed[3] pid = pid.to_i if /^\d+$/.match(pid) # map tcp4 and udp4 protocol = 'tcp' if protocol.eql?('tcp4') protocol = 'udp' if protocol.eql?('udp4') # map data { port: port, address: host, protocol: protocol, process: process, pid: pid, } end end