# copyright: 2015, Vulcano Security GmbH require "rspec/matchers" RSpec::Matchers.define :be_readable do match do |file| file.readable?(@by, @by_user) end chain :by do |by| @by = by end chain :by_user do |by_user| @by_user = by_user end description do res = "be readable" res += " by #{@by}" unless @by.nil? res += " by user #{@by_user}" unless @by_user.nil? res end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_writable do match do |file| file.writable?(@by, @by_user) end chain :by do |by| @by = by end chain :by_user do |by_user| @by_user = by_user end description do res = "be writable" res += " by #{@by}" unless @by.nil? res += " by user #{@by_user}" unless @by_user.nil? res end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_executable do match do |file| file.executable?(@by, @by_user) end chain :by do |by| @by = by end chain :by_user do |by_user| @by_user = by_user end description do res = "be executable" res += " by #{@by}" unless @by.nil? res += " by user #{@by_user}" unless @by_user.nil? res end end RSpec::Matchers.define :contain_duplicates do match do |arr| dup = arr.select { |element| arr.count(element) > 1 } !dup.uniq.empty? end end # for packages RSpec::Matchers.define :be_installed do match do |package| package.installed? == true end failure_message do |package| "expected that `#{package}` is installed" end chain :by do raise "[UNSUPPORTED] Please use the new resources 'gem', 'npm' or 'pip'." end end # for services RSpec::Matchers.define :be_enabled do match do |service| service.enabled? == true end chain :with_level do |_level| raise "[UNSUPPORTED] with level is not supported" end failure_message do |service| "expected that `#{service}` is enabled" end end # service resource matcher for serverspec compatibility # Deprecated: You should not use this matcher anymore RSpec::Matchers.define :be_running do match do |service| service.running? == true end chain :under do |_under| raise "[UNSUPPORTED] under is not supported" end failure_message do |service| "expected that `#{service}` is running" end end # matcher to check if host is reachable RSpec::Matchers.define :be_reachable do match do |host| host.reachable? == true end chain :with do |_attr| raise "[UNSUPPORTED] `with` is not supported in combination with `be_reachable`" end failure_message do |host| "expected that host #{host} is reachable" end end # matcher to check if host is resolvable RSpec::Matchers.define :be_resolvable do match do |host| host.resolvable? == true end chain :by do |_type| raise "[UNSUPPORTED] `by` is not supported in combination with `be_resolvable`. Please use the following syntax `host('example.com', port: 53, proto: 'udp')`." end failure_message do |host| "expected that host #{host} is resolvable" end end # matcher for iptables, ip6tables and nftables RSpec::Matchers.define :have_rule do |rule| match do |tables| tables.has_rule?(rule) end chain :with_table do |_table| raise "[UNSUPPORTED] `with_table` is not supported in combination with `have_rule`. Please use the following syntax `iptables(table:'mangle', chain: 'input')`." end chain :with_chain do |_chain| raise "[UNSUPPORTED] `with_table` is not supported in combination with `with_chain`. Please use the following syntax `iptables(table:'mangle', chain: 'input')`." end end # matcher for nftables sets RSpec::Matchers.define :have_element do |elem| match do |sets| sets.has_element?(elem) end end # `be_in` matcher # You can use it in the following cases: # - check if an item or array is included in a given array # eg: # describe nginx do # its('user') { should be_in AUTHORIZED_USER_LIST } # end # describe nginx do # its('module_list') { should be_in AUTHORIZED_MODULE_LIST } # end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_in do |list| match do |item| # Handle both single item and array item.is_a?(Array) ? (item - list).empty? : list.include?(item) end match_when_negated do |item| # Handle both single item and array item.is_a?(Array) ? (item & list).empty? : !list.include?(item) end failure_message do |item| if item.is_a?(Array) "expected `#{item}` to be in the list: `#{list}` \nDiff:\n #{(item - list)}" else "expected `#{item}` to be in the list: `#{list}`" end end failure_message_when_negated do |item| if item.is_a?(Array) "expected `#{item}` not to be in the list: `#{list}` \nComm:\n #{(item & list)}" else "expected `#{item}` not to be in the list: `#{list}`" end end end # This matcher implements a compare feature that cannot be covered by the default # `eq` matcher # You can use it in the following cases: # - compare strings case-insensitive # - you expect a number (strings will be converted if possible) # RSpec::Matchers.define :cmp do |first_expected| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength def integer?(value) !(value =~ /\A-?0+\Z|\A-?[1-9]\d*\Z/).nil? end def float?(value) Float(value) true rescue ArgumentError, TypeError false end def octal?(value) value.is_a?(String) && (value =~ /\A0+[0-7]+\Z/) end def boolean?(value) if value.respond_to?("downcase") %w{true false}.include?(value.downcase) else value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass) end end def version?(value) Gem::Version.new(value) true rescue ArgumentError => _ex false end # expects that the values have been checked with boolean? def to_boolean(value) value.casecmp("true") == 0 end def try_match(actual, op, expected) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize # if actual and expected are strings if expected.is_a?(String) && actual.is_a?(String) return actual.casecmp(expected) == 0 if op == :== return Gem::Version.new(actual).send(op, Gem::Version.new(expected)) if version?(expected) && version?(actual) elsif expected.is_a?(Regexp) && (actual.is_a?(String) || actual.is_a?(Integer)) return !actual.to_s.match(expected).nil? elsif expected.is_a?(String) && integer?(expected) && actual.is_a?(Integer) return actual.send(op, expected.to_i) elsif expected.is_a?(String) && boolean?(expected) && [true, false].include?(actual) return actual.send(op, to_boolean(expected)) elsif boolean?(expected) && %w{true false}.include?(actual) return actual.send(op, expected.to_s) elsif expected.is_a?(Integer) && actual.is_a?(String) && integer?(actual) return actual.to_i.send(op, expected) elsif expected.is_a?(Float) && float?(actual) return actual.to_f.send(op, expected) elsif actual.is_a?(Symbol) && expected.is_a?(String) return try_match(actual.to_s, op, expected) elsif octal?(expected) && actual.is_a?(Integer) return actual.send(op, expected.to_i(8)) end # fallback to simple operation actual.send(op, expected) rescue NameError => _ false rescue ArgumentError false end match do |actual| @operation ||= :== @expected ||= first_expected return actual === @expected if @operation == :=== # rubocop:disable Style/CaseEquality actual = actual[0] if actual.is_a?(Array) && !@expected.is_a?(Array) && actual.length == 1 try_match(actual, @operation, @expected) end %i{== != < <= >= > === =~}.each do |op| chain(op) do |x| @operation = op @expected = x end end def format_actual(actual) actual = "0%o" % actual if octal?(@expected) && !actual.nil? "\n%s\n got: %s\n\n(compared using `cmp` matcher)\n" % [format_expectation(false), actual] end def format_expectation(negate) return "expected: %s" % [@expected] if @operation == :== && !negate negate_str = negate ? "not " : "" "expected it %sto be %s %p" % [negate_str, @operation, @expected] end failure_message do |actual| format_actual actual end failure_message_when_negated do |actual| format_actual actual end description do "cmp %s %p" % [@operation, @expected] end end # user resource matcher for serverspec compatibility # This matcher will be deprecated in future RSpec::Matchers.define :be_mounted do match do |path| if !@options.nil? path.mounted?(@options, @identical) else path.mounted? end end chain :with do |attr| @options = attr @identical = false end chain :only_with do |attr| @options = attr @identical = true end failure_message do |path| if !@options.nil? "\n#{path} is not mounted with the options\n expected: #{@options}\n got: #{path.mount_options}\n" else "\n#{path} is not mounted\n" end end end