# encoding: utf-8 # copyright: 2015, Vulcano Security GmbH require 'shellwords' module Inspec::Resources module FilePermissionsSelector def select_file_perms_style(os) if os.unix? UnixFilePermissions.new(inspec) elsif os.windows? WindowsFilePermissions.new(inspec) end end end class FileResource < Inspec.resource(1) include FilePermissionsSelector include LinuxMountParser name 'file' supports platform: 'unix' supports platform: 'windows' desc 'Use the file InSpec audit resource to test all system file types, including files, directories, symbolic links, named pipes, sockets, character devices, block devices, and doors.' example <<~EXAMPLE describe file('path') do it { should exist } it { should be_file } it { should be_readable } it { should be_writable } it { should be_executable.by_user('root') } it { should be_owned_by 'root' } its('mode') { should cmp '0644' } end EXAMPLE attr_reader :file, :mount_options def initialize(path) # select permissions style @perms_provider = select_file_perms_style(inspec.os) @file = inspec.backend.file(path) end %w{ type exist? file? block_device? character_device? socket? directory? symlink? pipe? mode mode? owner owned_by? group grouped_into? link_path shallow_link_path linked_to? mtime size selinux_label immutable? product_version file_version version? md5sum sha256sum path basename source source_path uid gid }.each do |m| define_method m.to_sym do |*args| file.method(m.to_sym).call(*args) end end def content res = file.content return nil if res.nil? res.force_encoding('utf-8') end def contain(*_) raise 'Contain is not supported. Please use standard RSpec matchers.' end def readable?(by_usergroup, by_specific_user) return false unless exist? return skip_resource '`readable?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil? file_permission_granted?('read', by_usergroup, by_specific_user) end def writable?(by_usergroup, by_specific_user) return false unless exist? return skip_resource '`writable?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil? file_permission_granted?('write', by_usergroup, by_specific_user) end def executable?(by_usergroup, by_specific_user) return false unless exist? return skip_resource '`executable?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil? file_permission_granted?('execute', by_usergroup, by_specific_user) end def allowed?(permission, opts = {}) return false unless exist? return skip_resource '`allowed?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil? file_permission_granted?(permission, opts[:by], opts[:by_user]) end def mounted?(expected_options = nil, identical = false) mounted = file.mounted # return if no additional parameters have been provided return file.mounted? if expected_options.nil? # deprecation warning, this functionality will be removed in future version Inspec.deprecate(:file_resource_be_mounted_matchers, 'The file resource `be_mounted.with` and `be_mounted.only_with` matchers are deprecated. Please use the `mount` resource instead') # we cannot read mount data on non-Linux systems return nil if !inspec.os.linux? # parse content if we are on linux @mount_options ||= parse_mount_options(mounted.stdout, true) if identical # check if the options should be identical @mount_options == expected_options else # otherwise compare the selected values @mount_options.contains(expected_options) end end def suid (mode & 04000) > 0 end alias setuid? suid def sgid (mode & 02000) > 0 end alias setgid? sgid def sticky (mode & 01000) > 0 end alias sticky? sticky def more_permissive_than?(max_mode = nil) raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceFailed, 'The file' + file.path + 'doesn\'t seem to exist' unless exist? raise ArgumentError, 'You must proivde a value for the `maximum allowable permission` for the file.' if max_mode.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'You must proivde the `maximum permission target` as a `String`, you provided: ' + max_mode.class.to_s unless max_mode.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, 'The value of the `maximum permission target` should be a valid file mode in 4-ditgit octal format: for example, `0644` or `0777`' unless /(0)?([0-7])([0-7])([0-7])/.match?(max_mode) # Using the files mode and a few bit-wise calculations we can ensure a # file is no more permisive than desired. # # 1. Calculate the inverse of the desired mode (e.g., 0644) by XOR it with # 0777 (all 1s). We are interested in the bits that are currently 0 since # it indicates that the actual mode is more permissive than the desired mode. # Conversely, we dont care about the bits that are currently 1 because they # cannot be any more permissive and we can safely ignore them. # # 2. Calculate the above result of ANDing the actual mode and the inverse # mode. This will determine if any of the bits that would indicate a more # permissive mode are set in the actual mode. # # 3. If the result is 0000, the files mode is equal # to or less permissive than the desired mode (PASS). Otherwise, the files # mode is more permissive than the desired mode (FAIL). max_mode = max_mode.rjust(4, '0') binary_desired_mode = format('%04b', max_mode).to_i(2) desired_mode_inverse = (binary_desired_mode ^ 0b111111111) (desired_mode_inverse & file.mode).zero? ? false : true end def to_s "File #{source_path}" end private def file_permission_granted?(access_type, by_usergroup, by_specific_user) raise '`file_permission_granted?` is not supported on your OS' if @perms_provider.nil? if by_specific_user.nil? || by_specific_user.empty? @perms_provider.check_file_permission_by_mask(file, access_type, by_usergroup, by_specific_user) else @perms_provider.check_file_permission_by_user(access_type, by_specific_user, source_path) end end end class FilePermissions attr_reader :inspec def initialize(inspec) @inspec = inspec end end class UnixFilePermissions < FilePermissions def permission_flag(access_type) case access_type when 'read' 'r' when 'write' 'w' when 'execute' 'x' else raise 'Invalid access_type provided' end end def usergroup_for(usergroup, specific_user) if usergroup == 'others' 'other' elsif (usergroup.nil? || usergroup.empty?) && specific_user.nil? 'all' else usergroup end end def check_file_permission_by_mask(file, access_type, usergroup, specific_user) usergroup = usergroup_for(usergroup, specific_user) flag = permission_flag(access_type) mask = file.unix_mode_mask(usergroup, flag) raise 'Invalid usergroup/owner provided' if mask.nil? (file.mode & mask) != 0 end def check_file_permission_by_user(access_type, user, path) flag = permission_flag(access_type) if inspec.os.linux? perm_cmd = "su -s /bin/sh -c \"test -#{flag} #{path}\" #{user}" elsif inspec.os.bsd? || inspec.os.solaris? perm_cmd = "sudo -u #{user} test -#{flag} #{path}" elsif inspec.os.aix? perm_cmd = "su #{user} -c test -#{flag} #{path}" elsif inspec.os.hpux? perm_cmd = "su #{user} -c \"test -#{flag} #{path}\"" else return skip_resource 'The `file` resource does not support `by_user` on your OS.' end cmd = inspec.command(perm_cmd) cmd.exit_status == 0 ? true : false end end class WindowsFilePermissions < FilePermissions def check_file_permission_by_mask(_file, _access_type, _usergroup, _specific_user) raise '`check_file_permission_by_mask` is not supported on Windows' end def more_permissive_than?(*) raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceSkipped, 'The `more_permissive_than?` matcher is not supported on your OS yet.' end def check_file_permission_by_user(access_type, user, path) access_rule = translate_perm_names(access_type) access_rule = convert_to_powershell_array(access_rule) cmd = inspec.command("@(@((Get-Acl '#{path}').access | Where-Object {$_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow' -and $_.IdentityReference -eq '#{user}' }) | Where-Object {($_.FileSystemRights.ToString().Split(',') | % {$_.trim()} | ? {#{access_rule} -contains $_}) -ne $null}) | measure | % { $_.Count }") cmd.stdout.chomp == '0' ? false : true end private def convert_to_powershell_array(arr) if arr.empty? '@()' else %{@('#{arr.join("', '")}')} end end # Translates a developer-friendly string into a list of acceptable # FileSystemRights that match it, because Windows has a fun heirarchy # of permissions that are able to be noted in multiple ways. # # See also: https://www.codeproject.com/Reference/871338/AccessControl-FileSystemRights-Permissions-Table def translate_perm_names(access_type) names = translate_common_perms(access_type) names ||= translate_granular_perms(access_type) names ||= translate_uncommon_perms(access_type) raise 'Invalid access_type provided' unless names names end def translate_common_perms(access_type) case access_type when 'full-control' %w{FullControl} when 'modify' translate_perm_names('full-control') + %w{Modify} when 'read' translate_perm_names('modify') + %w{ReadAndExecute Read} when 'write' translate_perm_names('modify') + %w{Write} when 'execute' translate_perm_names('modify') + %w{ReadAndExecute ExecuteFile Traverse} when 'delete' translate_perm_names('modify') + %w{Delete} end end def translate_uncommon_perms(access_type) case access_type when 'delete-subdirectories-and-files' translate_perm_names('full-control') + %w{DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles} when 'change-permissions' translate_perm_names('full-control') + %w{ChangePermissions} when 'take-ownership' translate_perm_names('full-control') + %w{TakeOwnership} when 'synchronize' translate_perm_names('full-control') + %w{Synchronize} end end def translate_granular_perms(access_type) case access_type when 'write-data', 'create-files' translate_perm_names('write') + %w{WriteData CreateFiles} when 'append-data', 'create-directories' translate_perm_names('write') + %w{CreateDirectories AppendData} when 'write-extended-attributes' translate_perm_names('write') + %w{WriteExtendedAttributes} when 'write-attributes' translate_perm_names('write') + %w{WriteAttributes} when 'read-data', 'list-directory' translate_perm_names('read') + %w{ReadData ListDirectory} when 'read-attributes' translate_perm_names('read') + %w{ReadAttributes} when 'read-extended-attributes' translate_perm_names('read') + %w{ReadExtendedAttributes} when 'read-permissions' translate_perm_names('read') + %w{ReadPermissions} end end end end