h2.margin-under-xs InSpec Documentation p Welcome to the InSpec documentation! This is a reference guide for all available features and options. p In the navigation, you will see 2 sections. The first provides a few links to get started and context around InSpec. The second section contains references to all elements of InSpec: The DSL, CLI, profiles, resources, and matchers. h3.margin-top-xs Are you new to InSpec? hr.strict-left br p If you're just getting started and want a quick introduction, then we recommend you start with the following items in the order listed. .row .columns.medium-6 .box-white-brdr.strict-center. p.txt-margin Complete a short interactive demo a.btn.try-demo href="http://inspec.io/tutorial" Try the Demo .columns.medium-6 .box-white-brdr.strict-center p.txt-margin Get your first hands-on experience a.btn.clear href="tutorials" Tutorials h3.margin-top-xs Contributing hr.strict-left br p.clear This documentation is automatically generated from the InSpec repository and source code. p To contribute, please have a look at the docs folder of the project.