# encoding: utf-8 # copyright: 2015, Vulcano Security GmbH # author: Christoph Hartmann # author: Dominik Richter # license: All rights reserved # The file format consists of # - username # - password # - userid # - groupid # - user id info # - home directory # - command require 'utils/parser' class Passwd < Inspec.resource(1) name 'passwd' desc 'Use the passwd InSpec audit resource to test the contents of /etc/passwd, which contains the following information for users that may log into the system and/or as users that own running processes.' example " describe passwd do its('users') { should_not include 'forbidden_user' } end describe passwd.uids(0) do its('users') { should eq 'root' } its('count') { should eq 1 } end describe passwd.shells(/nologin/) do # find all users with a nologin shell its('users') { should_not include 'my_login_user' } end " include PasswdParser attr_reader :uid attr_reader :params attr_reader :content attr_reader :lines def initialize(path = nil, opts = nil) opts ||= {} @path = path || '/etc/passwd' @content = opts[:content] || inspec.file(@path).content @lines = @content.to_s.split("\n") @filters = opts[:filters] || '' @params = parse_passwd(@content) end def filter(hm = {}) return self if hm.nil? || hm.empty? res = @params filters = '' hm.each do |attr, condition| condition = condition.to_s if condition.is_a? Integer filters += " #{attr} = #{condition.inspect}" res = res.find_all do |line| case line[attr.to_s] when condition true else false end end end content = res.map { |x| x.values.join(':') }.join("\n") Passwd.new(@path, content: content, filters: @filters + filters) end def usernames warn '[DEPRECATION] `passwd.usernames` is deprecated. Please use `passwd.users` instead. It will be removed in version 1.0.0.' users end def username warn '[DEPRECATION] `passwd.user` is deprecated. Please use `passwd.users` instead. It will be removed in version 1.0.0.' users[0] end def uid(x) warn '[DEPRECATION] `passwd.uid(arg)` is deprecated. Please use `passwd.uids(arg)` instead. It will be removed in version 1.0.0.' uids(x) end def users(name = nil) name.nil? ? map_data('user') : filter(user: name) end def passwords(password = nil) password.nil? ? map_data('password') : filter(password: password) end def uids(uid = nil) uid.nil? ? map_data('uid') : filter(uid: uid) end def gids(gid = nil) gid.nil? ? map_data('gid') : filter(gid: gid) end def homes(home = nil) home.nil? ? map_data('home') : filter(home: home) end def shells(shell = nil) shell.nil? ? map_data('shell') : filter(shell: shell) end def to_s f = @filters.empty? ? '' : ' with'+@filters "/etc/passwd#{f}" end def count @params.length end private def map_data(id) @params.map { |x| x[id] } end end